Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (2024)

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (1)

    Shwedagon Paya


    One of Buddhism's most sacred sites, the 326ft zedi (stupa) here is adorned with 27 metric tons of gold leaf, along with thousands of diamonds and other…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (2)

    National Museum (Yangon)


    Even though the museum's collection is poorly labelled and often badly lit, the treasures that lie within this cavernous building deserve a viewing. The…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (3)

    Chaukhtatgyi Paya


    Housed in a large metal-roofed shed, this beautiful 215ft-long reclining buddha is larger than a similar and better-known image in Bago. The statue's…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (4)



    After many years of being off limits, this spectacular red-brick complex, which takes up a 16-acre block and was once the British seat of government for…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (5)

    Ngahtatgyi Paya


    One of Yangon's, if not Myanmar's, most gorgeous buddha images is this 46ft-tall one at the Ngahtatgyi Paya, sitting in calm gold-and-white repose and…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (6)

    Meilamu Paya


    Situated next to the Nga Moe Yeik creek, this Disneyland-ish pagoda is a hoot. Larger-than-life 3D stucco depictions of the Buddha's life and practice…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (7)

    Kandawgyi Lake


    Also known as Royal Lake, this artificial lake built by the British as a reservoir is most attractive at sunset, when the glittering Shwedagon Paya is…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (8)

    Sule Paya


    Not many cities have a primary traffic circle occupied by a 2200-year-old golden temple. This 46m zedi (stupa), said to be older than Shwedagon Paya, is…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (9)

    Musmeah Yeshua Synagogue


    All the traditional features of a synagogue are present in this superbly maintained 1896 building: the bimah (platform holding the reading table for the…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (10)

    U Thant House


    One of Myanmar's most respected international politicians, U Thant was UN Secretary General from 1961 to 1971. When his grandson, Thant Myint-U,…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (11)

    San Pya Fish Market


    The raw hustle and bustle of Yangon's wholesale fish market is compulsively fascinating. It's a heady assault on the senses – especially that of smell –…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (13)

    Botataung Paya


    Botataung’s spacious riverfront location and lack of crowds give it a more down-to-earth spiritual feeling than Shwedagon. Its most original feature is…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (14)

    Mahabandoola Garden


    A green breathing space in the heart of downtown Yangon, this park provides lovely views of surrounding heritage buildings, including City Hall, the High…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (15)

    People's Park


    Notable for its splendid views of the western side of Shwedagon Paya, this well-tended park offers plenty of pleasant features, such as flower gardens and…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (16)

    Inya Lake


    Inya Lake, created by the British as a reservoir in 1883, is Yangon's largest artificial body of water. The best spots from which to view the lake are the…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (17)

    Dargah of Bahadur Shah Zafar


    Covered in silks and strewn with sweet-smelling petals, the mausoleum of India's last Mughal emperor is a place of pilgrimage for Indians, Muslims and…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (18)

    Old Tourist Burma Building


    In late 2019, following a major heritage-restoration project overseen by the nonprofit Turquoise Mountain, this stately colonial building reopened. Much…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (19)

    Martyrs' Mausoleum


    This striking mausoleum houses the remains of General Aung San and the six comrades who were assassinated on 19 July 1947. The Soviet-style, red-painted…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (20)

    Sofaer's Building


    In desperate need of love and attention, this crumbling Italianate building, constructed by the Jewish-Baghdadi trader Isaac A Sofaer, still has original…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (21)

    Kaba Aye Paya


    This overly glitzy ‘world peace’ zedi (stupa), about 5 miles north of the city centre, was built for the 1954–56 Sixth Buddhist Synod which coincided with…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (22)

    Drug Elimination Museum


    This gigantic time capsule of junta-era propaganda is a mind-bending experience. It vilifies the effects of class A drugs on Myanmar's society while…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (23)

    Kheng Hock Keong


    Supported by a Hokkien association, this is Yangon’s largest and most attractive Chinese (Taoist) temple. The ornate dragon- and lantern-festooned…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (24)

    Holy Trinity Cathedral


    Yangon's principal Anglican church was designed by India-based architect Robert Fellowes Chisholm. The red-brick-painted neo-Gothic structure took nine…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (25)

    Taukkyan War Cemetery


    Twelve miles north of Yangon’s airport is this beautifully maintained cemetery, containing the graves of 6374 Allied soldiers who died in the Burma and…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (26)

    Thaketa Crocodile Farm


    Off the main road from Yangon to Thanlyin, at the end of a bumpy road leading into the Thaketa Industrial Estate, is this government-run farm that breeds…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (27)

    Maha Wizaya Zedi


    This well-proportioned zedi (stupa), built on General Ne Win's orders in the early 1980s to commemorate the unification of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar,…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (28)

    Pegu Club


    It's a happy ending, sort of, for the long-forlorn Pegu Club. Dating from 1882, this regal teak building was once the most exclusive British club in Burma…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (29)

    Thakin Kodaw Hmaing Mausoleum


    The tomb of one of Myanmar's most celebrated poets and public intellectuals is the furthest away from Shwedagon Paya in the quartet of mausoleums here…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (30)

    Yangon Heritage Trust


    The small gallery of historic photographs here gives an idea of how downtown Yangon used to look. There's a great view of lower Pansodan St's grand…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (31)

    State Fine Arts School


    Built in the early 20th century as the grand home of shipping-and-rubber magnate Lim Chin Tsong, this is another decaying but highly evocative slice of…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (32)

    Daw Khin Kyi Mausoleum


    Here lies Aung San’s widow and Aung San Suu Kyi's mother Daw Khin Kyi. Her funeral in 1989 was attended by more than 100,000 and was a galvanising moment…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (33)

    Sri Kali


    Devoted to the Hindu goddess Kali, this temple was built in 1871 before the flood of Indian migrants came to the city during British colonial rule. It…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (34)

    U Thant Mausoleum


    U Thant, the former UN Secretary General and one of the most respected 20th-century Burmese statesmen, is buried here. A chapter in The River of Lost…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (35)

    AAPP Museum


    More of a one-room exhibition, this compact museum attached to the offices of the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) focuses on the…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (36)

    National Races Village


    Traditional houses of the Kachin, Kayah, Kayin (Karen), Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan peoples are dotted around this lush, landscaped compound…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (37)

    Myanmar Agricultural Development Bank


    This 1930s building designed by Thomas Oliphant Forster and Basil Ward is one of Pansodan St's grandest buildings. It originally housed the National Bank…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (38)

    Kyauk Daw Kyi


    Not far from the airport, this immense seated buddha was carved from a single piece of marble found outside Mandalay in 1999. The partially finished…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (39)

    Doh Eain Alley Gardens


    If you were wondering where all the street art in Yangon is, you need to start looking down back alleys. This pair of alleys, which can be toured as a…

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (40)

    Rangoon War Cemetery


    The smaller of Yangon's two cemeteries dedicated to the fallen servicemen of WWII in Burma is located down a quiet lane near the Jasmine Palace Hotel…

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More destinations you need to see

  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (41)
  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (42)
  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (43)
  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (44)
  • Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (45)
Must-see attractions Yangon, Myanmar (Burma) - Lonely Planet (2024)


Is Yangon worth a visit? ›

Yangon is definitely a place worth visiting if you are interested in exploring the rich culture, heritage and traditions of a place. You must visit the place for its green landscapes, its lakes, street food and so much more!

What is Yangon Myanmar known for? ›

Yangon is famous for its colonial-era buildings which are best explored by foot or on trishaws. Yangon has some of the most beautiful churches in the country which you cannot miss. Yangon also houses some of the most famous pagodas of the country. In fact, you will find one pagoda in almost every corner of the city.

What is special in Myanmar? ›

Myanmar is called the land of temples and pagodas. There are mainly Buddhist temples, pagodas, stupas, and ruins. The national sport of Myanmar is chinlone.

What is the traditional food of Yangon? ›

The cuisine of the coastal regions such as Yangon, Bago and Tanintharyi regions use fish and seafood-based products like fish sauce, dry prawns, and fish paste (nga-pi). People in inland regions like Kachin and Shan State seem to prefer meat and poultry. Salad plays an important role in Myanmar cuisine.

What is the famous street in Yangon? ›

Strand Road, Yangon - Wikipedia.

What is a fun fact about Yangon? ›

Yangon is known for its Buddhist culture. The most famous site in the city is the Shwedagon Pagoda. Said to date back more than 2,500 years, this great Buddhist temple complex sits on a hill overlooking the city. The pagoda itself is covered with gold and stands about 326 feet (99 meters) above the hilltop.

How to get around Yangon? ›

YBT (Yangon Bus Transportation)

Advantages: The most recommended public transportation in Yangon is YBT or Yangon Bus Transportation. YBT is a BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) or fast bus that serves routes within the city of Yangon, of which there are currently 65 buses and are already using air conditioning.

What famous tourist attraction is found in Myanmar? ›

Tourist Places in Myanmar

Sule Pagoda, Mount Popa, Chaukhtatgyi Paya, Shwedagon Pagoda, Inle Floating Gardens, Ngapali Beach, Kakku Pagodas, Kalaw, Macleod Island and many more.

What is best to buy from Myanmar? ›

Shopping in Myanmar
  • Precious Stones. The country is one of the most important producers of sapphires and rubies worldwide, hence it is the perfect place to find them at a good price and high quality. ...
  • Lacquered wood crafts. ...
  • Textiles. ...
  • Puppets. ...
  • Bronze sculptures. ...
  • Silver jewels. ...
  • Tapestries and paintings. ...
  • Umbrellas.

What is the famous food of Myanmar? ›

Rice noodles served in a hearty, herbal fish-and shallot-based broth, mohinga is often called Myanmar's national dish. Myanmar's unofficial national dish is mohinga – fine, round rice noodles served in a hearty, herbal fish-and shallot-based broth, often supplemented with the crunchy pith of the banana tree.

What is the famous pagoda in Yangon? ›

Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon

The 8 sided central stupa is 99 metres tall and is guilded with gold leaf, surrounded by 64 smaller stupas . Unlike some of the other solely Buddhist religious sites, Shwedagon also has spiritual meaning to the locals and it is as much a Burmese pilgrimage site as it is a tourist attraction.

What does Yangon grow? ›

In Yangon, you can find Golden pothos, Heart of jesus, Asian Rice, Brown-beard rice, Marijuana, and more! There are 20 types of plants in total.

What is the nickname of Yangon? ›

Yangon is also renowned for its many parks and lakes and a relatively low-rise skyline, which earned Yangon the nickname 'Garden City of the East'.


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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

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Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.