The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)

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The Jersey Journali

Jersey City, New Jersey

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DIED Jersey Journo! DIED Jersey City 6 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 5 1955 MOITI the I COCher i Abortion Case Dining Room Table Was the Seat of Learning for Byrne amily Confession Bj rne to keep up ALTHOUGH her own for PARKING Police Aides Continued CARD THANKS businesses yesterday stricken Nocturnal ociety of HoijMrs Martha Ebner of Mountain 1 IU1 ianertner bosis' Mr ancl attempting to starve hnsjHlc employes and their families it Hero Driver Home Wit MASS ar the LORISTS be hospital at Westover Mrs Elizabeth Wern DIED us anyuung ex i if parachutes Next ormerly of Jersey City uneral services Will be Cresthaven Cemetery Clifton if the stops" an im ef Byrne home Par and the the Ber and both "good" condition today at the base clie(1 Thursday hxcnitnl fAt One of the survivors Navy Capt Un'iversitv Hosnital to Carey said the union and com pany originally agreed to negotiate only on wages and a time study Montgomery Visits Ike Collins Was ormer Ad Man Military Plane Down in River 4 Men Missing The driver of a bus which crashed to within inches of the Depressed Highway of the said The other three survivors were identified as 1st Lt Joseph Delau rentis 40 of South Hadley alls Mass Sgt' Richard Gerhard 32 of Rochester NY and Sgt A Meremickik of Brooklyn NY Westinghouse Rejec's CIO Truce Talk an De November 7 Solemn High Mass of Interment Holy Name a past Mountain a at the Medical Cen txi held at 11 am at the William uneral Home Jer with the Rev nenry Nichols as of Salem was found in a dazed condition near the riverbank Thev didn tell ik anything cv cent to nut on i tiling we knew we hit the Nichols said wav the two year contract But later he said the company "insisted that we tear up our contract and negotiate only on the basis of a PITTSBURGH (UP) Westing house Electric Corp today rejected a proposal by the striking CIO elec trical workers union for a truce meeting to discuss strike isues in the presence of Mayor David Lawrence and members of the Turtle Creek Ministerial Assn In turning down the proposal the company said the place to settle this dispute is at the bargain ing meeting such as Mr Carey suggests would only lead to more speech making and further com plicate the problem of reaching a fair and honorableagreement "the spokesman said James Carey president of CIO International Union of Elec trical Workers suggested the meet ing in a telegraphed reply to the association which represents min isters in the Turtle Creek area where the big Westinghouse East Pittsburgh Works are located The association had urged bothsides end their "mutual attempt Ito discolor misrepresent and state issues as the fault of the In its reply the union outlined day old walkout on the basis its position and accused the com pany of trvmg to settle the 20 day old walkout "not on the basis i of justice and equities involved (but by a massive propaganda cam ban who' hardware 60 for Co Charles A Hanford The funeral of Charles Hanford 56 president JOS LA PAGLIA INC 160 lret St HO 3 0273 Branch: 1200 Washington St short notice Mod prices auto del Bouquetsfuneral design HO 3 S800 was the Club was Memorial irst Wife of JWV Officer Shiva will be held starting tonight for Mrs Martha Broat man Ebner 30 wife of Gerald Ebner commander of the North Bergen Post of the Jew ish War Veterans Mrs Ebner who gave birth to her third Louis Garcia 21 of 503 Jef ferson St paid a $30 fine in municipal court for fictitious plates on his and another $30 for not: ing obtained plates Robert Green 19 of Adams St also paid a $30 dor lending Garcia his license plate labs tor his Green admitted lending tabs to Garcia as police would Workers in 10 Westinghouseplants not tow his car off the street I mined the strike Oct 25 having auto hav Anna Gernannt 92 Jersey City Resident uneral services for Miss Anna Gerrannt 92 of 46 ul ton Ave Jersey City who died yesterday ter will Monday Schlemm sey City Brosius officiating Interment will be at Bay Viem Cemetery Jersey City1 police and avoid a towing band's death Mrs Byrne car ried the extra burden with scarcely a sick day in her long life "She loved what probably kept her so a friend declared was happiest when there was a crowd around Once when there were eight people in the house she protested mildly one ever comes to see times she would find notes on her kitchen table from her sons when she woke a relative said usually read like this: "Mom please set four more places for breakfast I brought some of my school friends home late last And there were few better ways than this to start the day right for the little Irish lady who loved people so much Will Seek lood Bodies A busload of 40 Jersey City auxiliary policemen will leave tomorrow morning for East Stroudsberg Pa to continue the search for the bodies of nine Jersey City flood victims at the Camp Davis site The group will leave from the Carteret Garage 2565 Hud son Blvd Jersey City at 7:30 am Walter Sennessy and William Moore auxiliary policemen will be in charge The search party will be equipped with boots shovels picks and other material sup plied by Commissioner Joseph Department of Pub lic Works The search party was re quested by rank Koch of Jer sey City who lost his wife Julia and two grandsons rancis McCaffery 9 and Mi chael McCaffery 8 in the re cent flood The bodies' of his wife and rancis McCaffery have been recovered Volunteers wishing to join the search party are asked to appear at the Jersey City starting point who died HlNsRN Twelfth Anniversary Mass In memory of Sgt Raymond Hansen at St Ann's Church (Keansburg Requested by Mother and Dad Louis Trautman The funeral5 of Louis Trautman 86 of 15 Troy Jersey City' will be Monday from the Otto Mack uneral Home Mr Trautman a member of Hudson Council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanis and a lifelong Jersey City resident died Thursday in Pollak Hospital DEATH IN MEMORIAM NOTICES May be telephoned to The Jersey Journal by your fu uneral director or delivered to our office from 7:30 to 8:30 am for insertion in the current paper Saturday deadline 7:30 to 8:30 am Phone JO 2 1000 RATE TEN CENTS A WORD (each abbreviated word counted as one word) No advertisem*nt for less than the price of 25 words ($250) Same price each day William Kucker The funeral 1 of William Kucker 75 of 123 Thorne St Jersey City will be Monday from the Beddiges and Seitz uneral Home Mr Kucker a native of Germany who lived 60 years Jersey City died Thursday in the Medical Cen ter 508 fine 1955 car mands About 11000 members of the the independent United Electrical Mrs Delia Byrne 80 Born in Ireland The funeral of Mrs Delia Byrne 80 widow of Patrick Byrne of 60 Warner Ave Jersey City mother of three teachers and two state em i ployes was held today A high mass of requiem will was sung at 10 am in" St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church Mrs Byrne the former Delia Mannion died Wednesday in the Medical Center She was a native of Ireland and had' lived in Jersey City since child bcod She was a member of the Rosary Society of St Pa Church Surviving 'are her three teacher daughters Mrs Marie 1 Began Mrs Alice White and Miss Margaret Byrne three sons Henry Byrne super visor in the Beverage Tax Divi sion of the State Treasury De partment Walter A Byrne assistant manager of the Ho boken office of the Em ployment Service and John Byrne also nine grand children Lawrence Quinn funeral director was in charge of rangements 78th St North Bergen was released from North Hudson Hospital yesterday following treatment for a fractured kle and internal injuries spite his injuries he kept the bus from rolling over brink of the tunnel cut wall Baby's Death Laid to Heart A heart condition present i from birth caused the death of 7 month old Nathan errig no of 408 Monroe St Hobo ken The Hudson County Medical Examiner's Office announced the cause of death after an autopsy was per formed The infant was while he slept early Thursday His 15 year old sister Jose phine saw that he was having diiticulty breathing breathed into his mouth fort to help him Tlie parents Joseph Blasina errigno' were working at the time A of was being arranged today Washington Mr Hanford a (native of Jersey City who livedm West Orange more recently night of a heart ailment im Georgetown Repudiated Miss Annc Rosenstein 32 of New York is Io return to the jvitjiess stand Monday for cross examination by Assist ant Prosecutor Leon Miroff in' the trial of her and Mrs 54 of Se caucus! Jt will be the third Week of tiie trial before Hudson Coun ty Judge David A Nimmo and a Jury of 12 women and two "men including two women al ternates: Taking the stand in her own defense yesterday afternoon Miss" Rosenstein repudiated a written confession in' which slie said she arranged for the illegal operation the state claims was performed by Mrs Brandenburg She said she made the confession' because of lengthy questioning by Un ion City police' WOMAN DIED The women are charged i with causing a miscarriage leading to the death (of Mrs Helen Mack 27 of 220 4th jersey City The opera tion was performed at Mrs former home at 2802 Hudson Blvd Union City on May 17 1951 the state charges Mrs( Mack died 10 days later Joseph Miele of 48 Eastern Pkway Jersey City accused in Mrs deathbed decla ration of being the father of the unborn rhilrt Hnld I1aI vo 41 JVL Il V1J ithe witness stand He formerly lived at the 4th Street Jersey iTy aaarpss A Union City PoliceLt'Thom as Dubelbeiss who' Was on the investigation was the last Wit ness for the state before it rested its case (' William Schlemm Inc Bergen Harrison HE 4 0411 2200 Hudson Blvd UN 7iooo IN MEMORIAM RRAK KI In Invinor mmorv of enr dear wife and mother Agatha who 1 parsed1' away November 5 1M4 Always a grievirttj heart Often a silent tear But always memory Of one we loved so dear Crod gave us' strength to bear ItAnd courage to face the blow But what it meant to lose you one will ever know Bereaved husband: aona and' daughters the latest: of which is the A Harry Moore housing project which was opened two years ago South of Harrison Avenue the merchants are reresented by the West Side Avenue Business Men's Association William Ochs is president and Thomas McGovern is chair man of the parking and traffic committee O'Rnruvie i i thank aJl our relatives and friends i'u nit KtiHi pathv spiritual funeral brother thanks tn Rav Thomas oy Rev Joseph Doyl Rev Joseph Stockhammer the an that as as 135 feet of curbis needlessly wasted intersections AN On Wednesday November 2 1955 Catherine (nee Loprestii of 336 Woodward Street beloved wife of the late Joseph: mother of SilvioMildred Alessa Michael and rank 9 grandchildren ahd 3 great grandchil dren Relatives and friends are In vited to attend funeral from Sca uneral Home 160 Bruns wii Bireel uonuay it it Requiem at Holy Rosary" Church at wju tr Cemetery Charles Harold Collins former outdoor manager the O'Mealia Advertising and for the past 25 years pro prietor of a sweets shop at Mountain View died yester day at the home of his daugh ter Mrs eBrnard Rupple at Lincoln Park Mr Collins was a brother of the late EdwardCollins a mo tion picture actor whose voice awtsath WDMLYM WMWMM becausewas that of in the of the film "The Seven Edward Collins died in 1939 recentlyj Mr Charles Collins native of Jersey City lai isq Margaret xr i i i i i i i I Mr Collins president of View Kiwanis member of the Aid Squad of Wayne Town ship a member of Paterson Council Knights of Columbus Msgr Stein Assembly ourth Degree Knights of Columbus Aurora Caravan Order of Al hambra of the Knights of Columbus and( the Holy Name (Society and the Adoration Cross Church (View Mr Collms who husband of Mary Hannigan Collins is survived in addition to his wife and daughter by two sons Charles Harold of Hawthorne and Edwin of Mountain View and a sister Mrs Walter Stiller of Jersey son three weeks ago died city ana live granaenuaren The funeral will be Monday morning trom tne uneral Home 781 Turnpike on Route 23 Pompton Plains A mass of requiem will be of fered in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church: at 9:30 am November 7 uneral Home 781 Route 23 Pompton i UN BONDED worldwide telegraph DELIVERY prompt local delivery to all tuneral homes hospitals private residences Order by phone today: mall a check next month He 0972 CINDERELLA LORIST 834 West Bide Ave Estab 1910 mal education was limited to grammar school she was graduated from old School 12 in Jersey City in 1888 the year of the Mrs Byrne continued to educate herself informally through her life was fond of a cousin declared "Her home was always rich with good books and she often read four newspapers a day wit! national and foreign af fairs I Mrs Byrne Wednesday and whose funeral was today managed to do a little teaching herself She taught Sunday School at St Patrick's Church parish of which she was a member most of her 82 years HER DEVOTION to peda gogics she served the role hold A invnnrr'nHi nf I 1 1 1'4 CA lf 111 4 1 1 Jx4 4 TV a 4 A minutes later the planethe Otto Mack uneral Home began to sink I got the chute off ogs' Central Ave Jersey Cityand made a dive for the door I for EHzajcth Wern 84 saw an other eUow go ou "hedoornee Wcber a Jormer Jerse vhnf tal0WlCity resident who died yester I I ia at her home at Ridgefield One of the boys couldn swim I though" Nichols said M1? rv nWh0 'v water was ready cold kind of brought me back to life I just made it to shore It must funeral wll! held Monday have been about 100 yards" he at 2 with interment at MULVIHILL Daniel Third Anni versary Mass Gore but not forgotten Wife Eleanor Mnlvlhtll and ton Pfc Daniel Mulvihill of a teacher during the ses sions at her dining room bore fruit in her chil dren Her three daughters bf came teachers and her three sons were graduated from Jesuit colleges The tradition has reached another generation for' some of her nine grand children have college degrees The husband Patrick Byrne died almost a half century when he was 38 He and his brother Henry had the Jersey City garbage contract before the latter became a city corrimis sioner with rank Hague shortly after the commission form of government was adopted in 1913 ALTHOUGH having respon sibility: of both a mother and father because of her hus early yesterday of post child birth complications and was Scanlan buried in Mount Moi iah Ceme ip rv airviPiv Mrs Ebner who lived at 12 76th St North Bergen was a past senior vice president of the JWV Auxiliary in North Bergen and was active in North Hudson Hadassah the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El the Robert I ulton School ent Teachers Association Unity Link Order of Golden Chain Born in Bronx she lived in North I gen 15 ears HOLYOKE Mass our of! eight men aboard a military trum lWilHam SchwarZe fLZt 1 William Schwarz 60 of 243 Conneiticut River yre nussmg reeman Ave Jersev Citv an in the rain swollen stream todav emplove of the General Bak The tour sumvors managed tolin Cp jersPV citv died ves swim 100 vards to shoi aftpi thoir1 Jersey 54 Air 17 plunged into the stream at 1146 pm riday dur ing a lashing ram storm Police and volunteers searched the banks of the river for the miss ing men The two engined plane was en TV 114IU414 1966 of 243 reeman Avenue tie loved husband of Hildegard (nea Thomaler) devoted father of Mra Elfrlede Reinhardt and Mra Eleanor Hyland Relatives and fronds invited to attend services on Sunday at 8 at William Schlemm Inc uneral Home Bergen and Hyrtaon Avenues uneral Monday at Xou Interment Nevi York Bay Cemetery SMITH On Saturday Novembw 1956 John Sr beloved husband of the late Mary tnee Barry) and devoted father of John and Victor Smith Relatives and friends are In vited to attend funeral from the al lon uneral Home 157 Bowers Street Jersey City on Tuesday at a Solemn Requiem Mass at St Paul of the Cross Church at 10 a panel their of the uncertainty parking situation "One ononerl 'a said McGovern wdnderinglwas ie son of the if he make a mistakelward Collins and bv locating on West Side Ave Casseijly Collins 1 hue His customers have to drive a couple of times around the block before they can park their MOP A HELP Another merchant told Mc Govern that he feels he is very lucky to be located next to a bus stop because cus tomers can "drive up right in front of my Both Ochs and McGovern reiterated the complaints of merchants in other sections of the city who thought the new' uua oiups me iuu lung mind buses pulled into the said Ochs Another complaint is much space at various where parking is prohibited been told this is going to said Ochs The businessmen say there is property available in West Bergen which could be con verted into parking facilities man bought a corner! I from the city and built a large parking lot for his said Ochs he could do why the city do Louis on November 3 1955 of 15 Troy Street Jereey City husband of the lale Mathilda i nee Anderson): brother of Mrs Ids Cummings Relatives and flrenda also members of Hudson Council No 175 Jr A are invited to attend funeral services at Otto Mack uneral Home Central Avenue and Hutton Street Jersey City Sunday evening November 6 at 8 nerad Monday at convenience of fam ily Kindly omit flowers Rev et tlngell officiating Henry Sr on riday No vember 4 1955 of 1010 10th Avenue South St Petersburg lorida for merly of Guttenberg his T7th year husband of late Carrie (nee Barthi devoted father of ather Gilbert Walser Henry Raymond Mrs Mary Keough Sister Mary Rose Dolores and Nicholas Roehrig: Reia fives and friends also Exempt ira men Eclipse Hoae Co Guttenberg Palisade Hoae Co No 5 Guttenberg Sick and Death Benefit und are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral on Monday Novem ber 7 at 9 a m' from the Leber uneral Home Hudson Boulevard comer 20th Street Union City thence to St Michael's Monastery at 1ft o'clock where a High Mass will be offered for the happy repose of bila soul Remains may be viewed Bun day November 6 after 3 Ridgefield former lv of Jersey City on November 4 1955 Elizabeth (nee Weber) beloved wife of the late William mother of Elsie and Mrs Emily Sulll grandmother of Caroline Baxter Charles William and Elaine Sulli also survived by two great grandchildren Relatives and friend are invited to attend funeral servlcee at Otto Mack uneral Home comer of Central Avenue and Hutton Street Jersey City Sunday November 6 at 4 uneral Monday 2 Intermerit Cresthaven Cemetery LAWRENCE QUINN HE 4 1661 SINCE 1855 HOBOKEN Hoboken 3 0442 DENVER (UP) Ei senhower today entered the sev enth week of recovery from his $ept 24 heart attack with all evi dence from liis hospital room point ing to an increasingly (successful recuperation I in suneuuiea a am MSTb 1 1130 am EST) meeting at itz simons Army Hospital with one of I Ins close friends and World War II1' comrade British ield Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein who is now deputy commander or NATO forces I1 In this seventh awk aftpr fhJ initial corollary throml ICOhllMr nn 1 4 1 1 Ajwviuivnn uupcu luifdve uie nos pital here and fl to Washington jn obiibly next riday He was ex pei teil to rest in the White Houseover the weekend then nn tn hie lai nr at Gettysburg Pa in timeldisjiutc in accordance with re tor Mrs 59th birth lopencr provisions in the current nay Monday itooert uiasier company vice Two Hoboken1 youths hadlpresident and head of the Westing $90 less today because theylhouse negotiating team said the Hied to "put one on the firm "asked onlv that the union give us equal treatment to that which they gave to our biggest which they gave to our biggest competitor The WesUnghousc IUE meetings (Lincoln Tunnel in Union City recessed ndav after a series of (two weeks ago is home again fruitles week long sessions Talks 1oday Hugh Sticco 38 of 510 will resume Monday Some 41000 RJE workcrs in 30 Westinghouse plants walked out iiOet 17 to support contra de lVhat Adequate uneral Home acilities Mean To You When Seeking The RIGHT uneral Home CONDUCTING from eight to ten funerals in one day is not unusual for us Nor does It in any way crowd our facilities The fact is this is an 'ash autage to families who have exacting requirements to comfortably accommodate those expected to attend serv ices This is because at you have a selection of a number of chapel suites (chapel with axljoing family room) all of different sizes That is why there is no crowd Jug nor is there the feeling of a small funeral gathering being in a room that Is too large Our facilities are adaptable for the strictly private small family funeral or the funeral attended by large numbers including members of organizations Moreover if you have relatives or friends to come from a distance we have overnight rooms available on upper floors whjch compare with those of finest hotels You are invited to visit the Schlemm funeral home most convenient for inspection any time day or night There is no obligation whatever And please in time of emergency your telephone maks us neighbors ALL UNERALS PERSONALLY SUPERVISED BY MR WILLIAM SCHLEMM Member of Associated uneral Directors Service Inc Serving the United States Canada and Mexico (Only uneral Director In Union City and Jervey City providing this Service) William Schlemm Inc Schlemm unerals Including Use of uneral Horn $250 $350 and According to Casket Selected Guaranteed Concrete Vault at $100 JERSEY CITY 4 Bergen and Harrison Axes ilEnderson 1 0 111 UNION CITY Hudson Boulevard and 22nd bf UNion 7 1000 IINRV On Thursday November 3 1955 Edward ot 236 Duncan Ave nue husband of Charlotte cnee Mackiewicz i devoted father of Charlotte and James beloved broth er of James Mrs Mae lynn John apd Mrs Aim Cerrone Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral from the JCorrigan uneral Home 723 West Side Avenue nri Monday November 7 at 8 a rn High Mas at St Aioysiiis Church 9 a Interment Holy Criss Ceme Arlington IIES! SION Margaret' Anna (nee itz simmons) on November 15 Minerva Street beloved William devoted mother Lillian Huerg Mrs Helen and Mrs In loving memory of mv dear wife and mother Anna who parsed away November 6 1948' In rriy lonely hours of thing thoughts of her are ever near It if I who sadly miss her aa It dawns another year Loving husband aon and daughtr In sad and loving memory of our husband and dad John who passed awav two years agoNovember 4 1553 Peace will be thy rest dear husband: If is sweet to breathe thy namt In life we loved you dearly In death we do the same Loving wife and children Jamefi November 6 1954 In my heart a memory Is kept Of one I loved and will never forget 311 XtTLLOW AVENUE HO 4 VRL BOSWORTH RO 5 146 H0 a4y PcddlgM Seitz uneral HoA Ctntral 0 44343 Lesley Zarif ian The jfuneral of two year old I Lesley Zarifian will be held i Wednesday from the Schlemm The ope rations office at Westover uneral Home in Unio City the last message from the The daughter of Mr and Mrs: plane came pm and re Heig Zarifian of 4508 Hudson' poited th' plant lwvm Ave Union City died Thurs guis orbl i day night in Christ Hospital 1 By GhNE TLINN A place at the dining room table was a seat of learning for the children of the family or there Mrs Delia Aised to supervise their work read to them and tell them stories TWO THINGS were para mount in her religion and education put you out of the house if you go to church and school" her son Walter said'" 1 Mrs Byrne was a descend ant of a family of teachers in Ireland Many of her ances tors taught school and she never stopped pointing out the value of an education NECKER SHARPE 525 45th St Union City UN 7 0820 0128 LEBER UNERAL HOME 20U0 Hudson Blvd UN 3 1100 Towing Charge Dodge Costs HobokneiteS $90 Lve year agreement" Morri Ti T71 nciar rt On Wednesday November I sr William on November 4 i a A trcznl a 4 Atfou Anarew xanuuu uuici chlnist mate US Navy retired be loved husband of Mary (nee Whalen) devoted brother of John and rank Bannon Relatives and friends also members of leet Reserve US Navy ara invited to attend funeral from the Corrigan uneral Home 723 West Side Avenue on Saturday November 5 at 9 am Solemn Hlgti Mau at St Aloysius Church 10 am Interment Holy Name Cemetery William on November 3 1955 devoted husband of Helen (nee White) beloved father of Harold Breen Religious services at the lushing Chapel of Thomas Quinn and Sons 162 14 Sanford Avenue lushing Long Island on Sunday 8 uneral Monday 1 In tarment lushing Cemetery On Wednesday November 2 iodo jjena uyrne oeiovea wire or the late Patrick devoted mother of Mrs Marie Keegan Mrs Alice White Margaret Henry John and Walter A Byrne Relatives and friends also members of St Patrick's Rosary Society are Invited to attend funeral from 298 Academy Street at Bergen Square' on Satur day November 6 "1955 at 9 am Solemn High Mass St Church 10 am Lawrence Quinn CAROSELLI Of 52 Princeton Ter race on Wednes day November 2 1955 Nlnfa A (nee Pedone) beloved wife of Otto dear mother of Joseph Donald sis ter of John Alice ontanelll and Emanuel Jr and friends are invited to attend funeral from Introcaso Angelo uneral Home 143 Brunswick Street Monday 9:30 a Solemn High Maas Holy Rosary Church 10:30 a GhR ELLI On riday of Hoboken Gaetano beloved husband of the late Maria (nee Ciraslelll) devoted father of Joseph Mrs Catherine Landtsl Mrs Grace Tortorelli Mrs Rae Cen tenarro Mrs Rita Gnudi dear broth er of Mrs ortunato Sicoia Mrs Mary Lecessl Mrs Benadetta Mar tini Manuel Cervelll and 24 grand children 5 great grandchildren Rela tives and friends are invited to at tend funeral from the Anthony Priore uneral Home 483 Jersey Ave nue on Monday at 10:30 a Re quiem Mass at Holy Rosary Church at li30 a Interment Holy Name emeterv COLLIS At Lincoln Park November 4 1955 Harold beloved husband of Mary Hannigan nerai victs ivioniiay irom bcanlon Turnnike at Plains at 9 a qulem Mass Holy Cross Church 9:30 a Interment Holy Name Ceme tery Visiting hours: 3 to 10 Saturday and Sunday hl( HKELIA on 3 1955 of Lyatt Place Hck ensack husband of ay loving rather of Dominick and Maria brother of Mrs Millan Mrs lorence Small Anthony Mike John and Donald ischkelta ineral from the Rocciola uneral Home 119 Essex Street Hackensack Mon day November 7 at 9 am Solemn High Requiem Mass 9:30 am at St rancis Roman Catholic Church Hackensack Interment St Cemetery Hackensack Anna on November 4 1955 of 46 ulton Avenue slater of the late William and Gertrude aunt of George erris Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services on Monday at 11 a al William Schlemm Inc uneral Home Bergen and Harrison Avenues Interment Bayview Cemetery GLANZMAN riday November 4 1955 George of 48 Danforth Ave nue beloved husband of the late Margaret (nee Hayden devoted father of Rev George Glanzman SJ and Joseph Glanzman broth er of Sister Gregory and Ellsworth A Glanzman Relatives and friends St Holy Name Society and 'Knights of St George are invited to attend funeral from McLaughlin uneral Home 591 Jersey Avenue romer 4th Street Tuesday 9 a Solemn Requiem Mass St Church 10 a Interment Holy Name Cemetery HANLEY Caroline 12 Morris Street November 3 19oa beloved wife of the late Charles devoted mother of Mre rank McLaughlin James John A Charles and William sister of' Miss Alice Reilly ineral Monday morning 8:30 from for (The' Gundrum Ser vice) 237 Bordentown Avenue South Amboy to St Aloysius Ro man Catholic Church i where at 10 am a Solemn High Re quiem Mass will be offered Inter ment Holy Name Cemetery Jersey City Patrick Conte Air Conditioned Chapel Successor to Wvse uneral Horn 36 fuers Ave he 6 64S1 CHAS HOMAN Co INC uneral Dlrectore 1st Jackeon St Hoboken HO 3 0022 Ho 3 0063 1915 of wife of of Mrs Comeau 1 and Mrs Mildred Todd dear sister of Mrs Catherine Engelhardt Rela tives and friends are invited to at tend funeral from "William Schlemmnc uneral Home Bergen and Har rison Avenue Monday 8:30 am High Mass St Roman Catholic Church 9 am Interment Holy Cross Cemetery HOWE On November 3 1955 of 839 Willow Avenue Hoboken Daniel beloved husband ot' the late Jean (nee Carlson) son of James and rhe late Catherine (nee lynn) brother ot Mrs Mary Kayser ineral from Earl Bosworth ineral Horne 311 Willow Avenue Hoboken on Mon day at 8:30 am Requiem 'Mass: Our Lady of Grace Church 9 o'clock Interment Holy Cross Cemetery Kindly omit flowers On riday November 4 1955 Can or xiu wnonwitni Street beloved husband of Margaret i nee McKenna): devoted father of Mrs Carol Otanolski brother of Mrs Hilda Carduccl Mrs Thelma Con stable and Arthur Relatives and friends are invited to' attend the fu neral from Pakenham ShannonT i neral Home 4L0 Avenue on Tuesday November 8 at 9 a Solemn High Mass at 10 a m' at All faints Roman Catholic Chare!) KUCKER Thursday vembef 3 1955 husband of the late Mirie (nee Toelbelmann i devoted father of William Kucker Rela tives and friends are invited to at tend funeral Monday 10 a from Seitz Home for inerals 131 Congress Street Jersey City LEHMANN Of "76 Edgewater Lane Cliffside Park at Luray Va on November 2 1955 Agnes (nee Genets) beloved wife of Richard and devoted mother of redrick and Richard Lehmann dear sister of Mrs Hedwig Strauke Mrs Emma Loderer and Carl Geneis Services McCoy Bros uneral Home 780 An derson Avenue Cliffside Park on Monday November 7 at' 2 "m' Rev Wittschen officiating In terment airview Cemetery TENAHAN riday November 4 1955 Margaret (nee Donohue) of 166 Coles Street beloved wife of Wal lace devoted mother of Catherine Mary and Helen Lenahan loving sister of Mae and Catherine Donohue Relatives and friends also St Mi Rosary Society and Sister Rose of Lima Associates are invited to attend funeral from McLaughlin ineral Home 591 Jersey Avenue' corner 4th Street Monday 9 a Solemn Requiem St Michael's Church 10 a On Thursday November 3 1955 John of 12 Lewis Avenue be loved husband of (he late Anna (nee Bulks) devoted father of Henry Mrs Jean McCloskey Mrs Elsie Du buske Mack Nataije Sferlazza Mrs Marcela Julewicz Mrs Evelyn Pyskaty Mrs Mildred Lesniak 18 grandchildren and one great grandchild Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral from 159 Garrison Avenue uneral Home Monday November 7 at 8:30 a Solemn High Maw Ss Peter and Paul Ukrainian Church 9 a TniPiwnt Univ Name Cemeterv Ar ran gem ents by Kwiatkowski Brothers PITLAK on November 4 1955 of 487 Garfield Avenue beloved husband of Pearl (nee Hayes) dear brother of Mrs Rose Sommers Mrs Ann Wilson and Miss Cecelia Pitlak Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral at William Schlemm Inc uneral Home Bergen and Har rison Avenues Monday 9:30 a Solemn High Mass Sacred Heart Ro man Catholii Church 10 a In terment Holy Cross Cemetery ROSELLE On riday November 4 1955 Josephine (nee De Marco) of 127 Colden Street beloved wife of Joseph devoted mother of John rank Mrs Anna Clickner Mrs Betty Meluso Mrs Margaret Iva noski and Joseph Jr sister of Mrs Rose Botti Mrs Lena Scarpa and 14 grandchildren Relatives and are invited to attend funeral from the Beatrice De Marco uneral Chapel 80 Brunswick Street on Tuesday November 8 at 9 a Solemh High Reouiem Mass St Brid get's man Catholic Church 9 BRADMIAll wish to thank our friends neighbors and relative for the kindness and sympathy extended us during the sickness and death of our brother Mr Eugene Bradshaw: also for beautiful flowers cards and other kindnesses The Alvis Bradshaw family DAVID or the kind attention and exprewiye floral tributes bestowed bv consoling friends and relatives during our bereavement we extendprofound thanks Bereaved family of Mrs David REEMAN Deeming it Im possible to thank all in person 1 take thia means of expressing my sincere and heartfelt thanks to my relative and friends for their words of con solation at the death of my beloved hueband Bereaved Wife and Son" sincerely wish to eVDressinns rxf vrr beautiful floral tributes and I bouquets offered at the of our beloved eon and Donald Special John Hanley Rev fie tors nurses and employes of the Medical Center the Jersey Citv pos tal employes and uneral Director Robert Power The family MIX ELLIN We wish to thank our many relatives and friends' for their kind expressions of sympathy floral offerings and spiritual bouquets at the death of our departed mother Louise Steckletn We also wish to thank the Hoearv Socletv bf St Roman Catholic Church West New York: Lady oresters of North Bergen and West New York mayor and council of Guttenberg mayor and board of commissioners of West York and Howard Brennan for arranging and conducting ths funeral August and Vincent Steckleln terday at the Medical Center Jersey City He was a native of Germany and had been a resident of Jersey City since1923 Mr Schwartz was a member of St John's Reform ed Evangelical Church and I I zx a vupur vYuiMiit'iib jeriei ii ivtssO' route to Westover Air orce Baspcjation at nearby Chicopee from Boiling) The Rev Henry Dalhoff An lorce Base Washington DCwilI officiate at services to Military officials at Webtovenmorrow 8 pm at the William awaited better visibility to send Schlemm Tuneral Home Jer nelirnntrs and nlnnnc AVOf )xzx rr 1 vtiy me lunerai will 'Monday 1:30 pm vnv uwift vveiu uiutrea ou me liver early today because of the dangerous currents in the river i which is 1200 fret wide at the point of the crash I I 4 4 ZA 4 1 til 7 However more than 100 police pharmaco Inc ri rvx xxzl 1 1 ui iuvh anu uiUHlva II Olli CS lover searched the banks for sur vivors throughout the night The four survivors were DONALD WOOD 682 Bergen Ave pg agjgo fRIEMAN UNERAL HOME 1914 New York Ave UN 67ST CHAS A Sr HEURLE Bora 6119 TYLER PL wN UN 7 1801 LAUTEN'S LOWERS 846 BERGEN AVE HE 3 7649 HE 3 5074 Night HE 107B UNERAL DIRECTORS MILTON BUNNELL 41 Highland Av JC nr Blvd DE 3 8446 1 mu The two men cite a hesi tancy on the part of mer chants on the avenue to ex 8 1.

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About The Jersey Journal Archive

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The Jersey Journal from Jersey City, New Jersey (2024)


Is the Jersey Journal still published? ›

The Jersey Journal is a daily newspaper, published from Monday through Saturday, covering news and events throughout Hudson County, New Jersey.

What is Jersey City known as? ›

Nickname(s): J.C., Chilltown, Sixth Borough, America's Golden Door, Wall Street West. Motto(s): "Let Jersey Prosper"

How do I contact NJ News? ›

Let us help you get in touch with the right department. If you have a digital subscription question or problem with our site, please email or call 888-782-7533. If you have a newspaper circulation question, please contact customer service by calling 1-888-782-7533 or email

What is the history of the Journal Square in New Jersey? ›

The square was created in 1923 when the city condemned and demolished the offices of the Jersey Journal, thus creating a broad intersection with Hudson Boulevard which itself had been widened in 1908. The newspaper built new headquarters and the new square was named in its honor.

Who is the publisher of NJ com? › is a digital news content provider and website in New Jersey owned by Advance Publications.

How often is the press and journal published? ›

The Press and Journal is the first-choice read for people in the north and north-east of Scotland. Published six days per week, covering local and relevant news for the readership.

How do I speak to a news reporter? ›

Contact a specific reporter using email or social media.

If you want to reach out to a specific reporter, start by looking on the news organization's website to see if they break contact information down for individual reporters.

How do I contact the Record NJ newspaper? ›

Customer Service Contacts
  1. Joe Ungaro, Editor/General Manager; 973-428-6624 or
  2. Karen Guarasi, Regional VP of Advertising; 732-643-3644 or
  3. Steve Feitl, Digital Content Strategist; 732-643-4227 or

How do I contact my local press? ›

Make contact - phone the newsdesk of your paper and tell them a brief summary of the story. Tell them you have a press release (and photo, if relevant), and find out what the best email to send it is.

Why is it called Exchange Place Jersey City? ›

Before the construction of tunnels, passengers to or from New York had to change to ferries across the Hudson. This led to the neighborhood's name: streetcars, rails, and ferries all met here as the place to exchange passengers.

What Ward is Journal Square in Jersey City? ›


As the President of the Hilltop Neighborhood Organization for the last 30 years, Rich has been the voice for residents of the Journal Square and Heights neighborhoods.

What is being built in Journal Square Jersey City? ›

All told, the transformational project will add 1,840 rental residences and 36,000 square feet of retail and restaurant space. New perks in the third tower will include a performance lounge, karaoke room, lobby café, and a sky lounge that will be available to all residents of the entire complex.

Is Atlantic Press a journal? ›

Atlantis Press – now part of Springer Nature – is a professional publisher of scientific, technical & medical (STM) proceedings, journals and books.

How old is the press and journal? ›

The Press and Journal is a daily regional newspaper serving northern and Highland Scotland including the cities of Aberdeen and Inverness. Established in 1747, it is Scotland's oldest daily newspaper, and one of the longest-running newspapers in the world.

Where is the press and journal based? ›

If you wish to make a complaint you can contact us by e-mail at, by writing to The Editor, the Press and Journal, 1 Marischal Square, Broad Street, Aberdeen, AB10 1BL or by calling us on 01224 690222.


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Author information

Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.