LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE · 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (2024)

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (1)




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LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (2)

Coordonatorii Revistei Redactor responsabil: Prof. dr. Vasile VÎNTU - USAMV Iaşi Redactor adjunct: Prof. dr. Liviu-Dan MIRON - USAMV Iaşi Membri: - Prof. dr. Costel SAMUIL - USAMV Iaşi - Prof. dr. Lucia DRAGHIA - USAMV Iaşi - Prof. dr. Gheorghe SAVUȚA - USAMV Iaşi - Prof. dr. Paul-Corneliu BOIȘTEANU - USAMV Iaşi

Colegiul de Redacţie al Seriei "Medicină veterinară" Redactor şef: Prof. dr. Gheorghe SAVUȚA - USAMV Iaşi Redactor adjunct: Prof. dr. Mihai MAREŞ - USAMV Iaşi Membri: Prof. dr. Gheorghe SOLCAN - USAMV Iaşi Prof. dr. Gheorghe DRUGOCIU - USAMV Iaşi Conf. dr. Geta PAVEL - USAMV Iaşi Conf. dr. Viorel Cezar FLORIȘTEAN - USAMV Iaşi Conf. dr. Valentin NĂSTASĂ - USAMV Iaşi Asist. dr. Mariana GRECU

Referenţi ştiinţifici: Prof. dr. Abdelfatah NOUR - Purdue University, SUA Prof. dr. Gheorghe SAVUŢA - USAMV Iaşi Prof. dr. Liviu MIRON - USAMV Iaşi Prof. dr. Gheorghe SOLCAN - USAMV Iaşi Acad. Ion TODERAŞ - Zoology Institute, Chisinau, Republica Moldova Assoc. Prof. Dorina CARTER - University of Liverpool, UK Prof. dr. Elena VELESCU - USAMV Iaşi Prof. dr. Gheorghe DRUGOCIU - USAMV Iaşi Prof. dr. Vasile VULPE - USAMV Iaşi Prof. dr. Cornel CĂTOI - USAMV Cluj-Napoca Prof. dr. Gabriel PREDOI - USAMV Bucureşti Prof. dr. Viorel HERMAN - USAMVB Timişoara Prof. dr. Mihai MAREȘ - USAMV Iași Conf. dr. Valentin NĂSTASĂ - USAMV Iaşi Conf. dr. Sorin-Aurelian PAŞCA - USAMV Iaşi

on -line ISSN 2393 – 4603 ISSN–L 1454 – 7406

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (3)


The effect of habitat on hair copper, molybdenum, and selenium

levels in cats

Gheorghe Valentin Goran, Emanuela Badea, Cristina Țoca, Victor


325 - 329

Copper-releasing, borate-based glasses with antibacterial properties:

synthesis and in vitro characterization

Cristina Lelescu, Aurel Muste, Marian Taulescu, Gheorghe Borodi, Marin

Șenilă, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Răzvan Ștefan

330 - 337

Searches on the application of a method of induction and syncronization

of estrus in cows postpartum based on two doses of GnRH and

prostaglandin F2 α, with programmed insemination

Elena Ruginosu, S.I Borș, Ș. Creangă, D.L. Dascălu, Mădălina Alexandra


338 - 345

vagin*l smear, progesterone levels, and ultrasound examination of the

ovaries as methods of determining the moment of ovulation in bitches

comparative study

G. Otavă, C. Mircu, Violeta Igna, Simona Marc Zarcula, D. Lo Presti

346 - 353

Effect of rozmarinic acid supplementation on in vitro maturation

of bovine oocytes

Simona Marc, Camelia Tulcan, Oana Boldura, A. Solonar, G. Otavă,

G. Godja, I. Huțu, C. Mircu

354 - 358

Evaluation of sows oocytes viability through Trypan Blue staining after


Simona Marc, C. Mircu, Nicoleta Crețan, G. Otavă, Camelia Tulcan, I. Huțu

359 - 364

Content of amino acids in blood serum in sows with idiopathic


Viorica Gurdis

365 - 368

Cell growth characteristics of equine synovial fluid stem cells

Emoke Pall, Klementina Katalin Pall, Cristian Crecan, Simona Ciupe, Mihai

Cenariu, Ioan Groza

369 - 373

Epidemiology of atopic dermatitis and other allergic skin diseases in

dogs and cats in Western Romania

Tiana Suici, Gh. Darabus, Narcisa Mederle, Mirela Imre, C. Sirbu, S. Morariu

374 - 377

Generating bovine embryos through ICSI

Thomas Keller, Simona Marc, Horia Cernescu, Camelia Tulcan, Ioan Huțu,

Gabriel Otava, Ana-Maria Rațiu, Georgiana Ungureanu, Călin Mircu

378 - 385

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (4)

The behaviour pattern of several gastrointestinal nematode genera in

sheep and cattle from bethausen, Timis County

C. Sîrbu, Gh. Darabus, M. Ilie, Mirela Imre, Tiana Suici, S. Morariu

386 - 391

Preliminary research regarding the prevalence of digestive and

respiratory parasitosis in meat cattle from the Hârtibaci Valley,

Sibiu County

Radu Nechiti, Gheorghe Dărăbuș, Sorin Morariu

392 - 396

Research on metabolic status in periparturient cows

Sorin D. Sorescu, Carmen Ioniță, Alice Grigore, Emilia Balint, Aana Maria

Goanță, Roxana Țîmpău, Lucian Ioniță

397 - 402

New Zealand Crossbred male rabbitproduction performance fed with

fructooligosacharide prebiotic isolated from banana peel

Suraya Kaffi Syahpura, Kusmajadi Suradi, Husmy Yurmiati, Diding


403 - 411

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (5)


The effect of habitat on hair copper, molybdenum, and selenium

levels in cats

Gheorghe Valentin GORAN1, Emanuela BADEA1, Cristina ȚOCA2, Victor CRIVINEANU1 1 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UASVM of Bucharest, 105 Splaiul Independentei, 050097,

5th district, Bucharest, Romania, EU; 2IDAH of Bucharest, 63 Dr. Staicovici, 050557, 5th district, Bucharest, Romania, EU



Cu, Mo, and Se are essential trace minerals, which maintain proper activity of some animal

organisms functions. The main goal of this study was the assessment of Cu, Mo and Se levels in the hair of

pet cats in an urban environment. The hair samples were collected from flank region from 20 clinically

healthy pet cats. Analysis of hair Cu, Mo, and Se content of pet cats kept indoors (5 males and 5 females)

and outdoors (5 males and 5 females), were performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

(ICP-MS). The mean Cu level in indoor pet cats was 19.47 mg•kg−1 for males and 10.58 mg•kg−1 for females,

and in outdoor male cats was 10.33 mg•kg−1 and 14.32 mg•kg−1 for females. Generally, Mo registered lower

mean levels when mean Cu levels were higher and higher levels when Cu was lower, indifferent of habitat,

sex or age. The mean Se hair levels registered insignificant differences for the same habitat in pet cats below

5 years and above 5 years. In this study, the habitat statistically insignificant influenced hair Cu, Mo, and

Se levels in pet cats.

Key words: habitat, hair, cat, copper, molybdenum, selenium


In classification proposed by Frieden (1985), Cu, Mo, and Se are essential trace minerals,

which maintain proper activity of some animal organisms functions, and deficiency in this elements

leads to disorders and may prove fatal (Prashanth ET AL., 2015).

Cu is the key trace element for enzymes necessary for increasing the strength of keratin

fiber, and has very important role in activity of essential enzyme systems implicated in formation,

growth or repair of keratin-rich tissues. (Goluch-Koniuszy, 2016) Cu favors the intestinal

absorption of iron and its incorporation into hemoglobin and is a component of many enzymes. Cu

plays an important role in reducing cellular lesions caused by free radicals. Cu is also involved in

the synthesis of collagen in tendons and myelin in the nervous system. Cu also participates in the

synthesis of melanin, which is a hair pigment. (Collins, 2014) The Cu deficit most likely induced

by zinc, through a mechanism that can be explained by the competitive absorption of zinc and Cu

in enterocytes in the small intestine. Excessive zinc intake stimulates the production of

metallothionein. However, Cu has a higher affinity for metallothionein, eliminating zinc, and then

excreting, which leads to hypocupremia. (Green and Weaver, 2008)

Mo concentrates in the liver, kidney, bone and significant amounts are found in the dental

enamel and hair, and has an essential role as cofactor of some important enzyme systems – xanthine

oxidase, an enzyme involved in the formation of uric acid; aldehyde oxidase, an enzyme involved

in detoxification (Mendel, 2013a), and is involved in hair health by inducing secondary Cu

deficiency (Phoon et al., 2011). Mo has been shown in animals to be involved with fat, purine and

sulfate metabolism, and it is also involved in detoxification and intimately involved in Cu

metabolism. Symptoms associated with a Mo deficiency are represented by impaired growth, tooth

decay, male impotence, xanthine stones, and also symptoms of Cu toxicity. (Mendel, 2013b) Mo

excess could determine acute toxicity, which result in severe diarrhea, and chronic toxicity, which

may cause gout. Cu deficiency symptoms may also occur, including skin problems, hair loss,

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (6)


growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight

loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also antagonize Cu by a ternary interaction

involving the formation of Cu thiomolybdate, which results in reduced Cu absorption. Tungsten is

a Mo antagonist in several oxidative enzymes that require Mo (e.g. xanthine oxidase). (Frieden,


Se is an essential component of Se proteins, which play an important role in many

biological functions, such as antioxidant defense, thyroid hormone formation, DNA synthesis,

fertility and reproduction (Mehdi et al., 2013; Sunde, 2014). Hair gets trace elements especially

from the blood and is able to integrate Se into its matrix during keratinization. Se is part of at least

35 proteins, many of which are enzymes, and Se deficiency causes hair loss and pseudo albinism

(Masumoto et al., 2007). Although much less common than Se deficiency, Se toxicity can affect

individuals as a result of excessive supplementation, causing hair loss. (Fairweather-Tait et al.,

2011) Hair can be an excellent sample for assessing mineral status, especially of trace elements,

in the organism, because their hair concentration is usually higher than in the blood. (Foo et al.,

1993; Skibniewska et al., 2011; Skibniewska et al., 2013; Skibniewski et al., 2013)

Animal hair can be a biomarker of environmental pollution, and also for assessing animal

mineral status. In recent years, as a bioindicator of metal pollution or different organ diseases, hair

samples from domestic and wild species such as dog, cat, cattle, horse, goat, sheep, camel,

European bison, elk, brown bear, wolf, fox, wild boar, squirrel and seal. (Combs, 1987; Medvedev,

1999; Liu, 2003; Ikemoto et al., 2004; Rashed and Soltan, 2005; Hawkins and Ragnarsdottir, 2009;

Crivineanu et al., 2010; Skibniewski et al., 2010; Filistowicz et al., 2011; de Almeida Curi et al.,

2012; Hernández-Moreno et al., 2013; Badea et al., 2016a; Badea et al., 2016b; Goran et al., 2017)

The main goal of this study was the assessment of Cu, Mo and Se levels in the hair of pet

cats in an urban environment, using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Materials and methods

Sampling and samples preparation - The hair samples were collected from flank region

from 20 clinically healthy pet cats from an urban environment. Analysis of hair Cu, Mo, and Se

content of pet cats kept indoors (5 males and 5 females) and outdoors (5 males and 5 females),

were performed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).

Before analysis the hair samples (n=20) were weighed (approximately 0.5 g) using an

analytic balance (precision 4 decimals) and placed in individual PPR vials with a capacity of 14

mL. Disintegration of the organic matter was done by cold wet mineralization, adding 5 mL of

nitric acid 65% suprapur (d=1.39) and 1 mL of hydrochloric acid 30% suprapur (d=1.15) over the

hair samples. The samples were disintegrated at room temperature into the fume hood for one week.

Spectrometric analysis - Digested samples were diluted to 10 mL with ultrapure water and

analyzed by Perkin-Elmer Elan DRC II ICP–MS spectrometer (RF1100 W; reading time 30 s,

washing time 30 s, nebulizer gas flow 0.5 L•min-1; auxiliary gas flow 0.5 L•min-1; sample injection

pump flow 50 rpm). Calibration curves were developed using standard solutions of 0.001 ppm,

0.05 ppm, 0.01 ppm, 0.025 ppm, and 0.05 ppm (for low concentrations of minerals as Se), and 0.1

ppm, 1 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm, and 25 ppm (for the others, as Cu and Mo) obtained by dilution from

a MERCK stock standard solution for each element, containing 1000 mg•L-1 of Cu, Mo, and Se.

Statistical analysis - Statistical analysis was performed using the software of VassarStats:

Website for Statistical Computation ( One-Way ANOVA was performed for

all samples' mineral concentrations, and when ANOVA generated p≤0.05, means comparison was

carried out by all-pair Tukey HSD Test.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (7)


Results and discussions

The mean Cu, Mo, and Se contents of hair samples from clinically healthy pet cats are

presented in Table 1 and expressed as mg•kg−1.

In this study, the effect of living conditions on Cu, Mo, and Se concentrations in the pet

cat hair was observed, but habitat influenced statistically insignificant hair Cu, Mo, and Se levels

in pet cats. The highest mean value of Cu was registered in the group of cats above 5 years kept

indoors (26.736 mg•kg−1), significantly different compared to hair Cu mean level of cats below 5

years kept in the same living conditions. Considering the animal gender, the mean content of Cu

in males was higher in indoor pet cats hair (19.473 mg•kg−1), and in females it was higher in

outdoor pet cats hair (14.32 mg•kg−1). Indifferent of gender, hair Cu mean levels were higher in

pet cats above 5 years kept indoor (26.736 mg•kg−1), and in outdoor pet cats below 5 years (15.064 mg•kg−1). Also, it was observed that hair Cu mean levels in pet cats below 5 years registered levels

significantly different reported to animals’ living conditions. In this study, it was observed no

significant differences between Cu mean hair levels in investigated groups of pet cats kept indoors

or outdoors, independent of gender or age.

Table 1. Cu, Mo, and Se mean levels in pet cats hair samples (mg•kg−1)

Element no Cu Mo Se

Males in 5 19.473 a 0.215 a 2.111 a

out 5 10.330 a 0.358 a 2.279 a

Females in 5 10.584 a 0.084 a 2.317 a

out 5 14.320 a 0.160 a 2.463 a




in 7 10.011*a 0.087 a 2.310 a

out 3 15.064* a 0.222 a 2.257 a



in 3 26.736 b 0.296 a 1.991 a

out 7 11.288 a 0.274 a 2.420 a

Habitat in 10 15.028 0.149 2.214

out 10 12.547 0.259 2.371

All animals 20 13.853 0.204 2.293

* Significant differences at p ≤ 0.05. The comparison can be made only between habitats for the concentration of one

element and not between different elements concentrations. a,b Levels not connected by the same letter are significantly different (p ≤ 0.05). The comparison can be made only

between sex or age in the same habitat for the concentration of one element and not between different elements


Hair Mo levels registered reversed values reported to Cu – higher levels when Cu registered

lower values and lower concentrations when Cu was higher. Mo registered highest mean level in

outdoors males (0.358 mg•kg−1), and lowest mean level in indoors females (0.084 mg•kg−1).

Reported to age, Mo mean hair levels registered higher levels in above 5 years pet cats indifferent

of living conditions, and higher mean levels in outdoors pet cats below 5 years and in indoors pet

cats above 5 years. Insignificant differences were observed between Mo mean hair levels in pet

cats kept indoors or outdoors, indifferent of gender or age.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (8)


The highest mean value of Se was registered in the group of female cats kept outdoors

(2.463 mg•kg−1), insignificantly different compared to hair Se mean level of indoors female cats and

also males kept outdoors. The mean Se hair levels registered insignificant differences for the same

habitat in pet cats below 5 years and above 5 years. Independent of habitat, hair Se mean levels

were higher in females compared to males. In this study, hair Se registered higher mean levels in

outdoors pet cats, independent of habitat, gender, and age, excepting pet cats below 5 years were

the values registered were reversed. The lowest mean Se hair level was registered in the group of

pet cats above 5 years kept indoors (1.991 mg•kg−1).

In the available literature, there are no data concerning Mo content in the hair of domestic

cats. The obtained results could only be compared with the data concerning Cu and Se in control

groups of pet cats. While analyzing mineral and heavy metal content in the hair of cats in

relationship with kidney failure, Badea et al. (2016a) obtained for clinically healthy animals

(control group) the results for Cu of 0.94 mg•kg−1 in females and 0.92 mg•kg−1 in males, and also,

hair Se ranged from 0.07 mg•kg−1 in males, and 0.15 mg•kg−1 in females, which are in both trace

minerals, much lower compared to those registered in our study for the same groups, independent

of habitat. The same pattern was observed reported to age in both trace minerals, which are also

much lower compared to those registered in our study for the groups below 5 years and above 5

years, independent of habitat.

Cu and Se content in the hair of female pet cats from the group of healthy animals, which

represented control group in a study on hair mineral content analysis in cats with different liver

disorders amounted to 0.78 mg•kg−1 for Cu and 0.103 mg•kg−1 for Se in females above 8 years

(Goran et al. 2017). These values are much lower in the case of Cu and approximately in the same

range, but lower for Se than those obtained in our study.


Even in this study, Cu, Mo, and Se levels in pet cats hair were not significantly influenced

by the living conditions, hair may be considered as an indicator for the mineral status of cats in an

urban area.

Mean value of hair Cu in group of cats above 5 years kept indoors was significantly

different compared to hair Cu mean level of cats below 5 years kept in the same living conditions.

Hair Cu in younger pet cats registered significantly different mean levels dependent of


Mo registered lower mean levels when mean Cu levels were higher and higher levels when

Cu was lower, indifferent of habitat, sex, and age.

Hair Se registered higher mean levels in outdoors pet cats, independent of habitat, gender,

and age.


1. Badea E., Goran G.V. Matei E., Rotaru E., Crivineanu V. (2016a). Heavy metal and mineral content in the coat of cats in relationship with kidney failure, Lucrari Stiintifice Medicina Veterinara Timisoara XLIX(1), 17-28.

2. Badea E., Goran G.V. Crivineanu V. (2016b). Hair mineral levels in dogs with atopic dermatitis, Bulletin UASVM-CN 73(2), 451-3.

3. Barceloux D.G., Barceloux D. (1999). Molybdenum. Clinical Toxicology. 37 (2): 231-7. 4. Collins J.F. (2014). Copper, in Modern nutrition in health and disease. 11th ed. / eds A.C. Ross, B.

Caballero, R.J. Cousins, K.L. Tucker, T.R. Ziegler. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 73-4.

5. Combs D.K. (1987). Hair analysis as an indicator of mineral status of livestock. J Anim Sci 65:1753-8.

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6. Crivineanu V., Leonidis A., Goran G.V., Codreanu I. (2010). Blood and wool lead levels in sheep farmed near roads from province of Thessaloniki. Lucrari Stiintifice Medicina Veterinara Timisoara XLIII (2):140-

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27. Skibniewska E., Skibniewski M., Kośla T. (2013). The effect of living conditions on vanadium bioaccumulation in cats. Environmental Protection and Natural Resources. 24(4): 43-5.

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29. Skibniewski M., Kośla T., Skibniewska E. (2013). Domestic cat (Felis catus) as a bioindicator of environmental lead contamination. Environmental Protection and Natural Resources. 24(4): 47-50.

30. Sunde R.A. (2014). Selenium, in Modern nutrition in health and disease. 11th ed. / eds A.C. Ross, B. Caballero, R.J. Cousins, K.L. Tucker, T.R. Ziegler. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, USA, pp. 74-5.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (10)


Copper-releasing, borate-based glasses with antibacterial properties:

synthesis and in vitro characterization

Cristina LELESCU1*, Aurel MUSTE1, Marian TAULESCU1, Gheorghe BORODI2,


1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca

2National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca,

3Reseach Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, Cluj-Napoca *[emailprotected]


In this study, glasses within the system (60-x) B2O3x ZnO34CaO1CuO, with x=5, 10, 15, 20, 25

mol% and with B2O3/ZnO ratios 11; 5; 3; 2; 1.4 have been synthesized and characterized in vitro. After

being immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF) and saline solution, weight loss reduction and pH

measurments, followed by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectometry (ICP-OES), scanning

electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis were performed, in order to evaluate the

changes in glass morphology. In vitro biodegradation and surface reaction were observed in all of the

glasses, especially in the x=10, 15, 20 samples. SEM and XRD results revealed the presence of a

hydrotalcite-like structure (double layered hydroxid) at the aqueous solution-glass surface interface, while

Cu, Zn, Ca and B ions, with proangiogenic properties, were detected in the immersion fluid.

Keywords: copper, borate glasses, in vitro, biological ions;


Bioactive glasses are a category of vitreous biomaterials with remarkable bioactivity and

biocompatibility, which makes them highly promising in the medical applications field. In recent

years, there has been a significantly growing interest in the use of borate-based bioactive glasses

due to their excellent properties in bone regeneration and beyond. [4,24]. Low chemical durability,

faster and more complete degradation in comparison with silicate glasses, and a controllable

conversion to hydroxyapatite (HA) are among the well known characteristics of boron-containing

glasses [10]. Still, an extensive and ongoing process of research is required to provide prospects

for their use in soft tissue engineering [20].

A controllable degradation rate of the bioactive glass is desirable, taking into account that

it should be similar to the rate of new tissue formation, and a high chemical durability results in a

longer and less complete degradation rate upon immersion in aqueous solutions. [10,18,20]. This

process is accompanied by dissolution of ionic compounds in the fluid in which the bioactive glass

was immersed, resulting in pH and ionic concentration changes of the aqueous solution over time

[6]. Also, to form a strong bond with the surrounding tissue, the glass surface must undergo a

specific conversion phenomenon when immersed in simulated body fluid (SBF), leading to the

fomation of a hydroxiapatite (HA)-like surface layer [8]. Therefore, in vitro characterization of

these processes is essential to predict the in vivo behavior of the materials, and their applicability

in tissue engineering [20].

Weight loss measurements and pH monitoring of the aqueous immersion solution are

simple and relevant methods for assessing glass degradation rate, as they accompany these

processes by changes in ion concentration of the surrounding aqueous medium [10]. Scanning

electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDS) is used to

measure microstructural surface changes after immersion [16], while newly formed crystalline

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (11)


phases can be detected by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis [10]. Concentration of ions released

into deionized water following immersion, can be accurately measured by using inductively

coupled plasma optical emission spectometry (ICP-OES), being an essential tool for predicting

effects of the biomaterial on the surrounding tissue, including: cell growth stimulation, growth-

factor enhancement [22], angiogenesis promotion [15] and gene expression regulation [23].

The aim of this paper was to thoroughly characterize 5 compositions of bioactive glasses

derived from the B2O3ZnOCaOCuO system, by measuring the weight loss and pH changes of

the glass, after being immersed in aqueous solutions at 37°C. Additional SEM-EDS and XRD

analysis were performed to characterize microstructural surface changes, while ICP-OES was

completed after immersion of the glass in deionized water at 37°C. The results are intended to

anticipate the biological behavior of the glasses, and their applicability in tissue engineering.

Materials and methods

Glass synthesis

Glasses within the system (60-x) B2O3x ZnO34CaO1CuO, with x=5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ZnO

mol% and with B2O3/ZnO ratios 11; 5; 3; 2; 1.4 were prepared with high purity raw reagent-grade

chemicals. In order to obtain five different compositions of borate-based bioactive glasses, zinc

oxide (ZnO), copper oxide (CuO), boric acid (H3BO3) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) powders

were weighed, mixed and hom*ogenized before being melted at 1230°C for 25 minutes in sintered

corundum crucibles. The compositions were rapidly cooled at room temperature by quenching the

molten glasses; subsequently, the samples were crashed in an agate mortar and passed through a

sieve in order to finally obtain particles with a diameter (d) < 0.075 mm.

Degradation behavior and pH assessment of the borate-based glass samples in 0.9%

saline solution

In order to evaluate the degradation behavior of the bioactive glasses, similarly sized

samples were weighed before being soaked in 5 ml of normal saline solution (0.9%) and incubated

at 37°C for 7 days. The weight reduction was assessed by measuring the relative weight loss (Δm)

in all samples, using the following equation: m= 100(mi-mf)/mi, where mi is the initial mass,

found in the samples before immersion and mf is the measured weight after 7 days of soaking in

saline solution. Each sample was removed from the solution and wiped gently with filter paper to

eliminate the fluid from the surface before being weighed. Consequently, the glass surface was

microscopically evaluated at the end of immersion time (Olympus BX51).

Ionic dissolution assessment 100 mg of glass powder from each sample were soaked in 5 ml of deionized water, being

subsequently incubated at 37°C for 5 days. The concentration of ions (copper, zinc, borate, calcium

and aluminium) released during the degradation process were measured by ICP-OES analysis

(FMD-07, Spectro Analytical, Germany). Multielement calibration solutions prepared from a stock

solution of 1000 mg L-1 (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) were used to calibrate the instrument. The

estimated error in the measurement rate was +/- 5%.

Evaluation of the surface microstructural and chemical composition changes

Changes in the chemical and mirostructural properties of the samples, resulting from the

interaction with aqueous solutions, were assessed after immersing the glasses in normal saline

solution 0,9% for 7 days, at 37°C. The surface texture and morphological evaluation was performed

by SEM, while using XRD analysis (Bruker D8 Advance), the crystalline phases were quantificated

following interaction with the aqueous medium.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (12)


Results and discussions

Five glass compositions belonging to the (60-x) B2O3x ZnO34CaO1CuO system, with

x=5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ZnO mol% and with B2O3/ZnO ratios 11; 5; 3; 2; 1.4 were obtained by melting

technique (fig. 1). Samples were rapidly cooled at room temperature, being subsequently crushed

and passed through a sieve, resulting in particles with a diameter of <0.075 mm (fig. 2).

Fig. 1 Macroscopic appearance of the (60-x)

B2O3x ZnO34CaO1CuO with x=10 sample,

after being quenched and crushed

Fig. 2 Macroscopic appearance of the (60-x)

B2O3x ZnO34CaO1CuO with x=5 sample, after

being crushed and sieved to <0.075 mm particles

In the present study, granular forms of glass particles were obtained in order to increase

the glass surface area, thereby increasing the reactivity of the sample surface in the surrounding

physiological fluid.

Macroscopic aspects of the samples following immersion After 7 days of immersion in saline solution at 37°C, a newly formed layer of

approximately 0.5 mm thickness, very brittle, whitish and easily ruptured was noted at the surface

of the glasses (fig. 3), especially in the (60-x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x= 10; 15; 20

samples. Microscopically, the newly formed layer exhibited a crystallized appearance, while the

underlying surface layer presented a smooth aspect, lacking pre-existing discontinuities (fig. 4).

Clusters formed via agglomeration of particles were significantly decreased in number and size,

whilst in some regions, due to the thickness of the newly formed layer and its opacity, the

microscopic evaluation could not be achieved.

Fig. 3 Macroscopic appearance of the newly

formed glass surface layer after 7 days of

immersion in normal saline 0,9% in the (60-x)

B2O3x ZnO34CaO1CuO with x=10 sample

Fig. 4 Microscopic appearance of the surface layer

after 7 days of immersion in normal saline 0,9%

of the (60-x) B2O3x ZnO34CaO1CuO with x=20

sample (100x)

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (13)


A remarkable, dynamic process has been noted at the aqueous solution-glass surface

interface on microscopic evaluation of the samples, consisting of an uninterrupted deposition of a

thin layer, with a crystallized appearance (fig. 5-6).

Fig. 5-6: Continuous deposition of a thin layer on the sample surfaces, after 7 days of immersion in

SBF, at 37°C

Degradation behaviour and pH assessment of the bioactive glass samples

The average weight reduction (Δm) for all of the five samples after immersion in 0.9%

saline solution, was found to be 0.86%. The highest weight reduction was recorded in the (60-

x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=10 sample (Δm= 1.76%), while the lowest weight

reduction was identified in the (60-x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=25 sample (Δm=

0.03%). Although weight losses are relatively low, they indicate the ocurrance of a degradation

process; however, a reduced degradation and conversion rate is rather characteristic for silicate

glasses, and represents a drawback by hindering the coordination between the bioactive glass

degradation rate and tissue regeneration rate [7,20].

The starting pH value of the 0.9% saline solution at 37°C was 5.4. After 7 days of

immersion, the most significant increase in the pH value was recorded in the (60-

x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=15 sample, with 3.5 units. The saline solution has

undergone the smallest change in pH in the (60-x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=25 sample,

with 1.9 units. Changes in the pH take place due to changes in ionic concentrations, as a result of

the degradation process [10,20]. A previous study has shown a correlation between increasing the

B2O3 content in the sample and increasing pH of the immersion solution [7]. Huang [10]

highlighted that, by increasing B2O3 content, a very rapid pH increase of the aqueous solution was

caused, reaching a limit value in 50 hours; however, the final pH value was higher in the samples

with a decreased B2O3 content, where the limit value was reached after 500 hours. In the present

study, pH evaluation was performed after 168 hours of immersion and showed a lower pH increase

in the sample with the highest B2O3 content. Increasing B2O3 content results in a lower chemical

durability, which leads to a faster reaction with the aqueous medium, and therefore to the rapid

change of the pH, but it’s limiting value is detemined by the ionic concentrations released in the

solution, as well as by their acidity and basicity [10].

Ionic dissolution products

In order to measure the ions concentrations released into the deionized water, the ICP-OES

analysis was performed; results in all of the five samples are presented in Fig. 7.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (14)


Sample Cu (mg/L) Zn (mg/L) B (mg/L) Ca (mg/L) Al (mg/L)

x=5 0.038 0.048 530 770 3.6

x=10 0.054 0.041 506 730 3.6

x=15 0.075 0.044 544 840 2.7

x=20 0.045 0.049 510 810 1.1

x=25 0.066 0.054 650 1270 1.2

Fig. 7: Ion concentrations of deionized water following immersion of the glass samples

The highest concentrations of B, Zn and Ca were found in the (60-

x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=25 sample (650 mg/L, 0.054 mg/L and 1270 mg/L

respectively). Cu reached a maximum level in the (60-x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=15

(0.075 mg/L) sample, while Al levels were found in all of the five samples, with the highest

amounts being detected in the (60-x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=5, 10 samples (3.6

mg/L). The presence of trace amounts of aluminium is explained by the high temperature and the

long melting time during sample synthesis, which caused contamination from the walls of the


The biological significance of Cu is given by its anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious,

antibacterial and proangiogenic properties [1]. A remarkable cellular distribution of Cu ions has

been revealed in human endothelial cells, when induced to undergo angiogenesis [5]. Zn ions are

required in various enzymatic activities and anti-inflammatory processes, possess a remarkable

antimicrobial activity and are strongly involved in protein synthesis [2,12]. They appear to be

actively involved in collagen synthesis and play a role in cell membrane stabilization, intracellular

signaling and wound healing [14]. Increased levels of Zn were identified at the wound margins

within the first 24 hours, while even higher levels were detected during epidermal granulation and

proliferation [9,13]. Boron ions are apparently involved in the synthesis of collagen and

proteoglycans, increase the turnover of extracellular matrix, and also promote protein

phosphorylation [19]. Al has certain astringent, antacid and antibacterial properties, its toxic effects

being dose dependent [17]. Microstructural characterization

SEM photomicrographs of the (60-x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=10, 15 samples

are shown in fig. 10. Cauliflower-shaped agglomerates (fig. 8A), sphere clusters (fig. 8B), and also

well defined, regular geometric shapes (fig. 8C-D) were observed at the surface of the outermost


LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (15)


Fig. 8 SEM images of the (60-x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO, where x=10, 15 samples.

A : x=10, scale:50 µm; B: x=10; scale:50 µm; C: x=15, scale:500 µm;

D: x= 15, scale:100 µm

Following imersion in saline solution, XRD patterns of the samples were relatively

similar (fig. 12), showing peaks corresponding to zinc aluminium carbonate hydroxide hydrate

[Zn6Al2(OH)16CO3.4H2O], a hydrotalcite-like structure, also known as double layered hydroxid

(strongest line at 2θ = 11.65°). The importance of this compound lies primarily in its catalytic

behavior, particularly being a substrate for the efficient immobilization of biological materials

[3,21]. The development of this interface layer is a result of the interaction between Zn and Al ions,

under alkaline hydrothermal conditions [11]. In his study, Koh [11] developed this chemical

compound, and successfully used it as a synthetic substrate for hexagonal-patterned ZnO nanorods.




























LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (16)


Fig. 12: X-ray diffraction patterns of the (60-x) B2O3x ZnO34CaO1CuO system,

with x=10, 15, 20 after immersion in SBF

Aluminum sulphate hydroxide hydrate is another compund detected by XRD analysis at

the sample surfaces, the most intense peak being centered at 2θ = 8.31˚. The XRD scan also

contained diffraction peaks corresponding to NaCl, originating form the immersion fluid.

Diffraction peaks could only be detected and assigened in the x=10, 15 and 20 samples.


Five different borate containg glasses with a composition in the (60-

x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO system, were synthesized and characterized by various methods,

including ICP-OES, SEM-EDS, and XRD, in order to predict their applicability in tissue

engineering. In vitro weight loss and pH measurements showed a lightly degradable behavior in

all of the samples, while surface reactivity of the glasses was studied microscopically. None of

these properties appeared to be linearly dependent on the boron concentration of the glass samples.

SEM micrographs captured at the surface of the samples revealed the presence of various distinct,

well-defined, regularly shaped structures, especially in the (60-x)·B2O3·xZnO·34CaO·1CuO,

where x = 10; 15 samples. The XRD patterns of the samples showed the existance of a newly

formed, hydrotalcite-like structure at the aqueous solution-glass surface interface, with remarkable

biological properties. These results indicate a highly promising stimulatory potential of these

glasses, by releasing various ions with multiple activities, related to their proangiogenic and

antibacterial properties.


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8. Hench L, 1993, Bioceramics – from Concept to Clinic, American Ceramic Society Bulletin 72(4): 93–98.

9. Henkin RI, 1974, Zinc in wound healing, The New England Journal of Medicine 291:675-676.

10. Huang W, Day DE, Kittiratanapiboon K, Rahaman MN, 2006, Kinetics and mechanisms of the conversion of silicate (45S5), borate and borosilicate glasses to hydroxiapatite in dilute phosphate solution, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 17: 583-96.

11. Koh YW, Loh KP, 2005, Hexagonally packed zinc oxide nanorod bundles on hydrotalcite sheets, Journal of Materials Chemistry 15: 2508-2514.

12. Lang C, Murgia C, Leong M, Tan L-W, Perozzi G, Knight D, 2007, Anti- inflammatory effects of zinc and alterations in zinc transporter mRNA in mouse models of allergic inflammation, American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 292(2):L577e84.

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LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (18)


Searches on the application of a method of induction and

syncronization of estrus in cows postpartum based on two doses of

GnRH and prostaglandin F2 α, with programmed insemination


Stațiunea de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Creșterea Bovinelor Dancu Loc. Dancu, jd. Iași



The researches were realized in the dairy cattle farm from S.C.D.C.B. Dancu, Iasi, on an

experimental lot, composed of 41 cows of Romanian Black Spotted breed (BNR), (Lot E), compared to a

control group composed of 45 cows (Lot M). The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of

using a new protocol for the induction and synchronization of estrus at dairy cows, using the hormonal

products, such as GnRH and PGF2α. The treatments applied to the cows from the experimental group were

performed between 31.01.2017 and 23.06.2017, within an average value of 52 days after calving. The

therapeutic protocol consisted in the following: administration of the first dose of GnRH (2.5 ml,

Receptal=10 μg Buserelin, intramuscularly) on day 0, (regardless of the stage of the estrous cycle);

administration of one dose PGF2α (2ml Estrumate=500 mcg Cloprostenol) on the seventh day;

administration of the second dose of GnRH on the ninth day and artificial insemination at 18-24 hours after

the second dose of GnRH, (without estrus detection). The application of this therapeutic protocol for estrus

induction and synchronization at dairy cows with two doses of GnRH and PGF2α in the 45-80 days

postpartum period has reduction effects of the intervals: calving to the first insemination and conception,

with a positive impact on the reproductive management of dairy farms and the economic implications by the

reduction of unproductive costs and of the workforce for the detection of cows estrus.

Key words: dairy cows, estrus induction and synchronization, GnRH, prostaglandin F2α, fertility


During the last period was found a decline in reproductive efficiency, particularly in highly

productive cows, due to the poor detection of the estrus, caused by the reduced intensity of heat

signs, the inadequate time of observation of the animals in large farms and the deterioration of

climatic conditions. Most studies indicate an association between lower fertility of cows with high

milk yields and decreases concentrations in steroid hormone (estrogen-E2 and progesterone-P4),

(1, 2, 9, 15, 16, 17).

Research in the field shows that treatments for cow estrus induction and synchronization

may have positive effects on reproductive activity, especially in animals maintained in the free

system, facilitating estrous detection and increasing the conception rate by inseminating the

animals at the optimum time in relation to ovulation. Of the different protocols for estrus induction

and synchronization in dairy cows and meat, the protocol named Ovsynch, which uses a

combination of injections of GnRH and PGF2α, is widely used because eliminates the estrus

detection and allow fixed time insemination programmed at ovulation optimum time, resulting in

normal fertility after insemination at the end of treatments (1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,11,15,16,17).

Various studies have shown that Ovsynch is an extremely economical and efficient

strategy to improve reproductive performance of high performance dairy cows (3,12,13,14).

During a cow's sexual cycle, there are 2-3 waves of ovarian follicular growth, each

follicular wave having an average life of 7-10 days, progressing through different stages of

development, from appearance, selection, dominance, atresia or ovulation. A dominant follicle,


LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (19)


capable of ovulation is present only at certain times during each wave. Given the dynamic growth

of ovarian follicles in a sexual cycle, the Ovsynch therapeutic protocol was developed, which

aiming to achieve the following effects: reprogramming follicular waves by administering the first

dose of GnRH, the luteolysis of a probable luteal body by administering of PGF2α to 7 days and

determining the dominant follicle ovulation expected to be present after PGF2α by administering

the second injection of GnRH at 48-56 hours later, thus facilitating fixed-time insemination,

without resorting to detection of heat (1,2,6,7,9,15).

Major implications of progesterone (P4) concentration were reported at the time of the first

dose of GnRH on the induced LH wave. It was established that in order to have a successful

Ovsynch protocol, progesterone (P4) concentration at first GnRH1 treatment should usually be

above 1 ng / ml), while in the second GnRH2 treatment, the (P4) concentration to be less than 0.5

ng / ml (5.16).

Some authors report that conception rates in lactating cows that benefited from the

Ovsynch protocol were similar to those of cows that were inseminated to spontaneous postpartum

estrus (Pursley et al., 1997a, b).

Other recent reports have indicated that although the use of these estrus therapeutic

protocols in cows has many advantages, which would come from an effective regulation of sexual

cycle and facilitating reproductive management in farms with large livestock, however, the

methods of control of sexual cycle have variable results, some being contradictory and questionable


Variability of Ovsynch protocol results consist in the proportion of non-cycling postpartum

cows, the follicular dynamics of each cow in the herd or the ability of farm personnel to properly

implement this protocol (7,15,16).

The purpose of present researches was to establish the efficacy of estrus induction and

synchronization protocol based on the combination of injections of GnRH and PGF2α, taking into

account the positive effects on reproductive management of dairy cows maintained in the free

system, but also the variability of treatment outcomes, reported by various authors.

Material and methods

Research has been carried out on zootechnical base from Research and Development

Station for Breeding Cattle (S.C.D.C.B.) Dancu, Iasi, on an experimental lot (Lot E), consisting of

41 cows compared to a control group of 45 cows (Lot C) in Romanian Black Spotted breed, freely

maintained in a modernized shelter with a capacity of 200 heads, (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Maintenance system of the cows in the experimental group

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (20)


The treatments for estrus induction and synchronization of cows from the experimental

group (E lot) were performed between 31.01.2017 and 23.06.2017, the average interval from

calving to treatment being 52 days (with variations between 42-70 days).

The therapeutic protocol consisted in the administration at cycling or non-cycling

postpartum cows, regardless of ovarian formations (follicles or luteal body) two doses of 2.5 ml

(10 μg) intramuscularly of GnRH (Receptal), separated by a dose of 2 ml prostaglandin F2α

(Estrumate) intramuscularly (containing Cloprostenol 250 μg / ml, Intervet International BV,

Netherlands) at 7 days after the first administration of GnRH (Receptal, 2 ml, intramuscularly).

Two days after the injection of prostaglandin F2α, a second dose of GnRH (Receptal, 2 ml,

intramuscularly) was given. Considering the moment of ovulation, the second injection of GnRH

was given in the afternoon between 14-15 hours for the insemination to be carried out in the next

morning between 8-9 hours, thus achieving the range of 18-19 hours from the second injection of

GnRH, which coincides with the production of ovulation. At 18-24 hours after the second dose of

GnRH, (Receptal, 2.5 ml) artificial insemination of cows was performed, without resorting to

detection of heat (Figure 1).

GnRH PGF2α GnRH fixed time IA

(Receptal, 2,5 ml) (Estrumate, 2 ml) (Receptal, 2,5 ml)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 days

7 days 2 days 18-24 hours

Figure 2. The protocol for induction and synchronization of estrus in cows

based on 2 doses GnRH and PGF2α

The effectiveness of treatments applied to cows in the experimental group was determined

by determining the intervals from treatment to conception, calving to conception, gestation index

and conception rate on total insemination, as well as after the first, second, third and third


Results and discussions

The artificial insemination of cows took place after the second dose of GnRH (with or

without estrus signs) in 97,56% of cases (40 of 41 cows), of which: 87,81 % (36 of 41 Cows)

according to the protocol at fixed time (18-24 hours) and 9,75% (4 of 41 cows) which showed

estrus were early artificially inseminated (with second administration of GnRH. One cow (2,43%)

was not inseminated due to the presence of a genital inflammatory process.

The treatment-conception interval recorded an average of 32.8 ± 10.6 days (with

variations between 1-110 days), (Table 1).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (21)


Table 1. The artificial insemination of cows in experimental group

after the estrus induction and synchronization treatments

with 2 doses GnRH and prostaglandin F2α

The comparative analysis of cow’s reproductive activity revealed that the average value

for the first postpartum insemination interval was with 29 days lower in the experimental group

(62 ± 1.05 days) compared to the control group (90.94 ± 8.00 days). However, there were no

differences in the average conception interval , the values being close to the two batches close in

the two groups (94.93 ± 10.4 days, in the experimental group and 93.72 ± 9.86 days, respectively,

in control group), (Table 2).

Table 2. The reproductive activity of cows in the experimental group (n = 41 cows),

after the treatments for estrus induction and synchronization treatments

compared to control group without treatments (45 cows)


cows /lot E artificially inseminated cows (IA) after treatments, of which:

total IA IA at 18-24 hours IA early without IA

after in day of

second GnRH second GnRH

fixed time



n n % n % n % n %

------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


41 40 97,56 36 87,81 4 9,75 1 2,44





Intervals, (days)



specification calving- calving- treatments- calving-

values treatments the first conception conception



lot E lot E lot C lot E lot E lot C

---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


average 52±1,03 62±1,05 90,94±8,00 32,8±10,6 94,93± 10,4 93,72±9,86

minim 42 52 35 1 53 35

maxim 70 80 242 110 180 174



LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (22)


The analysis of the conception rate after estrus induction and synchronization treatments

reveals on total insemination and after the first two inseminations with 6,39% and 8,4% higher

values in the experimental group compared to control group (37, 50% - lot E vs. 31,11% - lot C

and 35% - lot E, vs. 26,6% - lot C), (table 3).

Table 3. The conception rate of cows in the experimental group

after treatments for estrus induction and synchronization treatments

compared to control group without treatments

By applying this therapeutic protocol to cows for induction and synchronization of estrus,

it was found that in 9,75% of cases showed estrus and were artificially inseminated early (in the

days of the second administration of GnRH) and in 87,81% of cows did not show estrus, the

artificial insemination being performed in fixed time within 18-19 hours after the second

administration of GnRH.

This finding is confirmed by other authors who show that between 80 and 90% of the cows

treated with this protocol are not observed in the estrus, GnRH injection causing the ovulation

before the cow displays signs of estrus, approximately 26-32 hours after the second injection of

GnRH (8,10).

Following the studies by Fricke et al., 1998, the ovulation of one dominant follicle, in

response to the second GnRH injection occurs in about 85% of highly productive milk cows who

receive this protocol.

Some authors have achieved the highest conception rate of cows that have been artificially

inseminated within 8-24 hours after the second injection of GnRH, indicating a considerable

flexibility in insemination time after the second injection of GnRH, the conception rates being

lower only when cows were inseminated after ovulation time.

Analysis of the ovarian profile at the initiation of the estrus synchronization protocol in

relation to the gestation status of the cows has shown that the conception rate after treatment

depends on the trophic state of the ovaries, the phase of the estrous cycle in which it is applied and

the ovarian follicles dimensions Table 4).

The influence of estrous cycle phase in cows at the time of initiation of treatments on the

conception rate was also indicated by other authors, who report that the ovulation synchronization

rate is higher when Ovsynch is initiated in the middle of the estrous cycle. When the Ovsynch


Cows Pregnant cows, of which:


after Total at I-a IA at I –a + a-II-a IA


Lot E Lot E Lot C Lot E Lot C Lot E Lot C

n % n % n % n % n % n % n %



40 97,57 15 37,5 14 31,11 7 17,5 7 15,5 14 35,0 12 26,6



LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (23)


protocol began on day 5 through day 9 of the estrous cycle, there were several cows (> 90%) that

ovulated after the first dose of GnRH. Beginning in the middle of the cycle, Ovsynch led to smaller

ovulatory follicles and higher gestation rates. Synchronization rate was 91% when Ovsynch was

started on day 1 to 12 of the estrous cycle and 80% when Ovsynch was started on day 1 -22 (17).

Table 4. Ovarian profile at the initiation of the estrus synchronization therapeutic protocol

with 2 doses of GnRH + prostaglandin F2α in relation to gestational status after treatments

Ovarian formations Pregnant cows,

at the initiation of at total inseminations, of which: at the first


therapeutic protocol

for cows estrus synchronization

1-2 large sized follicles (12-18 mm

1-2 medium sized follicles (8-11 mm) 1 1

1 large sized follicles (15 mm) 1 -

1 Luteal body

2 medium sized follicles (8-11 mm) 2 -

1 Luteal body

1-2 medium sized follicles (8-11 mm) 1 1

1 Ovarian hypotrophy

1-2 medium sized follicle (8-11 mm)

on both ovaries 2 -

2-4 small sized follicles (4-6 mm) 3 1

on both ovaries

2 small sized follicles (4-6 mm) 3 1

1 Ovarian hipotrophy

1 large sized follicles (15 mm) 1 1

1 medium sized follicles (10 mm)

2-3 small sized follicles (4-6 mm)

TOTAL pregnant cows 15 7

The research presented in this paper highlights that this therapeutic protocol based on the

combination of injections of GnRH and PGF2α for the induction and synchronization of estrus in

cows within the 42-70 days postpartum period has effects of decreasing the average interval

between calving and the first postpartum insemination and higher conception rates, compared to

the control group.

Although this protocol requires cows to be handled 3-4 times, heat detection are minimized

or eliminated, making cow's artificial insemination more practical and economically feasible for

dairy cows and increasing the number of cows that are inseminated in the first 60 days after calving.


- Cows who benefited in postpartum by estrus synchronization treatments (experimental

group) were artificially inseminated after the second dose of GnRH (with or without signs of

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (24)


estrus) in 97,56% of cases, of which: 87,81% in according to the protocol at fixed time (18-24

hours) and 9,75% who showed estrus and were artificially inseminated early, (in day of GnRH

second administration).

-The average calving -treatment interval in the experimental group was about 52 ± 1,03

days (with variations between 42-70 days).

- The treatment-conception interval in the experimental group had an average value of 32,8

± 10,6 days (with variations between 1-110 days).

- The conception rate in the experimental group on total inseminations had higher values

with 6,39%, and after the first two inseminations with 8,4% compared to the cows in the control

group (37,50% - lot E vs. 31,11% - lot C and respectively 35% - lot E vs. 26,6% - lot C).

- By the therapeutic protocol based on the combination of injections of GnRH and

prostaglandin F2α for the induction and synchronization of estrus in cows the minimization or

elimination of heat detection is made, making artificial insemination of cows more practical and

economically feasible for dairy cattle farms and increasing the number of cows which are

inseminated within the first 60 days after calving.

This work was conducted under the Sectorial Plan for Research and Development of

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the years 2015-2018 "Agriculture and Rural

Development - 2020 ADER", contract number 5.3.2/03.11.2015


1. Ardelean V., 2008-Procedee de inducere şi sincronizare a estrului la vaci. Medicamentul veterinar / Veterinary drug nr.1

2. Cernescu H., 2004 –„Ginecologie veterinară”. Editura Cecma Partener, Timişoara. 3. Burke, J. M., R. L. de la Sota, C. A. Risco, C. R. Staples, E. J. P. Schmitt, and W. W. Thatcher. 1996-

Evaluation of timed insemination using a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 79:1385-1393.

4. Fricke, P. M., J. N. Guenther, and M. C. Wiltbank. 1998- Efficacy of decreasing the dose of GnRH used in a protocol for synchronization of ovulation and timed AI in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology 50:1275-1284.

5. Giordano JO1, Wiltbank MC, Fricke PM, Bas S, Pawlisch R, Guenther JN, Nascimento AB.- Effect of increasing GnRH and PGF2α dose during Double-Ovsynch on ovulatory response, luteal regression, and fertility of lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology. 2013 Oct 15;80(7):773-83. doi: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2013.07.003. Epub 2013 Aug 9.

1. Gümen, A., J. N. Guenther, and M. C. Wiltbank. 2003-Follicular size and response to Ovsynch versus detection of estrus in anovular and ovular lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 86:3184- 3194.

2. Jobst, S. M., R. L. Nebel, M. L. McGilliard, and K. D. Pelzer. 2000- Evaluation of reproductive performance in lactating dairy cows with prostaglandin F2α, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and timed artificial insemination. J. Dairy Sci. 83:2366-2372.

3. John B. Hall, 2009- GnRH Based Estrus Synchronization Systems for Beef Cows. Extension Animal Scientist, Beef, Virginia Tech.

4. Lane E.A, Austin E.J., Crowe M.A., 2008- Oestrous synchronisation in cattle—Current options following the EU regulations restricting use of oestrogenic compounds in food-producing animals: A review Animal Reproduction Science 109 (2008) 1–16.

5. Peters, M. W. and J. R. Pursley. 2002- Fertility of lactating dairy cows treated with Ovsynch after presynchronization injections of PGF2α and GnRH. J. Dairy Sci. 85: 2403-2406.

6. Pursley JR, Mee MO, Wiltbank MC-1995- “Synchronization of ovulation in dairy cows using PGF2α and GnRH”. Theriogenology 44:915-923.

7. Pursley J.R., Wiltbank M.C., , Stevenson J.S., Ottobre J.S., Garverick H.A., Anderson L.L. –1997 a- Pregnancy Rates Per Artificial Insemination for Cows and Heifers Inseminated at a Synchronized Ovulation or Synchronized Estrus1, Journal of Dairy Science, vol. 80.

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8. Pursley J.R., Michael R. Kosorok1, Milo C. Wiltbank, 1997 b- Reproductive Management of Lactating Dairy Cows Using Synchronization of Ovulation, Journal of dairy Science, vol 80.

9. Pursley, J. R., R. W. Silcox, and M. C. Wiltbank. 1998- Effect of time of artificial insemination on pregnancy rates, calving rates, pregnancy loss, and gender ratio after synchronization of ovulation in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 81:2139-2144.

10. Srijana Manandhar, 2016- Effect of increased doses of final gonadotropin- realeasing hormone (GnRH) of Ovsynch on luteizing hormone (LH) peak and corpus luteum (CL) function in lactating dairy cows and buffaloes. THESIS - Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Animal Science- Master of Science.

11. Stevenson, J. S., Y. Kobayashi, and K. E. Thompson. 1999- Reproductive performance of dairy cows in various programmed breeding systems including OvSynch and combinations of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and prostaglandin F2α. J. Dairy Sci. 82:506-515.

12. Vasconcelos, J. L. M., R. W. Silcox, G. J. Rosa, J. R. Pursley, and M. C. Wiltbank. 1999- Synchronization rate, size of the ovulatory follicle, and pregnancy rate after synchronization of ovulation beginning on different days of the estrous cycle in lactating dairy cows. Theriogenology 52:1067-1078

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (26)


vagin*l smear, progesterone levels, and ultrasound examination of the

ovaries as methods of determining the moment of ovulation in bitches

comparative study

G. OTAVĂ, C. MIRCU, Violeta IGNA, Simona MARC ZARCULA, D. LO PRESTI Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat ‟ King Michael I of Romania” (USAMVB), Timisoara – 300645, Calea Aradului, nr. 119,



Researches in the scientific literature reveal that the study of vagin*l citology and interpretation

of progesterone values do not represent certain methods to determine the ovulation time. 6 different breed

have been investigated in this study (Labrador Retriever, Tibetan Mastiff, Bichon Maltese, West Highlander

White Terrier and the Bucovina Shepherd). All es were monitored in terms of cyto-vagin*l smear, the P4

level and ultrasound examination to determine the ovulation moment. The rapid disappearance of the

follicular antrum cavity, correspondent to ovulation, was detected only with two. Although ultrasound

changes during the estrous cycle were well-studied, the exact ovulation moment cannot be predicted

accurately. To optimize the results of determining the ovulation moment it is recommended to collate the

ultrasound examination with at least one of the other two methods of investigation.

Key words: ovulation time, bitch , ultrasound


Bitches are mono-estrous animals with a single reproductive cycle. Because ovulation

occurs once or twice a year and due to the very high variaty among individuals within the same

breed and among breeds, it is very difficult to set a very accurate method for ovulation timing.

Imagining and developing a non-invasive method of monitoring follicular development and

ovulation is necessary both for research and for clinical practice. Development of some high-

performance ultrasound apparata has led to substantial progress in this area lately.

Until now, the ovulation moment has been set by collating the two methods of medical

investigation- determinating the progesterone level and studying the vagin*l cytology . The study

of literature concerning the determination of the ovulation moment by determining the

progesterone level reveals vastly different data. Thus, progesterone values ranging from 4 to 10

ng/ml are set through clinical studies. In this study we wanted to obtain information about the

effectiveness and coordination of the three methods of determining the ovulation moment.

Materials and methods

Six different breeds have been monitored in this study (Labrador Retriever, Tibetan

Mastiff, Bichon Maltese, West Highlander White Terrier and the Bucovina Shepherd). Taking into

account the very large differences among individuals of the same breed and among dog

breeds,regarding the ovulation moment opposite the sexual cycle, pet owners were advised to

bring the females for monitoring the estrous phase of the sexual cycle when the blood leak

diminished , both chromatically and quantitatively. Thus, the owners were not called according to

a fixed interval from the sexual cycle onset.

An attempt was made to investigate the vagin*l cytology, the progesterone levels and

ultrasound appearance of the ovaries in the females. To perform the cytovagin*l smear, I needed a

rod of wood to which a small amount of cotton wool was attached by rotating the rod. This

improvised item was introduced into the vagin*l vestibule on a nearly vertical direction from the

bottom up, after a previous distance of vulvar lips performed by the same vet tehnician with the


LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (27)


opposite hand. After penetration into the vagin*l vestibule the rod is placed in horizontal position

in order to set its tip into the anterior vagin*.

According to the literature there are differences concerning the interpretation based on

cytovagin*l smear in es between the vagin*l vestibule or posterior vagin* and anterior vagin*. It

is recommended to avoid the cl*tor*s fossa which contains fragments of keratinizated cells which

can be confused with the superficial epithelial cells obtained from the during the estrus period.

Once the rod inside the vagin* the vet tehnician makes movements of rotation in the opposite

direction to the direction of rotating the cotton wool. One should be aware of this fact because there

is a risk of cotton wool to get detached from the rod. The sample taken was displayed on a glass

blade by rolling over the wool part of the rod. The smearl dyeing was made using the Diff Quick

method. The examination of cytovagin*l smear was done by help of the Leica microscope owned

by CLC Horia Cernescu.

Preparing the animal for the blood sampling began with shaving the middle area of the

forearm and antisepting it with betadine solution 4%. The blood samples for determining the

progesterone level in blood was done by stinging a needle attached to a syringe into the vena

cefalica antebrahiala. A quantity of 1- 2.5 ml of blood was taken.

The blood taken was transferred into a vacuum container which does not contain

anticoagulant substances . The container was labelled with the owner and pet IDs. The sample thus

obtained was sent, as soon as possible, at Bioclinica laboratory. The determination of the

progesterone level was done by means of the chemiluminiscence method, using the Siemens Advia

Centaur device. The value obtained was expressed in mmoles/l and nanograms per milliliter.

Preparing the female for the ovaries ultrasound examination consisted in trimming or

shaving the flank area , covering the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae 3 and 4. The

female will be positioned in lateral or dorso-lateral decubitus, either left or right depending on the

ovary to be viewed. There are some situations in which, due to the presence of certain portions of

the intestine in the proximity of the ovary, viewing it is more difficult. In such situations, the

females can be examined in upright position. It is worth mentioning that the animal being shaved

is absolutely mandatory in order to have good quality images, so it should not be left to the

discretion of the owner. Many owners refuse to have the animal shaved, due to aesthetic reasons.

The echography of the ovaries should be performed after a 12-hour water diet to have an empty


After applying the gel on the freshly shaved area, an attempt was made to visualize the

kidney caudal pole. This represents a landmark in the case of the examination of the ovaries

because they are close to the kidney. The ovary is positioned caudo-laterally towards the distal

portion of the kidney. An anatomical peculiarity of female genital apparatus, namely being

positioned more cranially to the kidney compared to the left kidney. Thus, the right ovary is

positioned more cranially compared to the left one. The echography of the ovaries should start with

the left ovary, since it is easier to locate. It should be also taken into account the fact that the ovaries

are located superficially, very close under the skin. The ultrasound examination was done using a

My Lab 50 Esaote, Betford Hills, NY, USA apparatus equipped with a 3-9 MHz frequency convex

probe set to mode B, property of CLC Horia Cernescu..

Results and discussions

Please note that the study has been negatively impacted by a number of factors such as:

the reduced availability of owners to be present at the clinic following the shedule established, the

anxiety of the bitches that caused tachypnea and the tissues, and the hollow/cavitary organs

containing gas.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (28)


The Bucovina Shepherd beatch was investigated twice in a span of two days. At the first

medical investigation the progesterone level was 1.9 ng/ml and the image of the cyto-vagin*l

smeard was impossible to be interpreted due to the abundant presence of the estrus mucus. The

second investigation showed that the superficial cells with no nucleus of all keratenized cells

cheratinizate were around 72%. According to data in the scientific literature , at the percentage of

cells without nucleus of 72 per cent, the female is supposed to be on the everge of ovulation, but

the progesterone level of 2.5 ng/ml does not indicate this fact. The data in the literature show a

very large range (4-10ng/ml) of the progesterone levels at the time of ovulation. Related to the

percentage of cells with no nucleus, ENGLAND (3) consider that it is supposed to be 75, at the

ovulation moment. This demonstrates that the percentage of the keratenized cells in the cyto-

vagin*l smear used to determine the moment of ovulation is not a good method.

Concerning the Labrador Retriever beatch, the oestrus cycle showed a percentage of 16

cells with no nucleus. The ovary follicles had an even appearence, with thickened walls, feature

specific to the follicules before ovulation. Thus, in this situation, the two medical investigation


The Tibetan Mastiff female was investigated according to the cyto-vagin*l smear, the

progesterone level and through the ultrasound method. In this particular situation, there is no

discrepancy, meaning that the ultrasound results, the percentage of the superficial cells with no

nucleus and the progesterone levels showed that the famale did not ovulate. The sonograph pointed

that on the ovary monitoredthere are 6 follicles.

Tabel 1. The connection among the oestrus cycle, the P4 level and the

ultrasound results in a West Highlander White Terrier bitch

Data The cyto-vagin*l smear/The

procentage of the superficial no

nucleus cells

The ultrasound appearance of

the ovaries aloare nivel




1,1 ng/ml



LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (29)



0,73 ng/ml



2,59 ng/ml



The West Highlander White Terrier female was investigated, using all the three methods,

4 times, every 2-4 days, according to its evolution concerning the sexual cycle. Even if the first

cyto-vagin*l smear was impossible to interpret (Table 1), speaking from the cytology point, the

female had an ascending evolution regarding the cells without a nucleus. The same trend was found

in the progesterone level. The beatch was at a basic/basal level (values between 0.73 ng/ml and

2.59 ng/ml) during the first three days of the investigation. On the last day, it was noticed that the

progesterone value of 4ng/ml (value which most studies consider is an indicator for ovulation )

collated neither with theultrasound image of the ovaries, nor with the vagin*l cytology, . We would

have expected that at a progesterone value of 6,4 ng/ml, the procentage of the cells with no nucleus

to be 75%, (ENGLAND and LEVY) (2, 3) and the follicles to be well-defined.. Ultrasound follicles

appearance was, however, one specific to the preovulation follicles.(Table 1). This reveals at least









LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (30)


a fact, namely, at a progesterone value of 6/ml, 4ng , the female did not ovulate. We consider

that, out of the three methods of investigation, the ovaries ultrasound exemination brings the most

precious information about the time of ovulation. The data in the scientific literature on

progestrerone level at which ovulation occurs, are vastly different ranging from 4-10 ng/ml (5).

Table 2. Connection among estrous cycle, the P4 level and the ovaries

ultrasound appearance in a Bichon Maltese bitch

Data The cyto-vagin*l

smear/The procentage of

the superficial no nucleus


The ultrasound appearance of the


P4 value











6.06. 2016








LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (31)





5,39 g/ml




The Bichon female was investigated, using all the three methods, six times, every 1-3 days,

according to its evolution concerning the sexual cycle

Speaking from the cytology point, the female had an ascending evolution regarding the

cells without a nucleus. From one medical exam to another, the percentage of the cells with no

progressive nucleus grew. According to Table 2, when the cells with no nucleus were 23,68%, the

progesterone level was 5,39 ng/ml, very close to ovulation time.. On the penultimate day of the

investigation the female was exemined only hormonally and cytologically, because we had no

access at the ultrasound apparatus at the weekend. On the last day of the examination, the female

had a smear specific to the metestrus period beginning, and the P4 level was 20,24 ng/ml.

The data in the scientific literature show that considering the percentage of cells with no

nucleus out of all keratenized cells in order to determine the ovulation time, envolves great

difficulty and it is subjected to errors of interpretation. This fact is due to the cyto-vagin*l smear

being uneven. Thus, the percentage of keratinizated cells with no nucleus differs from one image

to another.






LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (32)


The evolution of the progesterone levels was normal relative to the folllicular

development and cytology. Thus, the female had a basal/ basic P4 level until about 3 days before

ovulation. About 2 days after ovulation the P4 level was 20.24 ng/ml. The P4 value in a certain

period of time after ovulation differs greatly from one bitch to another and it might be due to the

number of ovarian follicles and to the number of corpus luteum. Thus, a larger number of corpus

luteum will cause a higher and sudden progesterone level.

In terms of the ultrasound results, the ovarian follicles had an ecogenous appearance to

the last medical examination . Since the last examination, a change in the ovaries appearance

could be noticed- they turned hypo-ecogenuous. Also, the ovaries form evolved from a round shape

at the beginning of the monitoring (A ', C ') to elliptical form (D ') at the end of it.

We noticed that the females belonging to large breeds and the obese ones, the exemination

using the echography/ultrasound apparatus is performed with greater difficulty, situation reported

also in the scientific literature (5). The easiest ultrasound examination can be done during the

follicular sexual cycle. (proestrus and the estrus). During the proestrus cycle, the ultrasound

appearance of the ovaries show regular and ecogenous shape, having 6-9 mm, with very thin

follicula wall. The follicles grow progressively from the early follicular phase until its end. With

the approaching of ovulation time, the preovulation follicle thickens its wall up to 1mm. According

to the informtion in the literature a preovulating follicle can change its shape becoming flat,

situation that the current study did register. At the ovulation time the follicular cavity dissapear

(follicular collapse).

There is information in the literature that in half of the cases, after ovulation, soem hypo-

ecogenous sstructures are still be found inside the ovary (8). These structures are different from the

preovulation follicles being smaller and irregularly shaped (9).

It is rather difficult to assess the number of follicles according to the literature (5). These

researchers notice that 45 % of the follicles do not ovulate. These round ecogenous structures can

be seen up to three days after ovulation. This situation may mislead an inexperienced examiner.

Another structure that may mislead the vet is the liquid present between the ovary and ovarian

bursa, situation that can occur in 40% of cases (1, 4). A day after the ovulation, there is a blood

accumulation in the follicular cavity that leads to the appearance of the hemorrhagic corpus

luteum. They have a structure similar to the preovulation . It is therefore very important that the

ovaries examination to take place daily in order to show the exact ovulation moment.

According to LEVY and FONTBONNE (5), detecting the ovulation moment by

ultrasound investigation is just 10 percent more accurate compared to the progesterone level

determination. Setting the ovulation moment is imperiously needed especially if the artificial

insemination is done with chilled or frozen sem*n, or if the animal is susceptible of infertility (6).

The bitch ovaries are difficult, and sometimes impossible to be examined through

ultrasonography, because they are small, difficult to be differentiated from the surrounding tissues

and are often obscured by the intestinal gas (3). The rapid disappearance of the follicular cavity,

correspondent to the ovulation , was detected only in two bitches. Although ultrasound changes

during the estrous cycle were well-studied, the exact moment of ovulației cannot be predicted (6).


Examining the ovaries in the follicular phase of the sexual cycle by ultrasound device is

easier in the situation of a small or medium –sized female than a large one.

The ultrasound examination is the most certain method out of the three ones described.

Even if the sudy faced some non-ideal situations, we can conclude that the ovaries

ultrasound examination is a valuable method to predict the ovulation moment in bitches.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (33)


To optimize the results of determining the ovulation moment it is recommended to collate

the ultrasound examination with at least one of the other two methods of investigation.

References 1. DOW, C. (1990) - Ovarian abnormalities in the -Journal of Comparative Pathology70,59-69. 2. ENGLAND, G.C., CONCANNON, P.W. (2003) -Determination of the optimal breeding time in the :

basic considerations.In: Recent advances in small animal reproduction. Ithaca, NY: International Veterinary Information Service,2003 Disponible en

3. ENGLAND, G.C., YEAGER, A., CONCANNON, P.W. (2003) - Ultrasound imaging of the reproductive tract in the . In: recent advances in small animal reproduction. Ithaca, NY: International Veterinary Information Cervice.

4. GINTHER, O.J. (2007) - Ultrasonic imaging and Animal reproduction-color-doppler Ultrasonography

5. LEVY, X., FONTBONNE, A. (2007) - Determining the optimal time of mating in es:particularities-Rev Bras Reprod Anim, Belo Horizonte, v.31, n.1, p.128-134, jan./mar. 2007. Disponível em

6. MCENTEE, K. (1990) - Cysts in and around the ovary-In Reproductive Pathology of Domestic Mammals-San Diego,Academic Press, pp52-68

7. NYLAND, T.G., MATTOON, J.S. (2002) - Small Animal diagnostic ultrasound, second edition 8. RASKIN R.E., MEYER D.J(2001) - Atlas of canine and feline cytology. Philadelphia, WB Saunders

co, 2001, pp. 277-312. 9. VERMEULEN, M.A.E. (2009) - Ovarian color-Doppler ultrasonography to ovulation in the -

Research project veterinary Medicine Lousiana State University.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (34)


Effect of rozmarinic acid supplementation on in vitro maturation

of bovine oocytes


I. HUȚU, C. MIRCU University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat “The King of Michael I” of

Romania, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara, Romania [emailprotected]

Abstract Antioxidants supplementation of in vitro culture media exerts the key role to reduce the effects of

reactive oxidative species produced during assisted reproduction technique. The objective of the study was

to determine the effect of rosmarinic acid addition to the in vitro culture media on bovine oocytes maturation

rate based on morphological changes. Bovine COC’s were matured according to their morphological class

(class I, II and III) in two groups: control (M) and supplemented with rosmarinic acid (105 µM, AR) in TCM

199 HEPES modification media at 38.50C in 5% CO2 humidified air atmosphere for 24h. Comparing the

groups, relative to the number of COC’s matured, a increase in their maturation features is observed, with

26.81% % (AR1), 21.67% (AR2) and 23.34% (AR3), respectively in groups supplemented with rosmarinic

acid. The oocyte class is associated with their capacity to develop in vitro based on their morphological


Key words: antioxidants, oocyte, rosmarinic acid


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproduction technique (ART) used with good

results in bovine reproduction, with 443.533 of bovine embryos obtained worldwide in the year

2012 according to statistics of the International Embrio Transfer Society


Successful ART is influenced by many factors, among which reactive oxygen species

(ROS) has a significant role (Agarwal et al., 2014).

Sources of ROS during ART procedures could be either endogenously (immature

spermatozoa, leukocytes, oocyte, cumulus mass cells, follicular fluid, embryos) or exogenous

environmental factors (visible light, culture media, pH, temperature, oxygen concentration,

centrifugation, cryopreservation)(Agarwal et al., 2014).

Reproductive systems possess antioxidant defense mechanisms that maintain equilibrium

between pro- and anti-oxidants (Roychoudhury et al., 2017; Agarwal et al., 2014); but during in

vitro conditions, the gametes needs to be protected by supplemented antioxidants.

Studies indicates that supplementing maturation media with different antioxidants such as

β-mercaptoethanol (Sadeesh et al., 2014), cysteamine (Beheshti et al., 2011); cysteine (Mircu et

al., 2015), vitamin C (Sovernigo et al., 2017; Comizzoli et al. 2003; Agarwal et al., 2014), plant

antioxidants – flavonoids (Kang et al., 2016, Mbemya et al., 2017) can improve oocytes maturation

based on nuclear morphological changes and on gene expression.

Another natural antioxidant used in ART, especially in freezing extenders were improves

sperm quality after cryopreservation, is rosmarinic acid (Malo et al., 2010; Luno et al., 2014; Luno

et al., 2015; Olaciregui et al., 2017).

Rosmarinic acid is an ester of caffeic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid derived from

hydroxycinnamic acid, that belongs to polyphenols group and is found as an active compound in

several medicinal plants (Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis, Mentha arvense, Ocimum

basilicum, Thymus vulgaris etc) (Krajcovicova et al, 2013).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (35)


Rosmarinic acid has antiinflamatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antimutagen, antidepressant,

antiallergic, antioxidant effects. His antioxidant activity is supporting by enhancement of

superoxide and hydroxyl scavenging (Krajcovicova et al, 2013).

Hajhosseini et al. (2013) observed that rosmarinic acid has a preventive effect on Sertoli

cells apoptosis caused by electromagnetic fields.

Although in literature are data regarding beneficial effects of green tea polyphenols (Wang

et al., 2007; Ly et al., 2015) and catechins (Roychoudhury et al., 2017) on reproductive health and

on IVF parameters and subsequent development, there are no studies, to our knowledge, regarding

the effect of rosmarinic acid supplementation on bovine oocytes in vitro maturation. For this reason

the purpose of this present research was to evaluate the effect of rozmarinic acid added in media

for in vitro bovine oocytes maturation on their maturation rate based on morphological changes.

Materials and methods

Bovine ovaries (n=18) were collected from local slaughterhouse and transported to the

laboratory in containers containing 0.9% NaCl solution supplemented with antibiotics (Pen/Strep),

at 33-350C within two hours. Handling medium for COC (cumulus -oocytes- complexes) was

Dulbecco-PBS (D-8662) supplemented with 100 µl Pen/Strep (17-602F, Lonza); 3.6 mg sodium

piruvate, 30 mg BSA (A9647, Sigma-Aldrich), 100 mg glucose (G7021, Sigma-Aldrich). COCs

were aspirated by puncture procedure from medium to large follicles with 18G needle attached to

a 5 ml syringe.

Classification of COCs based on morphological aspects was done under stereomicroscope

(Stemi 2000-C, ZEISS) with hot plate (33.40C): Ist class - CI (COCs with cumulus compact and

unexpanded, with full or at least 5 layers of cumulus cells, cytoplasm clearly seen, dense and

hom*ogenous, IInd class – CII (COCs with cumulus compact, thick, 2-4 layers of cumulus cells,

covering all of zona pellucida, cytoplasm dense, with uniform granulation) and IIId class - CIII

(oocytes partially denuded of cumulus cells, or with 1-2 complete layers of cumulus cells and/or

with irregular shrunken cytoplasm).

The maturation culture medium was prepared in our laboratory after Parrish et al. (1986)

protocol with minor modifications: TCM 199 HEPES modification media, (M2520) with 10% ECS

and 15 µl FSH (F8174, Sigma-Aldrich) - group M (control), in experimental group we added

rosmarinic acid (105 µM)(536954, Sigma Aldrich) - group AR. Pools of 8-10 COCs were

maturated in 400µl media in 4 well dishes (Nunc, Germany) covered with mineral oil at 38.50C in

5% CO2 humidified air atmosphere for 24h. After 24h of culture, all COC were examined for

maturation, signs as expansion and mucification of cumulus cells were observed. The COC’s were

maturated according to there their morphological class (M1, M2, M3, AR1, AR2, AR3).

Results and discussions

The results of supplementation of in vitro media with rosmarinic acid on bovine oocytes

morphological aspects are presented in figure 1 and 2.

After in vitro maturation of cow's oocytes in the medium without antioxidants (M group)

we noticed at the morphological assessment that 55% of class I COCs (M1), 53.33% of class COC

II (M2) and 26.66% of class III COCs (M3) were matured. In the rosmarinic acid supplemented

groups (AR group), 81.81% of class I COCs (AR1) were matured after 24 hours, 75% of class II

(AR2) and 50% of class III (AR3).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (36)


Figure 1. Morphological evaluation of bovine COC’s before and after IVM

Comparing the groups, relative to the number of COC’s matured, a increase in their

maturation sign is observed, with 26.81% % (AR1), 21.67% (AR2) and 23.34% (AR3),

respectively. Regardless of the treatment applied, the oocyte class is associated with their capacity

to mature in vitro based on their morphological examination.

Figure 2. Aspects of COC’s classification according to their morphological class and

experimental group before IVM (A – Ist class, B – IInd class, C – IIId class), after IVM, group M

(a, b, c), group AR (d, e, f)(5X)

Morphological evaluation of bovine COC's during IVM








Before IVM After IVM Before IVM After IVM Before IVM After IVM

C1 C2 C3

Morphological class








LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (37)


These results are sustained also by BAX/BCL2 gene expression (unpublished data), where

we observed that BCL-2 (anti-apoptotic gene) had higher levels in Ist class COC’s from rosmarinic

acid (AR1) groups compared with the other groups and BAX (pro-apoptotic gene) level is

indirectly proportional with the quality of the oocyte, with the highest level in IIId class oocytes,

what it means that both antioxidant supplementation and the quality of the oocyte has an important

role in maintaining cellular viability.

Oxidative stress has negative effects on in vitro gametes and embryos (Agarwal et al.,

2014; Beheshti et al, 2011) and excessive ROS production can’t be controlled properly by the

mammalian cells antioxidant systems (superoxide dismutase, glutathione system, thioredoxin

system, catalase, thiol compounds) that scavenge ROS or prevents its formation due to the multiple

potential sources of ROS, lack of physiological defense mechanisms etc (Sadeesh et al., 2014; Lu

et al., 2013; Agarwal et al., 2014). That’s why it’s important to add antioxidants in media used in

ART procedures (Sadeesh et al., 2014; Beheshti et al., 2011; Mircu et al., 2015; Sovernigo et al.,

2017; Kang et al., 2016, Mbemya et al., 2017).

From literature data we know that rosmarinic acid antioxidant effects protects ovine

spermatozoa during lyophilization by maintaining the sperm DNA integrity and after reconstitution

of the freeze-dryed spermatozoa, they can sustain fertilization and even embryonic development

(Olaciregui et al., 2017). Also in boar sem*n cryopreservation rosmarinic acid it is used as an

antioxidant where improves the post-thaw quality of spermatozoa and the ability to fertilize (Malo

et al., 2010; Luno et al., 2014; Luno et al., 2015).

Our preliminary results suggests that antioxidant properties of rosmarinic acid is effective

also on bovine oocytes in vitro maturation. Further studies are needed to clarify the effects of

rosmarinic acid used during IVM on further steps of IVF technique.


Supplementation of the cow's oocyte culture media with rosmarinic acid can determine a

higher quantity of bovine oocytes matured in vitro based on morphological evaluation.

Quality of the COC used for in vitro techniques has an important role in the success of the



The research was carried in the IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) laboratory from the Horia

Cernescu Research Unit equipped through POSCCE 2669 program


1. AGARWAL, A., DURAIRAJANAYAGAM, D., PLESSIS, S. (2014) - Utility of antioxidants during assisted reproductive techniques: an evidence based review, Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 12, 112,

2. BEHESHTI, R., MOHAMMADI-ROSHANDEH,A., GHALEHKANDI GIASI, J., GHAEMMAGHAMI, S., HOUSHANGI, A.F. (2011) - Effect of antioxidant supplements on in vitro maturation of bovine oocyte,

Advances in Environmental Biology, 5, 7, 473-1475. 3. COMIZZOLI,P., WILDT,D.E. PUKAZHENTHI, B.S. (2003) - Overcoming poor in vitro nuclear maturation

and developmental competence of domestic cat oocytes during the non-breeding season, Reproduction, 126, 809-816.

4. HAJHOSSEINI, L., KHAKI, A., MERAT, E., AINEHCHI, N. (2013) – Effect of rosmarinic acid on Sertoli cells apoptosis and serum antioxidant levels in rats after exposure to electromagnetic fields, Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med., 10, 6, 477-480.

5. KANG, J.T., MOON, J.H., CHOI, J.I., PARK, S.J., KIM, S.J., SAADELDIN, I.M., LEE, B.C. (2016) - Effect of Antioxidant Flavonoids (Quercetin and Taxifolin) on In vitro Maturation of Porcine Oocytes, Asian Australas. J.Anim.Sci., 29, 3, 352-358.

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6. KRAJCOVICOVA, ZDENKA, MELUS, V. (2013) – Bioactivity and potential health benefits of rosmarinic acid, University Review, 7, 2, 6-14.

7. LU, J., HOLMGREN, A.(2013) – The thiroredoxin antioxidant system, Free radical biology and medicine, 66,8

8. LUÑO V, GIL L, OLACIREGUI M, GRANDIA, j., ANSO, T., DeBLAS, I (2015) - Fertilisation rate obtained with frozen-thawed boar sem*n supplemented with rosmarinic acid using a single insemination timed according to vulvar skin temperature changes, Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 63, 1, 100-109.

9. LUÑO V, GIL L, OLACIREGUI M, GONZÁLEZ N, JEREZ RA, DE BLAS I. (2014) - Rosmarinic acid improves function and in vitro fertilising ability of boar sperm after cryopreservation, Cryobiology, 69, 1, 157-62.

10. LY, CHRISTINA, YOCKELL-LELIEVRE, JULIEN, FERARO, Z.M., ARNASON, J.T., FERRIER, J., GRUSLIN, A. (2015) – The effect of dietary polyphenols on reproductive health and early development, Human Reproduction Update, 21, 2, 228-248.

11. MALO, C., GIL, L., GONZALEZ, N., MARTINEZ, F., CANO, R., DE BLAS, I., ESPINOSA, E. (2010) – Anti-oxidant supplementation improves boar sem*n characteristics and fertility after cryopreservation: comparison between cysteine and rosemary (Rosmarinus ooficinalis), Cryobiology, 61, 1, 142-147.

12. MBEMYA, G.T., VIEIRA, L.A., CANAFISTULA, F.G., LOIOLA PESSOA, O.D., RIBEIRO RODRIGUES,A.P. (2017) – Reports on in vivo and in vitro contribution of medical plants to improve the female reproductive function, Reprod Clim, (

13. MIRCU C., BOLDURA OANA, IGNATIADI AIKATERINI, RAțIU ANA-MARIA, HUțU I., POPESCU SORINA, TULCAN CAMELIA, AHMADI MIRELA, BONCA GH., MILOVANOV CORNELIA (2015) – Effect of cysteine supplementation on sow cumulus cells and on BCL2 gene expression during in vitro maturation, Lucr Stiin Med Vet USAMV Iasi, Ed.”Ion Ionescu de la Brad”, 58, 292-297.

14. OLACIREGUI, M., LUNO, VICTORIA, DOMINGO, PAULA., GONZALEZ, NOELIA, GIL, LYDIA (2017) – In vitro developmental ability of ovine oocytes following intracytoplasmatic injection with freeze-dried spermatozoa, Scientific reports, 7, 1096, DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-00583-0, 15. PARRISH J.J., SUSKO-PARRISH J.L., LEIBFRIED-RUTLEDGE M.L., CRITSER E.S., EYESTONE

W.H., FIRST N.L. (1986) -Bovine in vitro fertilization with frozen-thawed sem*n, Theriogenology, 25, 591–

600. 16. ROYCHOUDHURY, S., AGARWAL, A., VIRK, G., CHO, C-L., (2017) - Potential role of green tea

catechins in the management of oxidative stress-associated infertility, 17. SAADESH, E., SHAH, F., BALHARA, A.K., THIRUMARAN, S. M. K., YADAV, S., Yadav, P. S., (2014) -

Effect of growth factor and antioxidant on in vitro maturation of oocytes and cleavage rates of in vitro produced Indian buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) embryos, Veterinarski Arhiv, 84 ,5, 459-474).

18. SOVERNIGO, T.C., ADONA, P.R., MONZANI, P.S., GUEMRA, S., BARROS, F., LOPES, F.G., LEAL, C (2017) – Effects of supplementation of medium with different antioxidants during in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes on subsequent embryo production, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 52, 4, 561-569.

19. WANG, Z.G., YU, S.D., XU, Z.R. (2007) – Improvement in bovine embryo production in vitro by treatment with green tea polyphenols during in vitro maturation of oocytes, Animal Reproduction Science, 100, 1-2, 22-31.


LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (39)


Evaluation of sows oocytes viability through Trypan Blue

staining after vitrification

Simona MARC, C. MIRCU, Nicoleta CREȚAN, G. OTAVĂ, Camelia TULCAN, I. HUȚU

University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat “The King of Michael I” of Romania, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara, Romania

E-mail address: [emailprotected]


Along sperm and embryo cryopreservation that are used routinely also in animal assisted

reproduction, studying are done also on animal oocyte cryopreservation in order to find the best conditions

to preserve their viability. Vitrification is one of the methods that can be used in order to preserve oocytes.

The higher reactive oxygen species that are formed during in vitro conditions can influence the success of

assisted reproduction technique. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant potential of ascorbic

acid (0.5mM) and rosmarinic acid (105µM) added in media for in vitro maturation on swine oocyte subjected

to vitrification. COC’s viability after vitrification was evaluated by 0.02% Trypan Blue staining. Comparing

experimental groups C (vitamin C) and AR (rosmarinic acid) with group M (control), relative to the number

of vitrified oocytes, a slight increase in their viability is observed, with 16.67% (C, class I) and 33.33% (AR,

class II), respectively. Regardless of the treatment applied, the oocyte class is associated with viability (p =

0.048). Due to low number of oocytes used in each group we can concluded that supplementation of oocyte

maturation media before vitrification with rosmarinic acid and ascorbic acid could produce a slight increase

in viability.

Key words: antioxidants, oocyte, vitrification


Vitrification of oocytes and embryos is a revolutionary cryopreservation technique used

both in human (Konc et al. 2014) and in animals (Somfai et al. 2014; Spricigo et al., 2015; Yang

et al. 2002; El-Sokary et al., 2013) assisted reproduction techniques (ART) performed in diferent

conditions and with different results.

Vitrification is defined as the ultrarapid solidification of a solution by an extreme elevation

in viscosity at low temperatures without ice crystal formation (Konc et al., 2014).

The main causes of cell death during cryopreservation is ice crystal formation and toxic

concentrations of solutes. In order to reduce the negative effects of cryopreservation,

cryoprotective additives (CPA) are used. They are: intracellular/membrane-permeating

(propyleneglycol, dimethyl sulfoxide, glycerol, ethylene glycol) and extracellular (sucrose,

trehalose, glucose, amid, ficoll, proteins and lipoproteins). The first ones displaces water via an

osmotic gradient and partly occupies the place of the intracellular water, while the extracellular

cryoprotective additives increases the extracellular osmolarity generating an osmotic gradient

across the cell membrane supporting the dehydration of the cell before cryopreservation and also

prevents the rapid entry of water into the cell after thawing. During vitrification cells are dehydrated

before the ultrarapid cooling by high concentration of CPA (Konc et al., 2014; Yang et al., 2002).

Oocytes are very sensitive to cryoprotectants used during cryopreservation protocols.

Although vitrification of matured porcine oocytes has high survival rates, obtaining embryos by

IVF or ICSI from them is difficult (Somfai et al., 2014). Cooling/warming processes from

vitrification technique of porcine oocytes at MII stage determined accumulation of reactive oxygen

species (ROS), parthenogenetic activation and spindle abnormalities (Somfai et al., 2014).

Sources of ROS during ART procedures could be either endogenously (immature

spermatozoa, leukocytes, oocyte, cumulus mass cells, follicular fluid, embryos) or exogenous

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (40)


environmental factors (visible light, culture media, pH, temperature, oxygen concentration,

centrifugation, cryopreservation)(Mbemya et al., 2017; Agarwal et al., 2014). When is an

imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a biological system’s ability to readly

detoxify the reactive intermediates or repair the resulting damage, oxidative stress apears

(Roychoudhury et al., 2017).

Because during in vitro conditions oocytes are separated from the body and do not benefit

from maternal antioxidant protection, supplemented antioxidants are needed. Studies indicates that

supplementing maturation media with different antioxidants such as β-mercaptoethanol (Sadeesh

et al., 2014), cysteine, cysteamine (Beheshti et al., 2011), palm pollen grain extract (Salek-

Abdollahi et al., 2015), quercetin and taxifolin – exogenous flavonoids (Kang et al., 2016),

Gundelia Tourneforii leaves hydro alcoholic extract (Abedi et al., 2014) can improve oocytes

maturation based on nuclear morphological changes.

Regarding vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), a water-soluble antioxidant there are few studies

to investigate it’s antioxidant effects during in vitro maturation of oocytes (Sovernigo et al., 2017;

Comizzoli et al. 2003; Tatemoto et al., 2001), most of studies were performed to emphasize it’s

beneficial role on freezing spermatozoa (Varo et al., 2014; Fanaei et al., 2014) or on improved

motility and reduced DNA damage in post-thaw spermatozoa.

Another antioxidant used especially in freezing extenders which improved sperm quality

after cryopreservation was rosmarinic acid (Luno et al., 2014; Luno et al., 2015; Olaciregui et al.,

2017). Rosmarinic acid is one of the first secondary metabolites produced in plant cell cultures in

extremely high yields, up to 19% of the cell dry weight. Other promising biological activities of

rosmarinic acid and its derivatives (rabdosiin and lithospermic acid B) are: improvement of

cognitive performance, prevention of the development of Alzheimer's disease, cardioprotective

effects, reduction of the severity of kidney diseases and cancer chemoprevention. (Bulgakov et


The purpose of this present research was to evaluate the viability of swine oocyte after in

vitro maturated in media supplemented with ascorbic acid and rosmarinic acid and cryopreserved

through vitrification.

Materials and methods

Swine ovaries (n=10) were collected from slaughterhouse and transported to the laboratory

in containers containing 0.9% NaCl solution supplemented with antibiotics (Pen/Strep), at 33-350C

within two hours. Handling medium for COC (cumulus -oocytes- complexes) was Dulbecco-PBS

(D-8662) supplemented with 100 µl Pen/Strep (17-602F, Lonza); 3.6 mg sodium piruvate, 30 mg

BSA (A9647, Sigma-Aldrich), 100 mg glucose (G7021, Sigma-Aldrich). COCs were aspirated by

puncture procedure from medium to large follicles with 18G needle attached to a 5 ml syringe.

Classification of COCs based on morphological aspects was done under stereomicroscope

(Stemi 2000-C, ZEISS) with hot plate (33.40C) after criteria of Antosik et al. (2010) with minor

modification: Ist class - CI (COCs with cumulus compact and unexpanded, with full or at least 5

layers of cumulus cells, cytoplasm clearly seen, dense and hom*ogenous, IInd class – CII (COCs

with cumulus compact, thick, 2-4 layers of cumulus cells, covering all of zona pellucida, cytoplasm

dense, with uniform granulation) and IIId class - CIII (oocytes partially denuded of cumulus cells,

or with 1-2 complete layers of cumulus cells and/or with irregular shrunken cytoplasm).

The maturation culture medium was prepared in our laboratory after Parrish et al. (1986)

protocol with slight modifications: TCM 199 HEPES modification media, (M2520) with 10% ECS

and 15 µl FSH (F8174, Sigma-Aldrich) - group M (control), in experimental groups we added

ascorbic acid (0.5 mM) – group C and rosmarinic acid (105 µM) - group AR. Pools of 8-10 COCs

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (41)


were maturated in 400µl media in 4 well dishes (Nunc, Germany) covered with mineral oil at

38.50C in 5% CO2 humidified air atmosphere for 44h. After 44h of culture, all COC were examined

for maturation, signs as expansion and mucification of cumulus cells were observed and were

cryopreserved by vitrification according to there experimental group (M, C, AR group) and their

morphological class (M1, M2, M3, C1, C2, C3, AR1, AR2, AR3).

Vitrification steps were: 15 min in Freezing 1 media (750 μl DMSO, 750 μl EG, 850 μl

ECS and 7.65 ml TCM99), 1 min in Freezing 2 media (1500 μl DMSO, 1500 μl EG, 1.71g sucrose,

520 μl ECS, 5.23 ml TCM199), aspiration in 0.5 ml straws, sealed with MRSIDUAL V3 device

(IMV) and imersed into liquid N2 container, where they staid for 6 days.

Thawing steps were: 1 min, at 370C in a water bath, 1 min into Thawing 1 media (3.42g

sucrose, 5.28 ml TCM199 and 1.30 ml FCS), 3 min into Thawing 2 media (1.9g sucrose, 6.64ml

TCM199 and 1.65 ml FCS).

COC’s viability after vitrification was evaluated by 0.02% Trypan Blue (T646, Sigma)

staining, for 2 minutes.

Results and discussions

The results of viability evaluation of 57 swine in vitro maturated COCs and after

vitrification, done by Trypan blue staining methods are presented in figure 1 and 2.

Figure 1. Classification of swine COC’s after vitrification based on there viability

After thawing sow oocytes from the control group, 33.33% of the class I (M1) oocytes

were viable and 66.66% non-viable, of the second class (M2) none was viable and in the third class

oocytes (M3), 23.08% were viable and 71.19% were not viable.

Supplementation of the maturation media with vitamin C did not lead to an increase in the

oocytes viability, regardless the morphological classification, thus class I (C1) and II (C2) 50%

were viable and in the third class 33.33% (C3).

Choosing the vitamin C supplement as antioxidant for in vitro maturation media of swine

COCs was based on other researcher’s results. Comizzoli et al. (2003) observed that the

compromised cat oocyte function during non-breeding season can be overridden by including

supplemental FSH and antioxidants (0.5 mM vitamin C or cysteine) in maturation media. Kere et

Viability of swine COCs after vitrification










survived degenerated survived degenerated survived degenerated

C1 C2 C3

Morphological class











LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (42)


al. (2013) testing various concentrations of vitamin C supplemented in IVM and IVC media of

porcine oocytes and parthenotes and handmade cloned embryos observed that although nuclear

maturation of oocytes was not affected by the addition of vitamin C, the intracellular glutathione

levels were significantly increased and ROS reduced at 50 µg/ml vitamin C; added in IVC media,

vitamin C improved blastocyst rates and total cell numbers and reduces apoptotic indices. In

another study done on bovine oocytes, Sovernigo et al. (2017) suggest that antioxidants (vitamin

C 50 µg/ml, quercetin 2µM, cyteamine 100µM, carnitine 0.5mg/ml or resveratrol 2µM) used

during IVM may reduce oxidative stress which improved blastocyst development.

In COC’s groups were we used rosmarinic acid as antioxidant we observed 66.66% of

class I (AR1) and II (AR2) and 55.55% of COCs class III (AR3) survived after vitrification.

Rosmarinic acid is used as an antioxidant in cryopreservation of sem*n. Olaciregui et al. (2017)

proved for the first time that ovine spermatozoa freeze-drying in medium supplemented with 105

µM rosmarinic acid can be lyophilized effectively, stored at room temperature for long term, and

even to starts embryo development after ICSI. Acid rosmarinic (105 µM) has beneficial effects

also on boar sem*n cryopreservation were improves sperm parameters (total and progressive

motility, viability, acrosome integrity) and sperm DNA integrity by reducing DNA oxidation rate

(Luno et al., 2014; Luno et al., 2015). In swine reproduction, Somfai et al. (2014) reported the first

successul piglet production from cryopreserved oocytes by vitrification.

Comparing groups C and AR with group M, relative to the number of vitrified oocytes, a

slight increase in their viability is observed, with 16.67% (C1) and 33.33% (AR1), respectively.

The results obtained for the experimental groups (M, C and AR) require acceptance of the

null hypothesis (Ho); the results does not support the hypothesis that treatment with antioxidants

supports viability (Krusckal-Willis test, p = 0.605) or, on the contrary, causes mortality -

unviability (Krusckal-Willis test, p = 0.429) of oocytes.

Regardless of the treatment applied, the oocyte class is associated with viability (p = 0.048)

at statistically accepted thresholds. The classification of non-viable oocytes is close to the

significance threshold (Krusckal-Willis test, p =0.059).

Vitrification of oocytes can be done before or after in vitro maturation. Comparing these

moments, Milovanov et al. (2016) concluded that cultivation of oocytes before vitrification brings

more advantages for the meiotic resumption.

Figure.2 Live oocyte from group AR1 (1), dead oocytes from group M3 (2) and oocytes from

group C3, A-dead oocyte, B-live oocyte (3)

Staining methods used in ART are very useful in order to see the quality of gametes and

of embryos obtained. Some of them do not affect the viability of the cell, if are used correctly and

for a short time (Brilliant Cresyl Blue, Hoechst 33342). Tripan blue (adiazo dye) is a supravital

stain and an inexpensive marker that is used for studying cellular viability (membrane of live cell

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (43)


is able to exclude the dye, whereas a nonviable cell will have a blue cytoplasm) (Melzer et al.,


Testing the viability of the oocytes after cryopreservation is a mandatory step in order to

see if the technique used had good results due to numerous factors implicated.

Further experiments are needed to clarify the effects of antioxidants on viability of the

oocyte during vitrification and their capacity to sustain fertilization and developmental competence

after thawing.


Viability of oocytes depends on their class, while lack of viability is not necessarily

associated with quality classes, so oocytes in C1 group had a higher viability of 16.67%

and those in group AR by 33, 33% of the control group (M1).

Supplementation of oocyte maturation media before vitrification with rosmarinic acid and

ascorbic acid could determine a slight increase in viability, but this can not be supported

statistically by our study.

The use of Trypan blue to study oocytes viability is a quick, easy and efficient method


The research was carried in the IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) laboratory from the Horia

Cernescu Research Unit equipped through POSCCE 2669 program


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LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (45)


Content of amino acids in blood serum in sows with idiopathic


Viorica GURDIS

State Agrarian University of Moldova [emailprotected]


Hipogalaxy is the result of some pathological processes occurred in gestation which are manifested

by hormonal deviation and deviation of some metabolic processes. A particular content of amino acids is

necessary for a normal vital activity of the body and an adequate metabolism. By this experiment it was

observed the influence of amino acids over the lactation. The results of amino acids screening in sows attest

that their values in hypogalactic sows are different from those of the animals with a normal lactation by the

reduced content of cysteine and tryptophan in the serum and the content of tyrosine significantly increased.

The achieved results can be indicated for the precocious diagnosis of hypogalaxy.

Key words: hipogalaxy, tryptophan, cysteine, tyrosine, postpartum, lactation.


From the physiological point of view the hipogalaxy represents the final result of some

pathological processes during the gestation which are manifested by the hormonal deviation of

hypothalamic-pituitary axis and of some metabolic processes. Keeping a particular balance of

amino acids in the body represents the necessary condition which ensures both the metabolic

balance and the optimal galactopoiesis. That is why keeping the functional stability of metabolic

processes in the body represents the basis without which any complex therapy cannot bring positive

results [5,7,8]

For a normal vital activity of the body and an adequate metabolism it is necessary a particular

qualitative and quantitative content of amino acids. Amino acids in the body constitute the main

layer which ensures the synthesis of proteins, enzymes, purines and pyrimidines, biologically

active compounds of peptide origin and other compounds. If necessary, the amino acids can serve

as the energy source by the oxidation of their carbonic components [9,10].

A special interest in the regulation of vital processes represents the tyrosine which is a semi-

essential amino acid which forms by the hydroxylation of phenylalanine. From the tyrosine there

are synthesized thyroid hormones, it can constitute the glucose source or fatty acids and melanin.

Cysteine, whose predecessor is methionine, participates to the formation of

adrenocorticotropic hormone, insulin and glutathione. Recently it was found that from the cysteine

there is formed cysteamine which has a protective role against the ionized radiation. At its turn,

the cysteine is the precursor of oxytocin hormone which stimulates the contraction of myoepithelial

cells of mammary glands increasing the pressure in the galactofore channels and in this way

facilitates the elimination of milk.

Tryptophan represents an amino acid which serves as the predecessor of serotonin, nicotinic

acid and melatonin. The tryptophan is in the composition of α – lactoalbumin which is in the cells

of mammary glands and participate to the synthesis of lactose as a component (B Protein) of the

enzymatic system which is specific for the lactogenic mammary glands. The insufficiency of

tryptophan is manifested by anemia, female and male sterility and in young people affects the

nervous system in the situation of hereditary disorders their metabolism [9,11].

Metabolic spectrum of amino acids is in direct connection with the functional condition of

cells and it can fully characterize the balance. Our attention was focused on several amino acids

which also influence the lactation.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (46)


Materials and methods

The researches were made in a farm of pigs where the incidence of hypogalaxy was of 4 %.

In the experiment there were include 10 parturient sows (5 sows with normal lactation and 5

hypogalactic sows) in the 2nd and the 3rd lactation. The animals were classified in two equal groups:

with normal lactation (I group) and hypogalactic sows (II group). The sows were kept in closed

premises and they were fed with feed of complete value according to the technology of 3 phases.

It was performed the clinical examination and there were taken blood samples for biochemical

analyses for broadcasting, diagnosing and treatment of hypogalaxy which can have success only if

the indicators of metabolism are investigated in sows with normal lactation and in hypogalactic


The animals were fed three times a day, water was distributed through the automate trough,

the food was in correspondence with the condition and physiological need but there were situations

of technological non-compliance (lack of food, feeding with non-correspondent food etc.).

The zoo-hygienic conditions for keeping corresponded to the species and physiological

condition of animals.

Results and discutions

Clinical examination provides complex data, aims for the examination of health condition

of animals. According to the opinion of some researchers for finding the hypogalaxy syndrome in

sows and monitoring the efficacy of the administrated treatment there can also be used successfully

the routine clinical indicators which in direct way reflect multiple processes.

General conditions of sows with normal lactation and hypogalactic sows was satisfactory

and it was confirmed by the normal values of clinical indicators (T, B, P) which varied within the

reference limits, but at the same time in hypogalactic sows it was observed the reduction of appetite,

reduced maternal instinct and no interest towards progeny.

Table 1. Clinical indicators



T(ºC) P (contr./minute)

B (movements/min)

M ± m M ± m M ± m


Sows with normal



38,2 ± 0,17

96,3 ± 1,32

26 ± 0,4


Hypogalactic sows


38,5 ± 0,2

94,24 ± 0,92

25 ± 0,8

The values of body temperature, frequency of heart contractions and breath rate are

represented in Chart no. 1. Animals which were under supervision, as it was mentioned above were

in satisfactory general condition. Body temperature of sows with normal lactation and of

hypogalactic sows in average was bigger with 0,3º C in comparison with those with normal

lactation. We mention that the values of body temperature registered by us for the investigated

sows correspond fully with the information from the literature (1,2).

It is well known the fact that the examination of heart contraction frequency and breath rate

is very important in establishing health condition and body reactivity in different extreme

conditions. In chart no. 1 it is also seen that the value of heart contraction frequency in both groups

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (47)


was within the physiological limits. It was a small difference in the limits of calculation error. The

heart frequency in researched animals of both groups corresponds to the limits established by other

(2, 4).

Respiratory movements in sows of the Ist group were of mixt type, costo – abdominal,

rhythmic, symmetric. The frequency of respiratory movements of these animals on the average,

per group corresponded to the physiological limits and constituted 26 breaths per minute. The

frequency of breath in hypogalactic sows was 25 breaths per minute and it corresponded to the

reference limits. Figures shown in chart no. 1 and the indicators of clinical examination show that

the hypogalaxy does not influence negatively the general condition of animals, values of body

temperature, frequency of heart contractions and breath rate.

The mammary gland in hypogalactic sows had a different aspect. In some sows the

mammary glands were rigid, congested, but with flaccid teat. In others, on the contrary they had

normal sizes and consistence and were sensible, warm when palpated, skin of purple color. When

suckled, pigs suckled actively producing sounds for a long period of time. Often they were trying

repeatedly to suckle in more frequent intervals and after suckling they had not become silent. As

the consequence of the effort to suckle the teats were traumatized. When milking only some milk

drops with normal aspect could be obtained or nothing could be obtained. As the energetic

reserves of pigs were decreasing their attempts to suckle also were decreasing and often they

migrated to the warmer portions of the box. In comparison with hypogalactic sows, the mammary

gland of sows with normal lactation was well developed, turgid condition, slightly sensitive to

palpation and when milked there were obtained 1-2 ml of milk.

The average quantity of milk eliminated after a suckling in sows with normal lactation

constituted on average 216,5 ml. Gravimetry made to hypogalactic sows show that these animals

were secreting and eliminating milk after a suckling on average of 80,67 ml or 2,4 times less in

comparison with sows with normal lactation. The quantity of milk which was eliminated by the

sows with normal lactation during a suckling varied from 182 g to 240 g, and in hypogalactic sows

from 54 g to119 g.

A special role have the biochemical investigations in appreciating health condition, in this

context we established the goal to investigate the level of some amino acids in blood serum of the

sows from those two groups. Data in chart no. 2 shows that in hypogalaxy the level of cysteine

decreases significantly, being 2 times lower in comparison with the sows with a normal lactation

(21,0 ±2,3 µmol/l in comparison with 42,7 ±3,4 µmol/l, P<0,001). In all appearances, in

hypogalaxy normal processes of transforming methionine are disturbed and as a consequence the

synthesis of cysteine is reduced and this fact reduces the synthesis of prolactin and respectively the

lactogenesis decreases.

Table 2. Content of cysteine, tyrosine and tryptophan in sows’ blood


Sows with normal

lactation Hypogalactic sows


M ± m/ lim M ± m/ lim


(µmol/l) 42,7 ± 3,4

(37 -48) 21,0 ± 2,3

(19 – 25) < 0,001


(µmol/l) 52,8 ± 3,2

(46 – 63) 80,3 ± 4,1

(73 – 86) < 0,001


(µmol/l) 39,8 ± 2,6

(36 – 46) 24,5 ± 2,7

(10 – 50) < 0,001

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (48)


The content of tyrosine in blood (chart no. 2) in hypogalactic sows (group II) exceeds with

52 % the value registered in sows with normal lactation (group I). It results that in hypogalaxy the

synthesis speed of thyroid hormones and dopamine who predecessor is tyrosine is significantly


A significant place in the nitrogen metabolism is occupied by the content of tryptophan. The

data achieved after our investigations (chart no. 1) show that the level of tryptophan in blood of

hypogalactic sows is with 15,3 µmol/l lower in comparison with those from the I group with a

normal lactation. Thus, we find in hypogalactic sows the absence of correlation between the

dynamics of the tyrosine and tryptophan level in blood, fact which eventually can lead to the

reduction of prolactin secretion in anterior pituitary gland.


1. General condition of hypogalactic sows was apparently satisfactory but at the same time it

was found the reduction of appetite, reduced maternal instinct and no interest towards the


2. The result of the screening of amino acids in sows show that their values in hypogalactic

sows are different from those with a normal lactation by: the content of cysteine and

tryptophan in serum is significantly reduced (P ˂ 0,05) and the content of tyrosine is

significantly increased (P ˂ 0,05);

3. Screening of amino acids can be indicated for the precocious diagnosis of hypogalaxy.


1. Бобрик Д.И Распространение и ранняя диагностика синдрома метрит-мастит агалактия у свиноматок, Ученые записки УО ВГАВМ, т.53 вып.1 2017г

2. Бобрик Д.И., Разуванов С.А. Профилактик синдрома метрит - мастит- агалактия путем проведения коррекции родового акта у свиноматок, Ученые записки УО ВГАВМ, т.53 вып.1 2017г

3. Glock X. T., Bilkei G., The effect of postparturient urogenital diseases on the lifetime , 2005. 4. Гречухин, А. Н. Синдpом метрит – мастит – агалактия у свиноматок, Ветеринария, 2009.–No

5.–C.12–14. 5. Krieter, J.; Presuhn, U., Genetic variation for MMA treatment. Züchtungskunde 81, 149-154., 2009. 6. Păcală N., Petroman I., Petroman C., Bencsik I., Dronca D., Nistor E., Cean A., Marin D., Pandur I.,

Observations on uterine infection frequency, during the puerperium period, in sows. Porc Res 2(1):19-22., 2012.

7. Perle Boyer, DVM; Glen W., Postpartum dysgalactia syndrome in sows Last full review/revision October 2014 by.

8. Preißler, R., Tetens, J., Reiners, K., Looft, H., Kemper, N., Biological pathway analysis for postpartum

dysgalactia syindrome in sows via a genome-widw association study. Institute of Animal Breeding and Husbandry, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany., 2014.

9. Trottir N., Easter R. Dietary and plasma branched-chain aminoacids in relation to tryptophan: effect on voluntary fed intake and lactation metabolism in the primiparous sow// Journal of Animal Science.- 1995. V.73.-N. 4.-p. 1086 – 1092.

10. Mavromichalis I, Parr TM, Gabert VM, Baker DH True ileal digestibility of amino acids in sow's milk for 17- day-old pigs. J Anim Sci. 2001 Mar;79(3):707-13.

11. Pozzi, P.S.1 and Alborali, G.L. Reproductive diseases in sows (Sus scrofa domestica): A Review2Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine Vol. 67 (1) March 2012

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (49)


Cell growth characteristics of equine synovial fluid stem cells

Emoke PALL1,2, Klementina Katalin PALL2, Cristian CRECAN1, Simona CIUPE1, Mihai CENARIU1, Ioan GROZA 1

1University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Mănăştur, no. 3-5, 400372, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

[emailprotected] 2University of Szent Istvan, Godollo, Hungary


Equine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been isolated from various sources such as:

peripheral blood, bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord, placenta, Wharton Jelly. Besides these

synovial fluid and synovial membrane represents a promising source of mesenchymal stem cells, which can

be harvested by minimally invasive methods. MSCs from these sources have the potential to self-renew and

differentiate into multiple lineages such as chondrogenic, adipogenic and osteogenic. The aim of our study

was to evaluate the growth characteristics of equine synovial liquid stem cells harvested from the

tarsometatarsal joint during arthroscopic surgery. Samples were collected in a sterile syringe and were

diluted and centrifuged at 1500rpm for 7 min. The supernatant were removed and the cells were resuspended

in propagation medium: Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium/F12 (DMEM/F12, Gibco) supplemented with

10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Gibco) and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic (Sigma-Aldrich). The medium was

changed after 3 days. The proliferation ability, cell doubling number, cell doubling time, daily duplication

rate and clonogenic efficacy was evaluated. Isolated cells exhibited plastic adherence capacity, monolayer

growth, and fibroblast-like morphology, high growth and clonogenic capacity. Our study demonstrated the

characteristics of equine synovial fluid derived stem cells, an ideal candidate for veterinary regenerative


Keywords: stem cells, synovial fluid, horse, proliferation, cells growth


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent precursor cells with self-renewal and

differentiation capacity (Dominici et al. 2006, Pall et al., 2015). MSCs are a promising therapeutic

tool in veterinary medicine (Bahamondes et al., 2017) have been isolated

from different animal species including rodents (Penny et al., 2012), dogs (Guercio et al., 2013,

Bahamondes et al., 2017), horses (Barberini et al., 2014, Pall et al., 2016) and rabbits (Tan et al.,

2013). According to the International Society for Cellular Therapy published in 2006, human

MSCs are characterized by plastic adherence capacity, trilineage differentiation capacity and

expression of surface markers such as CD105, CD90, CD44, CD73, CD79α and are negative for

the expression of hematopoietic markers CD34, CD45 and CD19, CD14, human leukocyte antigen

HLA-DR (Dominici et al., 2006). MSCs isolated from animals are not fully characterized. Equine

mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have been isolated from various sources such as: peripheral blood,

bone marrow, adipose tissue, umbilical cord, placenta, Wharton Jelly (Barberini et al., 2014,

Tessier et al., 2015, Pall et al., 2016). Besides these synovial fluid and synovial membrane

represents a promising source of mesenchymal stem cells, which can be harvested by minimally

invasive methods. The aim of our study was to evaluate the growth characteristics of equine

synovial liquid stem cells harvested from the tarsometatarsal joint during arthroscopic surgery.

Material and methods

Samples (n=5) were collected in a sterile syringe during atroscopic surgery. The samples

were harvested after owner’s agreement. The samples were diluted and centrifuged at 1500rpm for

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (50)


7 min. The supernatant were removed and the cells were resuspended in propagation medium:

Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium/F12 (DMEM/F12, Gibco) supplemented with 10% fetal

bovine serum (FBS, Gibco) and 1% antibiotic-antimycotic (Sigma-Aldrich). Cultures were

incubated at 37 °C in humidified atmosphere with 5 % CO2. After 72 h, non-adherent cells were

removed and the medium was replaced.

Proliferation ability of equine synovial fluid derived stem cells was determined using

MTT colorimetric assay. A concentration of 1x104cells/well was cultured in a 96-well plate. After

24 h 20 μl MTT (2 mg/ml, Sigma-Aldrich) was added to each well and cultures were incubated at

37 °C for 3 h. The fromazan were dissolved with 100 μl DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide, Sigma-

Aldrich) and the absorbance was measured at 450 nm using a spectrophotometer (Bio-Rad,

Hercules, CA, USA). In order to evaluate the proliferation rate the population doubling time were

assessed. A total number of 1x105 cells/ well were seeded in 24-well cell culture plates. After 24 h

(t24h) the non-adherent and the adherent cells (N0) were counted. 24 h later (t48h) the adherent

cells from three wells were counted (N48h). The doubling time (tD) was calculated according to

the formula: tD = (log 2 × t)/ (log N48h - log N0).

The clonal capacity of cells was evaluated using CFU-F assay. 5x102cells/cm2 was cultured

in expansion medium. After 10 days the cells were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 10 min

and stained with 0.5% crystal violet (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) in 10% methanol for 20

minutes and were examined under phase contrast inverted light microscope (Nikon TS100, Nikon

Instruments, Europe) and the colonies (> 50 cells) were counted. CFU-F efficiency was estimated

according to the formula: CFU-F efficiency = (counted CFU-F/cells originally seeded) × 100.

Results and discussion

MSCs were isolated from harvested from equine tarsometatarsal joint during arthroscopic

surgery. The isolated cells were characterized to confirm their caracteristics such as plastic

adherence, expression of specific surface antigens and differentiation potential. Equine synovial

fluid derived mesenchymal stem cells showed fibroblast-like morphology (fig 1.), adherence to

plastic surface and express the specific surface markers (CD90, CD105, CD44, results not shown

here). The proliferation capacities of cells were evaluated using MTT assay.

Figura 1. Equine synovial fluid derived cell morphology

The isolated cells lines exhibited similar proliferation potential in evaluated period (d1-

D6). Optical density (OD) values at each time were evaluated (fig 2.).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (51)


Figure 2. Proliferation potencial of equine synovial fluid derived mesenchymal stem cell








2 0

4 0

6 0

Figure 3. Population doubling time in equine synovial fluid derived mesenchymal stem cell lines

Individual assessment at each cell line can be concluded that for line S1 the population

doubling time was 44±1.01h, 42±5.8 in S2, 38.33±13.86 h in S3, 41.00±3.00 in S4, 41.66±2.08 in

S5 and 41.66±4.16 in S6 (fig. 3). The average of population-doubling time (PD) was 41.44 ± 1.83 h.

The clonogenic potential of MSCs was assessed by CFU-F assay. Isolated cells lines

displayed colony-forming ability; the frequency of colony forming cells for S1 was 37.66±6.42

colonies/100 cm2, 36.66±6.42 colonies/100 cm2 in S2, 36.33±7.57 colonies/100cm2 in S3,

38.66±4.04 colonies/100cm2 in S4, 35±4.35 in S5 and 37±4.58 colonies /100cm2 in S6 (fig 4.).









1 0

2 0

3 0

4 0

5 0

Figure 4.The average of colonigenic potential (CFU-F assay) of equine synovial fluid derived

mesenchymal stem cell




mCell lines







LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (52)


Multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) represent a promising source of cells for

regenerative medicine therapeutic approaches in both human and veterinary medicine given their

properties (Singer et al., 2011, Carrade et al., 2013, Clark et al., 2016, Pall et al., 2016). MSCs can

be defined by their morphology, expression of a panel of cell surface markers and their tri-lineage

differentiation (Dominici et al., 2006, Clark et al., 2016). In our study, cells from synovial fluid

were evaluated as possible sources of MSCs, for equine regenerative medicine. The horse is a

valuable species for evaluating the usefulness and efficiency of MSC treatment (Pezzanite et al.,

2015). MSCs from different sources are used, but most often autologous bone marrow-derived

MSCs are used to treat musculoskeletal disorders including tendonitis, osteoarthritis, cartilage

damage, and meniscal injuries (Schnabel et al., 2009, Frisbie and Smith 2010, Caniglia et al., 2012,

De Schauwer et al., 2013, Pezzanite et al., 2015).

MSCs also can modulate endogenous tissue and immune cells (Parekkadan et al., 2010)

and can migrate to the site of injury after receiving specific signals (Chen et al., 2011). MSCs

also can be subject to cryopreservation with minimal loss of potency (Lee et al., 2005),

for future heterologous or autologous transplantation. Numerous studies and clinical trials have

demonstrated the role of MSCs, but further studies are needed to elucidate the exact therapeutic



Our study showed that mesenchymal stem cells could be successfully isolated form

synovial fluid. Characterization of these cells can be achieved based by their morphology,

immunophenotype and differentiation potential. Results from our study demonstrate the

proliferative and clonogenic potential of equine synovial fluid derived stem cells, and can serve as

a potential source of mesenchymal stem cells for veterinary regenerative medicine.

References 1. Bahamondes Francisca, Estefania Flores, Gino Cattaneo, Flavia Bruna, Paulette Conget, Omental

adipose tissue is a more suitable source of canine Mesenchymal stem cells, BMC Vet Res. 2017; 13: 166.

2. Barberini Danielle Jaqueta, Natália Pereira Paiva Freitas, Mariana Sartori Magnoni, Leandro Maia, Amanda Jerônimo Listoni, Marta Cristina Heckler, Mateus Jose Sudano, Marjorie Assis Golim, Fernanda da Cruz Landim-Alvarenga, Rogério Martins Amorim, Equine mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow, adipose tissue and umbilical cord: immunophenotypic characterization and differentiation potential, Stem Cell Res Ther. 2014; 5(1): 25.

3. Barberini DJ, Freitas NP, Magnoni MS, Maia L, Listoni AJ, Heckler MC, Sudano MJ, Golim MA, da Cruz Landim-Alvarenga F, Amorim RM. Equine mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow, adipose tissue and umbilical cord: immunophenotypic characterization and differentiation potential. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2014 Feb 21;5(1):25.

4. Caniglia, C.J., Schramme, M.C. and Smith, R.K. (2012) The effect of intralesional injection of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells and bone marrow supernatant on collagen fibril size in a surgical model of equine superficial digital flexor tendonitis. Equine Vet. J. 44, 587-593.

5. Carrade DD, Borjesson DL. Immunomodulation by mesenchymal stem cells in veterinary species. Comparative Medicine. 2013; 63(3):207–217.

6. Chen F-M, Wu L-A, Zhang M, Zhang R, Sun H-H. Homing of endogenous stem/progenitor cells for in situ tissue regeneration: promises, strategies, and translational perspectives. Biomaterials. 2011; 32(12):3189–3209.

7. Clark Kaitlin C., Amir Kol, Salpi Shahbenderian, Jennifer L. Granick, Naomi J. Walker, Dori L. Borjesson Canine and Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cells Grown in Serum Free Media Have Altered Immunophenotype, Stem Cell Rev. 2016; 12: 245–256.

8. De Schauwer C, Van de Walle GR, Van Soom A, Meyer E. Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in horses: useful beyond orthopedic injuries? Vet Q. 2013; 33:234–41.

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9. Dominici M, Le Blanc K, Mueller I, Slaper-Cortenbach I, Marini F, Krause D, Deans R, Keating A, Prockop DJ, Horwitz E. Minimal criteria for defining multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. The International Society for Cellular Therapy position statement. Cytotherapy. 2006; 8:315–7.

10. Frisbie DD, Smith RK. Clinical update on the use of mesenchymal stem cells in equine orthopaedics. Equine Vet J. 2010; 42:86–9.

11. Guercio A, Di Bella S, Casella S, Di Marco P, Russo C, Piccione G., Canine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs): characterization in relation to donor age and adipose tissue-harvesting site. Cell Biol Int. 2013 Aug; 37(8):789-98.

12. Lee MW, Yang MS, Park JS, Kim HC, Kim YJ, Choi J. Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from cryopreserved human umbilical cord blood. Int J Hematol. 2005;81:126–30

13. Páll E, Florea A, Soriţău O, Cenariu M, Petruţiu AS, Roman A. Comparative Assessment of Oral Mesenchymal Stem Cells Isolated from Healthy and Diseased Tissues.Microsc Microanal. 2015 Oct; 21(5):1249-63.

14. Pall Emoke, Toma Segiu, Cristian Crecan, Mihai Cenariu, Groza Ioan, Isolation and Functional Characterization of Equine Adipos Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, Volume 10, 2016, Pages 412-416.

15. Parekkadan Biju, Milwid Jack M., Mesenchymal Stem Cells as Therapeutics, Annu Rev Biomed Eng. 2010 Aug 15; 12: 87–117.

16. Penny Jasmine, Pat Harris, Kevin Shakesheff, Ali Mobasheri The biology of equine mesenchymal stem cells: phenotypic characterization, cell surfacemarkers and multilineage differentiation, Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2012 Jan 1; 17:892-908.

17. Pezzanite Lynn M, Lisa A Fortier, Douglas F Antczak, Jennifer M Cassano, Margaret M Brosnahan, Donald Miller, Lauren V Schnabel, Equine allogeneic bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells elicit antibody responses in vivo, Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015; 6(1): 54.

18. Schnabel LV, Lynch ME, van der Meulen MC, Yeager AE, Kornatowski MA, Nixon AJ. Mesenchymal stem cells and insulin-like growth factor-I gene-enhanced mesenchymal stem cells improve structural aspects of healing in equine flexor digitorum superficialis tendons. J Orthop Res. 2009; 27:1392–8.

19. Singer NG, Caplan AI. Mesenchymal stem cells: mechanisms of inflammation. Annual Review of Pathology. 2011; 6:457–478.

20. Tan SL, Ahmad TS, Selvaratnam L, Kamarul T. Isolation, characterization and the multi-lineage differentiation potential of rabbit bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells. J Anat. 2013 Apr; 222(4):437-50.

21. Tessier Laurence, Dorothee Bienzle, Lynn B. Williams, Thomas G. Koch, Phenotypic and Immunomodulatory Properties of Equine Cord Blood-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, PLoS One. 2015; 10(4): e0122954.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (54)


Epidemiology of atopic dermatitis and other allergic skin diseases in

dogs and cats in Western Romania


Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară Timișoara [emailprotected]


Allergic skin diseases in dogs and cats are an emerging problem worldwide. In the past few years,

the number of cases has greatly increased and a rising interest in their treatment and diagnosis exists among

veterinarians. The aim of this study is to make a short description of the epidemiological situation of these

skin problems in the western part of Romania. The study was conducted during a 3-year period in a total of

8 clinics from three different counties in western Romania: two clinics from the Mehedinti County, three

clinics from Timis County and three clinics from Arad County. Reports were made regarding the number of

patients, which were presented at the clinics and were diagnosed with atopic dermatitis, flea allergy

dermatitis or other types of allergy (food allergy, contact allergy). This way we managed to obtain a

preliminary ratio of allergic affections in dogs and cats in the western part of Romania. The average value

for cats in all three counties was 10.74% of all cases presented at the clinics and 45.22% of the cases that

presented dermatological symptoms. The average value for dogs in all three counties was 5.94% of all cases

presented at the clinics and 42.49% of the cases that presented dermatological symptoms.

Keywords: allergy, dogs, epidemiology, western Romania


Dogs, similar to humans, may develop a syndrome of spontaneous, inflammatory, pruritic

dermatitis with characteristics such as a young age of onset, characteristic distribution of lesions

and IgE sensitization to common environmental allergens generically called atopic dermatitis

(AD)(9). The main clinical features are skin lesions distributed around the mouth, eyes, ears, limbs

and ventral abdomen, pruritus and alopecia, erythema, conjunctivitis and recurrent otitis (8). The

clinical signs of AD and of all allergies in general can sometimes easily be mistaken for diseases

such as demodectic mange (6), Malassezia infections or skin diseases caused by Microsporum.

The diagnosis of canine AD is based either on the characteristic clinical features or on

results from various tests such as intradermal skin testing, IgE serology and even blood tests (BDT

or LTT tests) (5).

Epidemiological data help us understand the distribution, risk factors and causes of disease,

having a major influence in establishing a successful control and prevention protocol (12).

According to studies, AD and allergic skin diseases are one of the most common skin conditions

in dogs and cats with a prevalence of 3-15% in the general dog population and 3-58% of dogs

affected with skin diseases presented to veterinarians (8).

Materials and methods

The study was conducted over a three-year period (2014-2016) in a total of eight clinics

from three counties in western Romania: Mehedinti, Timis and Arad. The clinics taken into study

were as follows: Vet Point Vest, Vetagrica and Bioanima in Arad County, Ilivet and Negrostar in

Mehedinti County and Salvet, Dr. Ciolea Felician private practice and the Dermatology clinic of

FVM in Timisoara.

The information used in this paper comes from the consultation registers of the above-

mentioned clinics. A total number of 13.254 dogs and 4.708 cats were registered in these three

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (55)


years in the eight clinics. The overall number of animals with a dermatological diagnosis was 2971

of which 1852 were dogs and 1119 cats. Results in detail are illustrated in the graphics and tables

that follow.

Table 1. Repartition of dogs presented in clinics from Timisoara, Arad and Mehedinti

Total cases of dogs


Total of dermatological cases


Total allergies


Years Years Years

2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016

4098 4514 4642 582 634 636 229 289 269

General total= 13254 General total= 1852 General total= 787

Table 2. Repartition of cats presented in clinics from Timisoara, Mehedinti and Arad

Total cases of cats


Total of dermatological cases


Total allergies


Years Years Years

2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016

1461 1553 1694 339 397 383 143 178 185

General total= 4708 General total= 1119 General total= 506

Table 3. Repartition of both cats and dogs in all three counties

Total cases


Total of dermatological cases


Total allergies


2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2016

5559 6067 6336 921 1031 1019 372 467 254

General total= 17962 General total= 2971 General total= 1093

In all three counties the highest rate of dermatological diseases in dogs and cats was

recorded in 2015 when the rate was 16.99% of the total cases followed by 2014 with a rate of

16.57% and 2016 with a rate of 16.08% (figure 1).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (56)


Fig.1- Percentage of dermatological cases and AD or other allergic cases

Allergies were present in a higher rate in the year 2015 when the percentage of AD and

other allergic diseases was 7.70% of the total cases and 45.3% of the dermatological cases.

Gradually followed the years 2014 with a rate of 6.69% of the total cases and 40.4 % of the

dermatological cases and the year 2016 with a rate of 4.01% of the total respectively 24.9% of the

dermatological cases.

The overall percent of allergic skin conditions including AD was 6.1% during the period

2014-2016 out of a total number of 17,962 animals.

According to earlier research, the prevalence of AD in the canine population was estimated

at large to be 15% (1). More recently, scientific papers state estimates of 10 % (9). Unfortunately,

the true prevalence and incidence of AD in the general dog population is very difficult to establish

because of the slight unreliability of data caused mostly by the fact that mild cases are often

successfully managed with symptomatic therapy without a specific diagnosis and some clinical

manifestations of AD are difficult to recognize. Lund et al. (4) has conducted a study in the USA

on 31,484 dogs examined in 52 private practices and reached an estimate of 8.7% dogs diagnosed

with allergies. On the other hand, more recent studies also from the USA state a rate of 27%

incidence of AD among dogs and cats (10). Canadian studies (11) stated that AD stood for 12.7%

of the cases while in France, DeBoer’s (2) survey reports a 27% rate of 11,373 dogs.


In the western part of Romania, the total prevalence of AD and other allergic skin diseases

was highest in 2015 when the rate was 7.7%, AD or other allergic skin diseases representing 45.3%

of dermatological cases.

16.57 16.99 16.08

6.69 7.7
















1 2 3

Total dermatological cases % Total allergy cases %

Allergies/Dermatological cases %

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (57)


The overall rate of allergic skin diseases in Western Romania during the years 2014-2016

was 6.1% out of 17.962 animals.


This study is published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources

Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project No. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765 and

this research work was carried out with the support ofthe projectDezvoltarea infrastructurii de

cercetare, educaţie şi servicii în domeniile medicinei veterinare şi tehnologiilor inovative pentru

RO 05, cod SMIS-CSNR 266.


1. CHAMBERLAIN, K.,W., 1974-Atopic (allergic) dermatitis, Vet. Clin. N. Am. 4,29-39; 2. DEBOER, D., J., 1989-Survey of intradermal skin testing practices in NorthAmerica, J. Am. Vet. Med.

Assoc. 195, 1357-1363. 3. HILLIER A., GRIFFIN, C.E. 2001-The ACVD task force on canine atopic dermatitis (I): incidence and

prevalence; Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 81, 147-151; 4. LUND, E.M., ARMSTRONG, P.J., KIRK, C.A., KOLAR, L.M., KLAUSNER, J.S., 1999-Health status

and population characteristics of dogs and cats examined at private veterinary practices in the United States, J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 214, 1336-134;

5. MARSELLA, R., (2013)-Atopic disease, In: Miller,W.H.J., Griffin, C.E., Campbell, K.L. (Eds.), Muller & Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, Seventh Ed. Elsevier Mosby, St. Louis,MO, USA, pp. 365–388

6. MEDERLE NARCISA, DARABUS GH., OPRESCU, I., MORARIU, S., ILIE, M., INDRE, D., MEDERLE, O., 2010- Diagnosis of canine demodicosis, Sci. Parasitol., 11 (1): 20-23

7. MILLER, W.H.J., GRIFFIN, C.E., CAMPBELL, K.L., 2013- Muller & Kirk’s Small Animal Dermatology, Seventh Ed. Elsevier Mosby

8. OLIVRY, T., SARIDOMICHELAKIS, M.,N. 2016 -An update on the treatment of canine atopic dermatitis, The Veterinary Journal 207, 29-37;

9. PUCHEU-HASTON C., M. 2016- Atopic dermatitis in the domestic dog, Clinics in dermatology, vol. 34, 2, 299-303

10. SCOTT, D.W., MILLER, W.H., GRIFFIN, C.E., 2001-Small animal dermatology, 6th Edition, W.B. Saunders, 574-601.

11. SCOTT, D.W., PARADIS, M., 1990- A survey of canine and feline skin disorders seen in a university practice: small animal clinic, University of Montreal, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Can. Vet. J. 31, 830-835;

12. TORRENCE, M.E., 1997- Understanding Epidemiology, Mosby Year Book, 1-17;

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (58)


Generating bovine embryos through ICSI

Thomas KELLER, Simona MARC, Horia CERNESCU, Camelia TULCAN, Ioan HUȚU, Gabriel OTAVA, Ana-Maria RAȚIU, Georgiana UNGUREANU, Călin MIRCU

Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Calea Aradului, no.119, 300645 Timişoara, jud. Timiş, Romania



Through ICSI, competition between sperms and also sperm-oocyte interaction are avoided thus ICSI

proving reliable when sperm is not suitable for IVF. In bovine, the limiting step is represented by low rate

of sperm head decondensation subsequent ICSI. Intracytoplasmatic sperm injection allows avoiding many

critical moments that may occur during normal or in vitro fertilization. Oocytes were obtained from ovaries

from slaughtered cows. These were transported in 0.9% NaCl solution in isothermal bags at a temperature

of 25-30 ° C. The ovaries were brought from the slaughterhouse within 2 hours. Harvesting of the oocytes

was made through the aspiration method. After maturation, oocytes were fertilized using sperm that was

prepared using Percoll method and then treated with TritonX. The volume of the TritonX solution that

accompanies the sperma and which remains in the oocyte is extremely important given that by its action,

TritonX removes the acrosome, thus releasing a rich enzyme content and facilitating the dehydration of the

male pronucleus. Even though the number of 2 nucleus, 2 cells or 4 cells oocytes is inferior to the data found

in the literature, compared to the results achieved last year in the assisted reproduction laboratory within

CLC-HC Timisoara, it marks significant progress. At the 2 cells stage, there were several oocytes from group

1 (24.39% vs. 12.5%), while at the 4 cells stage there were 14.63% oocytes from group 1 and 25% group 2.

The use of TritonX solution for sperm treatment as well as shortening the duration of ICSI execution allowed

us to get encouraging results. The results obtained are inferior to those presented in the literature but are

far superior to those we obtained last year when the ICSI technique was assembled. Achieving the two- and

four-cell embryonic stages justifies us thinking that we are mastering the ICSI technique.

Keywords: bovine, embryos, ICSI, TritonX


Intracytoplasmatic sperm injection allows avoiding many critical moments that may occur

during fertilization. Applying this technique involves sophisticated equipment as well as detailed

specialist knowledge. It is essential to have a good knowledge of working steps equal to the use of

certain specific reagents of the highest quality (Godja et al., 2016).

The ICSI technique in cattle was assembled in CLCHC Assisted Reproduction Laboratory

last year, and the results obtained determined us to continue its application. In the present paper,

we attempted to demonstrate the implications of using TritonX for sperm treatment as well as

reducing working times in order to shorten both the interval in which the sperm is in contact with

the slowing solution of their movements and the period of oocytes outside the incubator.

In cattle, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has low efficacy (Canel et al., 2014;

Zambrano et al., 2016). The content of acrosome may be considered responsible for this effect due

to the large number of hydrolytic enzymes released in oocytes.

In order to eliminate the acrosome and destabilize sperm membranes, researchers at the

University of Frontera (Zambrano et al., 2016) chose the use of Lizolecitin and Triton-X 100. The

rate of oocyte development was assessed along with pronuclear formation and embryo quality. The

use of Lizolecitin and Triton-X 100 (0.01%, 0.02%, 0.03%, and 0.04%) decreased the sperm

viability based on the dose used. At the same time, an improvement in the acrosome reaction for

all Lizolecitin and Triton-X 100 concentrations was observed, reaching already a concentration of

100% from 0.05% of both treatments.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (59)


A higher rate of cell division was observed in the intracytoplasmic injection of sperm treated

with Triton-X 100 (66%) and Lizolecitin (65%) compared to the untreated sperm group (51%). At

the same time, a significant increase in blastocyst formation was observed in the Lizolecitin treated

group (29%) compared to the control group (21%). There was no difference in the formation of

pronucleus and the number of embryos developed.

The researchers concluded that sperm treatment with Lizolecitin and Triton-X 100 improves

the rate of embryo development without affecting the quality of embryos produced by using this


Galli et al. (2003) studied the effect of various substances used for sperm pretreatment. In

the study, the sperm was activated with heparin, D-penicillamine, hypotaurine and epinephrine

before ICSI.

The effect of the use of dithiothreitol for pretreatment of spermatozoa or oocytes to be

injected was then studied. Activation of sperm with heparin in combination with epinephrine did

not improve the development of embryos following ICSI. Instead, the use of dithiothreitol for pre-

treatment of oocytes improved cell division and blastocyst formation in the case of inactivated

embryos and an acceleration of blastocyst development when embryos were activated. At the same

time, sperm pretreatment with dithiothreitol followed by ICSI showed a significant increase in

embryonic development rates over the first 7 days.

The study by Canel et al. (2014) aimed primarily at identifying how different treatments

applied to sem*n, such as sperm pretreatment with heparin and L-glutathione or sexing of sem*n,

can influence the development of embryos following intracytoplasmic sperm injection in cattle.

Cell division and blastocysts were assessed at 2 and 7 days after ICSI. The results of the

study show a significant increase in the rate of cell division and blastocysts in the pretreated batch

with heparin and L-glutathione group compared to the untreated group. The use of sperm sem*n

has also improved the cell division rate, with no major differences in blastocyst counts.

Research has also been carried out on the quality of oocytes and sem*n (Ohlweiler et al.,

2013). During the study, experiments were performed using better or worse quality oocytes and


The blastocyst formation rate was significantly higher in the case of good quality oocytes

(23.3% versus 11.1% in the case of inferior quality oocytes), regardless of the characteristics of the

sem*n. At the same time, there was no major difference in the rate of blastocyst formation using

poor quality sem*n (regardless of oocyte quality). However, the use of good quality sem*n has

been shown to have a major influence on the blastocyst formation rate (25.7% versus 9.2% in the

case of poor quality oocytes).

The influence of oocytes and sperm quality on ICSI was subsequently evaluated. No major

differences were observed in the blastocyst formation rate irrespective of the quality of oocytes or


The conclusion of the researchers was that the use of intracytoplasmic sperm injection is an

effective way to achieve the in vitro generation of bovine embryos irrespective of the quality of

oocytes or sperm.

Materials and methods

Oocytes were obtained from ovaries from slaughtered cows. These were transported in 0.9%

NaCl solution in isothermal bags at a temperature of 25-30 ° C (Mayes, 2002). The ovaries were

brought from the Nojag slaughterhouse, which is 167 km (2h) from the Assisted Reproduction

Laboratory of the CLCHC and from Macea, Arad County, which is 80.5 km (1h 9min) from the

laboratory. For the harvesting of the oocytes, the aspiration method (Chung et al., 2000) was chosen

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (60)


and cultivated for those of category I. After harvesting, COC, together with the follicular fluid,

were placed in a 50 ml conical tube for sedimentation. After 5 minutes of rest, they were sucked

from the bottom of the tube with the help of a pipette. This operation was repeated 4-5 times to

make sure all oocytes were sucked together with the cumulus cells.

The next step was to wash the COC by passing successively into 2 PBS plates. Thus, they

are prepared for maturing in 4-well plates. After being held in 400 μl of TCM 199 enriched with

10% ESC and coated with mineral oil to prevent oxygen action, for 22h for maturation in the

incubator, they were removed from the PBS-washed incubator and then denuded in 0.4 ml of 0.1%

hyaluronidase (Sigma) and washed in two steps of PBS.

The sperm strains stored in liquid nitrogen were thawed at 37 degrees for one minute

(Rahman, 2010). Sperm was prepared using Percoll method. Through the density gradient

(Percoll), dead, abnormal (low density) sperm and detritus (cell contamination) of ejacul*te

accumulate in the corresponding densities, while the density of the sperm (mobile, normal) crosses

the gradient and is found on the bottom of the tube. To eliminate all traces of gradient used, sperm

isolated by this method is washed in a culture medium. In order to centrifuge in the concentration

gradient, 90% and 45% Percoll solutions were prepared by dilution with Earl 1x solution. The

Percoll concentration gradient solution was kept on a water bath for 4 hours at 37 degrees before

use. 200 μl of sem*n from each bull was used. After bringing the samples to 37 ° C, they were

slowly added dropwise onto the walls of the centrifuge tube over the Percoll solution in a

concentration gradient (90%-45%) pre-heated for 4 hours at 37 ° C. Then the mixture was

centrifuged (Hettich 350R) for 20 minutes. After which the supernatant was removed and 2 ml of

Earl 1X solution was added. The mixture was hom*ogenized and analyzed for the determination of

seminal material parameters. To facilitate manipulation of the sperm and to immobilize it, the use

of Triton-X 100 (Sigma) was chosen. It is necessary to mix 50 μl of sperm suspension with an

equal volume of TCM 199 and 0.1% Triton-X 100. The mixture is centrifuged at 2000xG for 3


After removing the cumulus cells, the oocytes were placed in a drop containing 5 μl of IVF-

TALP (in vitro fertilization-Tyrode's albumin pyruvate albumin). The sperm was transferred to 10

μl of the culture medium (Sp-TALP) containing 10 μl / ml heparin. ICSI was performed at a

magnification x200 microscope in drops of 30μl of TCM199 + BSA 3mg / ml medium coated with

silicone oil and kept at 37 ° C on the microscope warm plate. On the fertilization microplate were

placed two drops of TCM199 + BSA medium into which the oocytes were introduced and the drop

was covered with mineral oil. A drop containing spermatozoa treated with TritonX was placed on

the same microplate, from which a single sperma was extracted (Figure 1 A). The oocytes were

fixed in the micromanipulator pipette polar body at 6 o'clock, and the sperm was injected

perpendicularly (approximately at 3 o'clock) (Figure 1 B).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (61)


Fig.1. Sperm in micropipette (A) and injecting of sperm into oocyte (B)

After ICSI, the oocytes were transferred to the culture medium of TCM199 + 20% ESC

coated with silicone oil in 60x15 mm culture plates (Falcon, Fischer Scientific) and placed in the

incubator at 37 ° C, 100% humidity and 5% CO2. 18 hours after sperm injection, oocytes were

examined for the presence of the pronucleus. After 72h of ICSI, some oocytes were found to have

2 cells (Figure 2 A) and at 96 hours ICSI had 4 cells (Figure 2 B).

Fig.21. Oocytes with 2 cells (A) and 4 cells (B)

To highlight the division, oocyte staining with Hoechst 33342 (Thermofischer Scientific)

was chosen. After they were removed from the incubator they were washed in a PBS step after

which they were placed in Hoechst for 15 minutes in the incubator. After this period, they were

examined in an immunofluorescence microscope to highlight the cell division (Figure 3).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (62)


Fig.3. Before and after using the Hoechst staining, the presence of 4 cells is evidenced

Results and discussions Depending on the length of ICSI's own workload (from sperm contacting to injection into

oocytes), we divided the 73 oocytes injected into two groups (Table 1):

Group 1, in which we included the 41 oocytes injected in less than 7 minutes;

Group 2, containing 32 oocytes injected in more than 7 minutes.

We chose the 7 minute threshold taking into account both the recommendations in the

literature and our values (the shortest time was 4 minutes and 3 seconds and the longest 17 minutes

and 22 seconds), Values to which we calculated average and standard deviation. ICSI was

performed in TCM supplemented with 20% ESC, the oocytes remaining in this medium for the

first 24 hours. Subsequently, they were moved for another 24 hours in the maturation medium

containing cumulus cells and 48 hours after ICSI time they were again moved to the TCM +

ESC20% medium where they remained during the observation period. The 2N stage was also

highlighted by the 24-hour examination from ICSI, 2 cells (2C) at 72 hours from ICSI and 4-cell

(4C) at 96 hours from ICSI. The embryos remained in those stages for more than 24 hours, at which

time we found degenerative processes and lack of further development.

Table 1. Results obtained from ICSI on cattle oocytes




OV x






with one



with two



oocytes that

have reached the

stage of 2 cells



reaching the

4-cell stage

Group 1 41 1 6 18 10 6

Group 2 32 4 4 12 4 8

Group 1, including oocytes subjected to ICSI in less than 7 minutes, had only unfertilized

oocytes (2.45%). There were 6 oocytes with one pronucleus (14.63%) and 18 oocytes (43.90%)

with two pronucleus. Of these 18, 10 fertilized oocytes (24.39%) reached the stage of 2 cells and 6

oocytes (14.63%) - the stage of 4 cells (Figure 4).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (63)


The percentages of fertilized oocytes (as evidenced by the presence of the two pronucleus) as well

as those representing the 2 or 4 embryonic stages obtained at G1 are inferior to those presented in

the literature but clearly superior to those we personally obtained (Godja et al., 2016).

Gali (2003) reported only poor results subsequent ICSI as cell division and blastocist development,

despite bovine oocytes were activated and supposed to develop fertilization similarly with IVF.

Keskintepe and Brackett (2000) activated the oocyte at 30 minutes consequent sperm injection by

incubation with A23187 ionophore for 5 minutes. Bull sperm was previously capacitated by

incubation in a heparin-containing media. Authors reported 52,4% blastocyst division and 24,4%

for blastocyst development.

Fig. 2. Results from ICSI on cattle - Group 1

For group 1- containing oocytes at which ICSI occurred over a period of time longer than 7

minutes, there were 4 nonactive oocytes (12.5%) and 4 (12.5%) with a single pronucleus. Of the

12 oocytes (37.5%) who presented the stage of 2 pronucleus, 4 oocytes (12.5%) reached the stage

of 2 cells and 8 oocytes (25%) - the embryonic stage of 4 cells (Figure 5).

Figure 1 shows eloquently the differences between the two groups. Even though the number

of 2N, 2C or 4C oocytes is inferior to the data reported in the literature, compared to the results we

achieved last year (11) marks significant progress. It should be noted that at the 2C stage there were

several oocytes from G1 (24.39% vs. 12.5%), while at the 4C stage there were 14.63% oocytes

from G1 and 25% G2 (Figure 6).

We consider that the volume of the TritonX solution that accompanies the sperm and which

remains in the oocyte is extremely important given that by its action, TritonX removes the

acrosome, thus releasing a rich enzyme content and facilitating the dehydration of the male


The results of the ICSI were also influenced by the running time of this work, and it is

desirable that it be as short as possible. The experience gained by the ICSI person makes it possible

to shorten this interval permanently, ensuring for oocytes spending as short a time as possible

outside the incubator.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (64)


Fig. 3. Results from ICSI on cattle - Group 2

Fig. 4. Results obtained from ICSI on cattle oocytes

We consider important to keep oocytes subjected to ICSI in the culture medium containing

cumulus cells, because this significantly improves oocyte metabolism by facilitating the exchange

of nutrients.

To grasp any statistical differences, we used the chi test, and a statistically significant

difference occurred at p ≤ 0.01 between G1 and G2, which is of particular interest when we look

at the results obtained with two or four cell embryos.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (65)


Stages C2 and C4 occurred 24 hours later than the accepted physiological time in bovine

embryogenesis, which discusses both the moment of potential oocyte activation and subsequent


The divergent opinions in the literature on whether or not the oocyte is activated following

the simple ICSI can support the underlying assumptions regarding the installation of the delayed

cell division and its closure after a short time as well as in the case of the 4C embryos the higher

success rate registered at G2 compared to G1. In other words, according to our results, the longer

duration of ICSI execution has enhanced cell division.


The use of TritonX solution for sperm treatment as well as shortening the duration of ICSI

execution allowed us to get encouraging results.

The results obtained are inferior to those presented in the literature but are far superior to

those we obtained last year when we assembled the ICSI technique.

Achieving the two- and four-cell embryonic stages justifies us thinking that we are mastering

the ICSI technique.


The research was carried in the IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) laboratory from the Horia

Cernescu Research Unit equipped through POSCCE 2669 program


1. CANEL, N. G., BEVACQUA, R. J., HIRIART M. I., SALAMONE, D. (2014) - IVF vs. ICSI: efficiency and “bull fertility effect” using sex sorted or non sorted sem*n in bovine, Animal Reproduction, 11, 3, 301-301.

2. CHUNG, J.T., KEEFER, C.L., DOWNEY, B.R. (2000). Activation of bovine oocytes following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), Theriogenology, 53, 1273-1284

3. GALLI, C., VASSILIEV, I., LAGUTINA, I., GALLI, A., LAZZARI, G. (2003) Bovine embryo development following ICSI: effect of activation, sperm capacitation and pre-treatment with dithiothreitol, Theriogenology, 60, 8, 1467-1480.

4. GODJA, G., RAȚIU A.M., UNGUREANU, G., KELLER, T., ZARCULA, S., CIOBOTA, A., OTAVĂ, G., TULCAN, C., HUȚU I., MIRCU, C. (2016) - Pronuclei formation subsequent to introcytoplasmic sperm injection in bovine, Lucrări științifice medicină veterinară – USAMV Ion Ionescu dela Brad, Iași, 59, 2, 159-166.

5. KESKINTEPE, L., BRACKETT, B.G. (2000) - Cryopreservation of bovine blastocysts obtained by intracytoplasmic sperm injection, Theriogenology, 53, 1041-1052

6. MAYES, M. - The meiotic arrest of bovine oocytes (Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'Université Laval pour l’obtention du grade de Philosophiae Doctor), (accesat în x).

7. OHLWEILER, L.U., BRUM, D.S., LEIVAS, F.G., MOYSES, A.B., RAMOS, R.S., KLEIN, N., MEZZALIRA, J.C., MEZZALIRA, A. (2013) - Intracytoplasmic sperm injection improves embryo production from poor quality bovine oocytes, Theriogenology, 79, 5, 778-783.

8. RAHMAN, A.N.M.A. (2010) - Intracytoplasmic sperm injection-revolution in human and animal assisted reproduction: A review, Biotechnology, 9, 392-410.

9. Thermofischer Scientific - Hoechst 33342 Solution (20 mM), (accesat în 04.05.2017).

10. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Animal Science (2003) - Percoll Separation Procedure, (accesat în 25.04.2017).

11. ZAMB RANO, F., AGUILA, L., ARIAS, M. E., SÁNCHEZ, R., FELMER, R. (2016) – Improved preimplantation development of bovine ICSI embryos generated with spermatozoa pretreated with membrane-destabilizing agents lysolecithin and Triton X-100, Theriogenology, 86, 6, 1489-1497.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (66)


The behaviour pattern of several gastrointestinal nematode genera in

sheep and cattle from bethausen, Timis County C. SÎRBU, Gh. DARABUS, M. ILIE, Mirela IMRE, Tiana SUICI, S. MORARIU

Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară Timișoara Abstract

Parasitic infestations are one of the most important causes for animal disease and low productivity

worldwide. Gastrointestinal nematodes (i.e. Trichostrongylus, ) as well as trematodes (i.e. Fasciola spp.

Paramphistomum spp.), cestodes (i.e. Echinococcus spp.) and protozoa (i.e. Eimeria spp.) are all in the

category of most important parasitic diseases. Studies were conducted on cattle and sheep from Bethausen

village, Timis County. In cattle, the following genera were identified : Trichostrongylus, Cooperia and

Ostertagia while in sheep the Trichostrongylus, Ostertagia, Chabertia, Oesophagostomum and Haemonchus

genera were noticed. The present study was based on following the dynamics of the output of parasitic

elements from the April 2015 until March 2016. The best represented genus was Trichostrongylus both in

cattle and sheep with a prevalence of 40%, followed by Chabertia – 33%, Ostertagia – 30%, Haemonchus –

26% and Cooperia – 15%. The maximum EPG was achieved in October and the minimum EPG was achieved

in the months of January and February.


Parasitic infestations are one of the main causes of animal sickness and low productivity


Parasitism is currently at a high point in farms and households on a global level, despite

many financial efforts directed towards control and prophylactic campaigns,. According to recent

research, the most significant damage is caused by pulmonary and gastrointestinal helminthosis.

However, it can be stated that these diseases ‘’don't kill the animal but destroy the farm”(5,6,23).

The fact that the parasites usually have a subclinical evolution (a phenomenon encountered

especially in temperate areas) in any temporary and/or permanent system of pasturing leads to a

decrease in the zootechnical performance.Several parasitic diseases can be mentioned in this

context: cryptosporidiosis, neosporosis, hydatidosis, fasciolosis, paramphistomosis and

trichostrongylosis. (4, 10, 11, 17, 18)

Thus, it causes considerable economical loss, due to the reduction of the growth rate, the

reduction of food conversion rate, the reduction of the milk and meat production leading to the

beginning of a subproductivity syndrome.The economic losses are due to expenses implied by

treatments although for some of them the possibility of vaccination exists (19, 20).

The economic influence of a subclinical evolution of the parasitosis can be rightly

appreciated only by taking into account all the elements, which are related to the pasture

contamination and to the receptivity of the animals.

The aim of this research was to investigate the parasitic spectrum, especially the

gastrointestinal nematodes, in a medium-sized village in Timis County, over a one-year period,

starting in April 2015 and ending in March 2016.

Materials and methods

The research took place in Bethausen Village , Timis County. Bethausen Village is situated

in the North-East of Timis County , on the right side of the Bega river, 26 km away from the town

of Lugoj and 20 km away from the town fa*get. Bethausen is situated in the centre and it is

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (67)


surrounded by nearby villages as follows: Leucușești village in the East, Cutina Village in the

West, Cliciova and Nevrincea villages in the South and Cladova village in the North.

The village has a surface of 9027 hectares, of which 4764 ha are tillable, 1265 ha are

forests, 2066 ha pastures, 425 ha hays and orchards, 139 ha waters, 178 ha of roads and railways,

136 ha of country yards and buildings and 54 ha of non-productive fields. It is situated on both

parts of Bega (26).

Cattle and sheep are frequently found on the pasture, which has its own source of water (a

well with concrete gutters). The grass carpet had the following floristic composition: spontaneous

species of perennial Gramineae (Poa spp., Festuca spp., Dactylis spp., Bromus spp., Phleum

pratense) with small areas of leguminous plants (Trifolium repens, Lotus corniculatus) and other

plants from the spontaneous flora.

Between 50 of 150 gr of freshly eliminated faeces were collected or taken directly from

the rectum of the individuals .(4 cattle and 15 sheep)subjected to study. The samples were packed

in plastic bags and refrigerated until processing.

The samples were transported to the Parasitic Diseases laboratory of FVM Timisoara and

they were processed according to the following methods:

- Willis - to enhance de type of parasitism;

- McMaster - in order to find out the amount of parasites (EPG) in each individual

from the experiment;

- Euzeby - to quantify the pulmonary parasites in ruminants(2,3,6,7).

- Larvae cultures.

Only three genera were noticed in cattle: Ostertagia, Cooperia and Trichostrongylus. The

behaviour of the three-gastrointestinal nematodes was different according to season .

It can be seen that, during the spring months, the Cooperia genus was best represented in

April-39.62% and May-37.14%. The weakest prevalence was registered during winter months:

16.12% in January and 14.58% in February. The Ostertagia genus had the highest prevalence in

summer months.

The population peak was reached in July (51.45%) and the lowest numbers were recorded

in December (26.92%).

On the other hand, the Trichostrongylus genus seems to feel better in the winter months

when the rate is higher than 45%, peaking in December- 52.57%. The lowest values were observed

in summertime in July (13.60%).

In Sweden, Dimander (8) highlights the presence of 14 species of gastrointestinal

nematodes but the weight was held by 2 species: Ostertagia ostertagi and Cooperia

oncophora.Five genders of gastrointestinal nematodes were identified in sheep after reading the

larval cultures: Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus, Chabertia şi Oesophagostomum.

It can easily be noticed that the Haemonchus genus has a relatively even distribution

throughout the study period except for the winter months when its prevalence dropped, reaching

values of zero in February. In addition, this genus has had the weakest infrapopulation


In an increasing order followed the Oesophagostomum genus which had a slightly

increasing trend throughout the entire period, especially during winter months with a peak (20%)

in February.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (68)



Fig.1 The behaviour of the Trichostrongylus genera

in the bovine host according to seasons

Fig. 2 The behaviour of gastrointestinal nematodes genera in the sheep

host according to seasons

The genus Chabertia occupied third place. It had a behaviour similar to the genus

Oesophagostomum, with a population peak in winter months when it reached 30%.

On the next position, we placed the genus Ostertagia that had its population peak in June-

July. However, the population suffered a drastic decline up to 0% in February. Probably this drop

of various Trichostrongylus infrapopulations is due to the hypobiosis phenomenon but also to aging

of individuals that form the population. In addition, as a consequence of the “spring-rise” or “peri-

parturient rise” phenomenon seen in the hypobiotic species (such as Haemonchus and Ostertagia),

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (69)


the populations recover in spring, thus contributing to the pollution of pastures with parasitic


The most representative genus was Trichostrongylus, which had a relatively constant

prevalence, often situated around 40%, regardless of the season. It has to be pointed out that in the

case of species which do not use the hypobiosis phenomenon as a survival strategy, the

infrapopulations were larger. However, this population rise is in fact due to the lowering of the

individuals’ number of the species which use hypobiosis.

The results of such coproscopic investigations are subjected to a number of variables such

as: the moment of day in which the samples were collected (knowing that several species of

helmints lay more eggs in the morning and others do this in the evening), the age of helmints (those

who are elderly do not eliminate eggs), the abundance of female nematodes in the structure of the

infrapopulation, their fertility, the pathogeny of the species, the quality of the host’s immune

response, the grazing seasons, the host’s age, the consistency of faeces, etc. (9,15,22)

The study conducted by Odoi et all. (21) in Kenya has highlighted the presence of five

genera of gastrointestinal nematodes: Trichostrongylus (42,0%), Haemonchus (35,8%), Cooperia

(5,5%), Strongyloides (12,0%) and Oesophagostomum (4,7%). If in the case of Trichostrongylus

the results were similar to ours, in the case of Haemonchus we noticed only 1/3 of the population

reported in Kenya. Similar was the case of Oesophagostomum. In addition, we noted the presence

of Ostertagia and Chabertia and the lack of Strongyloides and Cooperia.

However, in a study conducted in Venezuela by Morales et all. (16) they reported the

presence of more gastrointestinal nematode genera, and the presence of more species:

Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, Skrjabinema, Bunostomum, Oesophagostomum and


In the American state of Nebraska, Colwell et all. (1) have observed that 99% of the

gastrointestinal nematodes presents in lambs had only two representatives: Ostertagia ostertagi

and Nematodirus helvetianus.

Theodoropoulos et al. (25) observed that in some arid regions of Greece, egg production

through faeces increased rapidly in the summer months (June to August). In India, Shing et al. (24)

had similar results to ours, with a low OPG in January-February and one that grew from July to

peak in September

The research conducted in Pakistan on several sheep flocks by Jan et all. (14) has

demonstrated a higher prevalence of parasitism with certain gastrointestinal nematodes in males

compared to females: Trichostrongylus spp. – 12,5%/0%, Haemonchus contortus – 13,5%/11,5%,

Chabertia ovina – 5,5%/1,5% while other nematodes were signaled only in females: Ostertagia

circumcincta – 7,5%, Oesophagostomum columbianum – 10,5%.

In Romania, in the sheep from the western and Northwestern parts of the Timis County,

Indre et all. (12) identified the following species of gastrointestinal nematodes, listed in a

decreasing order: Trichostrongylus – 37%, Chabertia – 33%, Ostertagia – 30%, Bunostomum –

27%, Haemonchus – 26%, respectively Cooperia – 15%. The linear distribution of these parasites

was as previously known with slight differences in what regards location: Trichostrongylus

colubriformis – 75% in the duodenum, 87,5% in the jejunum and ileum, respectively 12,5% in the

colon; Nematodirus filicollis – 42,85% in the duodenum and 85,71% in the jejunum and ileum or

in the case of Trichocephalus ovis – 11,11% in the jejunum and ileum, 66,66% in the colon,

respectively 88,88% in the cecum (13).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (70)



The coproscopic investigation made during cattle monitoring in Bethausen showed

parasitism with only three genera of gastrointestinal nematodes: Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus,


Five parasitic genera were identified in sheep: Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus,

Chabertia and Oesophagostomum.

In both cattle and sheep, the biggest output of parasitic elements was seen in October.


This study is published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources

Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project No. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765 and this

research work was carried out with the support ofthe projectDezvoltarea infrastructurii de cercetare,

educaţie şi servicii în domeniile medicinei veterinare şi tehnologiilor inovative pentru RO 05, cod



1. COLWELL, D.D., GOATER, C.P., JACOBSON, K.M. (2002) - Prevalence and intensity of

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2. CONSTANTIN, N. (coordonator) (2014) – Tratat de Medicină Veterinară, vol. VI. Editura Risoprint Cluj-Napoca.

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4. DĂRĂBUȘ, GH., HOTEA, I., OPRESCU, I., MORARIU, S., BRUDIU, I., OLARIU, R.T., 2011 – Toxoplasmosis seroprevalence in cats and sheep from Western Romania. Rev. Méd. Vét., 162 (6): 316-320.

5. DĂRĂBUŞ, GH., OPRESCU, I., MORARIU, S., MEDERLE, N. (2006) – Parazitologie şi boli parazitare. Ed. Mirton, Timişoara.

6. DĂRĂBUȘ, GH., OPRESCU, I., MORARIU, S., MEDERLE, N., ILIE, M. (2013) – Ghid practic în bolile parazitare, vol. 1. Editura Eurostampa Timișoara

7. DĂRĂBUȘ, GH., OPRESCU, I., MORARIU, S., MEDERLE, N., ILIE, M. (2014) – Ghid practic în bolile parazitare, vol. 2. Editura Eurostampa Timisoara

8. DIMANDER, S.O. (2003) – Epidemiology and control of gastrointestinal nematodes in first seazon grazing cattle in Sweden. Doctoral Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala.

9. EYSKER, M., PLOEGER, H.W. (2000) – Value of present diagnostic methods for gastrointestinal nematode infections in ruminants. Parasitology, 120, 109-119.

10. IMRE, K., DĂRĂBUŞ, GH., MEDERLE, N., OPRESCU, I., MORARIU, S., ILIE, M., HOTEA, I., IMRE, M., INDRE, D., BALINT, A., SORESCU, D., 2010 - Intraspecific characterization of some Cryptosporidium parvum isolates from calves and lambs in Western Romania using molecular techniques. Sci. Parasitol., 11 (1), 47-50.

11. IMRE, K., MORARIU, S., ILIE, M.S., IMRE, M., FERRARI, N., GENCHI, C., DĂRĂBUŞ, GH., 2012 – Serological survey of Neospora caninum infection in cattle herds from western Romania. J. Parasitol., 98 (3): 683-685.

12. INDRE D., DĂRĂBUŞ GH., OPRESCU I., MORARIU S., MEDERLE N., ILIE M.S., HOTEA I., IMRE K., BALINT A. (2009) - Lineary distribution of nematoda into the gastrointestinal tract in sheep. Lucr. Șt. Med. Vet. Iași, 52, 1, 620-624

13. INDRE D., DĂRĂBUŞ GH., OPRESCU I., MORARIU S., MEDERLE N., ILIE M.S., MĂNDITĂ D.N. (2009) - The identification of gastrointestinal nematodes species in sheep in five localities from Timiș County. Lucr. Șt. Med. Vet. Timișoara, 42, 1, 94-100.

14. JAN, A., SHAH, H., AHMAD, I., YOUNAS, M., ULLAH, R., HAROON (2015) - Prevalence and comparison of ovine gastrointestinal helminthes parasites in domesticated and farmed, male and female sheep at University Town Peshawar, Pakistan. J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 3, 3, 350-353.

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16. MORALES, G., PINO, L.A., SANDOVAL, E., MORENO, L. (2001) - Gastrointestinal nematode infection in ewes raised in an arid zone of Venezuela. Parasitol. Día, 25, 1-2, 36-39.

17. MORARIU S., BULACU A., DĂRĂBUȘ GH., MEDERLE N., MIHĂILĂ C., NECHITI R., BRÎNCOVEANU A., BADEA C. (2014) - Prevalence of internal parasites in wisents (Bison bonasus bonasus) from two Romanian reservations - preliminary results. Lucr. Șt. Med. Vet. Iași, 57, 3-4, 170-173.

18. MORARIU, S., BART, J.M., COSOROABĂ, I., MORARIU, F., ILIE, M., DĂRĂBUŞ, GH., 2011 - Prevalence of cystic echinococcosis in sheep, cattle and swine from the western Romania. Sci. Parasitol., 12 (1): 47-51

19. MORARIU, S., LIGHTOWLERS, M.W., COSOROABĂ, I., DĂRĂBUŞ, GH., BART, J.M., ILIE, M., MORARIU, F., MORAR, D., OPRESCU, I., MEDERLE, N., IMRE, K., BELEAN, M., 2010 - Utilization of EG95 vaccine for sheep immunization against cystic echinococcosis in Romania. Sci. Parasitol., 11 (1): 29-34.

20. MORARIU, S., LIGHTOWLERS, M.W., COSOROABĂ, I., MORARIU, F., DĂRĂBUŞ, G., ILIE, M., BELEAN, M., 2005 - The first use in Romania of Eg95 vaccine to protect sheep against hydatidosis.Rev. Rom. Med. Vet., 15 (2), 97-104.

21. ODOI, A., GATHUMA, J.M., GACHUIRI, C.K., OMORE, A. (2007) – Risk factors of gastrointestinal nematode parasite infections in small ruminants kept smallholder mixed farms in Kenya. BMC Vet. Res., 3, 6, 1-11.

22. PLOEGER, H.W., KLOOSTERMAN, A., RIETVELD, F.W., BERGHEN, P., HILDERSON, H., HOLLANDERS, W. (1994) - Quantitative estimation of the level of exposure to gastrointestinal nematode infection in first-year calves. Vet. Parasitol., 55, 287-315.

23. REINECKE, R.K. (1994) - Parasitic control in intensive vs. non-intensive system ruminants. Vet. Parasitol., 54, 1-3, 49-67.

24. SHING, D., SWARNKAR, C.P., KHAN, F.A., SRIVASTAVA, C.P., BHAGWAN, P.S.K. (1997) - Epidemiology of ovine gastrointestinal nematodes at an organised farm in Rajasthan, India. Small Rum. Res., 26, 31–37.

25. THEODOROPOULOS, G., KOUTSOTOLIS, K., NIKOLAOU, E., KALOGIANNIS, D., PETRAKOS, G. (1998) - Seasonal variation of gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in the region of Joannina, Greece. Int. J. Parasitol., 28, 1287–1292.

26. *** -, accesat la data de 24.05.2016

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (72)


Preliminary research regarding the prevalence of digestive and

respiratory parasitosis in meat cattle from the Hârtibaci Valley,

Sibiu County

Radu NECHITI1, Gheorghe DĂRĂBUȘ2, Sorin MORARIU2 1 Sanitary and Veterinary Circ*mscription Nocrich, jud. Sibiu;

2 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Timișoara [emailprotected]


In Romania, the data regarding gastrointestinal and respiratory parasitism in cattle are scarce and

incomplete. This study was undertaken on Angus breed cattle from an intensive-type exploitation in

Nochrich, Sibiu County. The faeces samples were examined both through qualitative and quantitative

methods. The most widespread type of parasitism was the one caused by the ciliate Balantidium coli

(51.61%), followed in equal manner by Eimeria (32.25%) and Fasciola/Paramphistomum. The digestive

strongyles (22.58%) were less representative. These were followed in a decreasing order by the infestation

with Dictyocaulus viviparus (16.13%) and by Strongyloides spp. (12.90%).

Key words: Angus breed cattle, internal parasites, prevalence, Nocrich.


In most cases, cattle are raised for milk, meat and skins but, more seldom, they can be used

to keep a good maintenance of pastures, various sporting activities (rodeo, corrida) and for

participation in contests in the agricultural field. Thus, they produce up to 90% of the total quantity

of milk consumed worldwide, 30% of the meat quantity and 90% of the skins used in the leather

industry (Acatincai, 2004).

The production forcing, along with the impact of dejections on the environment are

deficiencies in the management of cattle. The prejudice brought to the state of health (and implicitly

to production) by the presence of internal and external parasites should also be added. Although

cows can host more species of parasites in the digestive and respiratory tracts, only some of them

have a clinical or economic significance. We can list the species of the Ostertagia genus, located

in the abomasum, species of the Eimeria genus especially E. bovis and E. zuernii but also the

pulmonary nematode Dictyocaulus viviparus. Several species of trematodes like Fasciola hepatica

and those of the genus Paramphistomum to which you can add cryptosporidia, Neospora caninum

or Echinococcus granulosus as well as others can be mentioned (Darabus et al., 2011, Imre et al.,

2010, 2012, Morariu et al., 2011). Their transmission is achieved mostly through a digestive path

but it can also be realised transcutaneous, at pasture. In addition, the economic losses are owed to

the expenses of antiparasitic treatments though more alternatives that are efficient are available

like vaccines against some parasitic diseases (Morariu et al., 2005, 2010).

Bibliographic studies indicate a high incidence of parasitic diseases in cattle on an

international level, especially in the case of those raised in a free-range system, on grazing lands

(Darabus et al., 2006, Jager et al. 2005, Pilarczyk et al., 2009). This is the reason why the present

paper aims to establish the epidemiological situation regarding the internal parasitism in cattle

raised in an extensive system, especially of Angus breed cattle from the Hârtibaci Valley, Sibiu



LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (73)


Materials and methods

The Hârtibaci Valley is found in the central-Eastern part of the Sibiu County and it is part

of the Hârtibaci Plateau. This area spreads on a surface of 237.515 ha, distributed as follows: 51%

in the Sibiu County, 35% in the Brașov County and 14% in the Mureș County (Figure 1).

Fig. 1-Etnographic areas of the Sibiu County


During the year 2016, a number of Angus cattle were subjected to coproparasitic

examinations. They belonged to Karpaten Meat (KM) beef cattle exploitations in the Nochrich

area, Sibiu County (Table 1). Both quantitative and qualitative coproscopic methods were used

during examinations.

Results and discussions

From a total of 31 examined samples, using the above-mentioned methods, three were

negative (9.67%), nine were positive with a single parasite species - monoparasitism (29.03%) and

most of them presented polyparasitism, harbouring two or more species of parasites (61.29%).

The most widespread parasite was the ciliate Balantidium coli (51.61%), followed by

Eimeria (32.25%) and in equal measure, by Fasciola/Paramphistomum. Surprisingly, the digestive

strongyles were less representative (22.58%). These were followed, in a decreasing order, by

Dictyocaulus viviparus (16.13%) and by Strongyloides spp. (12.90%). The data are presented in

Figure 2.

The massive presence of B. coli denotes feeding deficiencies, which permitted an

excessive multiplication of the ciliate and its transmission in the cattle herd.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (74)


Eimeriosis is largely spread, both in Europe and on the other continents were cattle are

bred as well (Davoudi et al. 2011). The registered prevalence varied from country to country and

from region to region (Bangoura et al. 2012) from 8.25% in Iran (Heidari et al., 2014) and 93% in

Poland (Pilarczyk et al., 2009).

Table 1. The results obtained after the examination of faeces from Angus cattle

No. Owner Registrationno

. Sex Age (years) Observations

1. Karpaten Meat 27541 F 6 Digestive strongyles, Eimeria,


2. 31642 F 5 Eimeria, Balantidium

3. 18666 F 6 Eimeria, Balantidium

4. 8488 F 1 Negative

5. 9203 F 1,5 Digestive strongyles, Eimeria,


6. 8978 F 1,5 Negative

7. 2385 M 1,5 Digestive strongyles, Eimeria

8. 2389 M 8 months Digestive strongyles, Eimeria

9. 9306 F 8 months Digestive strongyles, Eimeria

10. 9256 M 2 Dictyocaulus

11. 9264 M 2 Dictyocaulus

12. 9250 M 2 Negative

13. 9254 M 2 Balantidium

14. 8021 F 10 months Balantidium

15. 8233 F 10 months Fasciola/Paramphistomum

16. 8078 F 10 months Fasciola/Paramphistomum

17. 8164 F 10 months Fasciola/Paramphistomum

18. 8369 F 4 Fasciola/Paramphistomum

19. 8301 F 4 Fasciola/Paramphistomum, Balantidium,


20. 8256 F 4 Fasciola/Paramphistomum, Balantidium,

Strongyloides, Digestive strongyles,


21. 8266 F 4 Fasciola/Paramphistomum, Balantidium,


22. 1572 F 6 Fasciola/Paramphistomum

23. 4269 F 5 Fasciola/Paramphistomum, Eimeria

24. 9527 F 6 Fasciola/Paramphistomum, Digestive

strongyles, Dictyocaulus

25. 1637 F 6 Balantidium, Eimeria

26. 9526 F 7 Balantidium

27. 1634 F 7 Balantidium

28. 8104 F 2 Balantidium

29. 8138 F 2 Balantidium

30. 3400 F 4 Balantidium, Eimeria, Strongyloides,


31. 3397 F 4 Balantidium

However, cryptosporidiosis has a different distribution and even in the neighbouring

areas, higher variations in values may be noticed: 5% in Sweden (Bjorkman et al., 2003) and 86.7%

in Tunis (Soltane et al., 2007).

Fasciolosis has affected 0.5% cattle in Turkey (Sariozkan and Yalcin, 2011) and 90.7%

of the Ethiopian herds (Behre et al., 2009) while Paramphistomum was present in 4.25% of the

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (75)


cattle from Pakistan (Khan et al., 2008) and 53.4% of the Irish cattle population (Toolan et al.


Fig.2- The percentual repartition of types of parasites identified in Angus cattle

Dictyocaulus viviparus was diagnosed in 1.8% of the calves investigated in Costa Rica

(Jimenez et al. 2007) and 50% of the cattle investigated from a farm in Canada after the introduction

of carrier calves (Wapenaar et al., 2007).

Regarding the trichostrongyles, data are variable according to the implied genus and

according to the region. Thus, the prevalence ranges from 0.3% in Italy (Forbes et al., 2008) of

serum samples and 81.4% in Costa Rica (Jimenez et al., 2007).

For Romania, the data regarding gastrointestinal nematodes is abundant for sheep and

goats in the detriment of cattle. The research from the past few years has been addressed especially

to parasitic diseases in sheep. The most recent detailed research in this matter was conducted by

Avram (2003), who studied the situation of the internal parasitism in cattle from Satu-Mare County.

It was observed that the prevalence of parasitism with gastrointestinal nematodes ranged according

to region, having total values comprised between 38.6% and 66.2%. The most important genera

implied in the parasitic pathology of cattle from Satu-Mare County were in decreasing order:

Trichostrongylus, Cooperia, Ostertagia, Haemonchus and Nematodirus.


In the Karpaten Meat exploitation the infestation with various genera of parasites was


Parasites from three classes were identified: Protozoa, Trematoda and Nematoda.

The most widespread parasites were: Balantidium coli (51.61%), Eimeria and

Fasciola/Paramphistomum (32.25%), and less noticed were: Dictyocaulus viviparus (16.13%)

respectively Strongyloides spp (12.90%).


This study is published under the frame of European Social Fund, Human Resources

Development Operational Programme 2007-2013, project No. POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132765 and this

research work was carried out with the support ofthe projectDezvoltarea infrastructurii de cercetare,

educaţie şi servicii în domeniile medicinei veterinare şi tehnologiilor inovative pentru RO 05, cod








Balantidium Fasc/Param Digestive strongyles Eimeria Strongyloides Dictyocaulus Negative








LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (76)



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intestinalis in calf diarrhoea in Sweden. Acta Vet. Scand., 44, 145-152. 6. Davoudi, Y., Gharedaghi, Y., Nourmohammadzade, E., Eftekhari, Z.S., Safarmashaei, S., 2011 - Study

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8. Dărăbuș, Gh., Oprescu, I., Morariu, S., Mederle, N., 2006 - Parazitologie și boli parazitare. Editura Mirton, Timișoara.

9. Forbes, A.B., Vercruysse, J., Charlier, J., 2008 - A survey of the exposure to Ostertagia ostertagi in dairy cow herds in Europe through the measurement of antibodies in milk samples from the bulk tank. Vet. Parasitol., 157, 1, 100-107.

10. Heidari, H., Sadeghi-Dehkordi, Z., Moayedi, R., Gharekhani, J., 2014 – Occurrence and diversity of Eimeria species in cattle in Hamedan province, Iran. Vet. Med., 59, 6, 271–275.

11. Imre, K., Dărăbuş, Gh., Mederle, N., Oprescu, I., Morariu, S., Ilie, M., Hotea, I., Imre, M., Indre, D., Balint, A., Sorescu, D., 2010 - Intraspecific characterization of some Cryptosporidium parvum isolates from calves and lambs in Western Romania using molecular techniques. Sci. Parasitol., 11 (1), 47-50.

12. Imre, K., Morariu, S., Ilie, M.S., Imre, M., Ferrari, N., Genchi, C., Dărăbuş, Gh., 2012 – Serological survey of Neospora caninum infection in cattle herds from western Romania. J. Parasitol., 98 (3): 683-685.

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14. Jiménez, A.E., Montenegro, V.M., Hernández, J., Dolz, G., Maranda, L., Galindo, J., Epe, C., Schnieder, T., 2007 - Dynamics of infections with gastrointestinal parasites and Dictyocaulus viviparus in dairy and beef cattle from Costa Rica. Vet. Parasitol., 148, 3-4, 262–271.

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16. Morariu, S., Bart, J.M., Cosoroabă, I., Morariu, F., Ilie, M., Dărăbuş, Gh., 2011 - Prevalence of cystic echinococcosis in sheep, cattle and swine from the western Romania. Sci. Parasitol., 12 (1): 47-51

17. Morariu, S., Lightowlers, M.W., Cosoroabă, I., Dărăbuş, Gh., Bart, J.M., Ilie, M., Morariu, F., Morar, D., Oprescu, I., Mederle, N., Imre, K., Belean, M., 2010 - Utilization of EG95 vaccine for sheep immunization against cystic echinococcosis in Romania. Sci. Parasitol., 11 (1): 29-34.

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Research on metabolic status in periparturient cows

1Sorin D. SORESCU, 1Carmen IONIȚĂ, 2Alice GRIGORE, 1Emilia BALINT, 1Cosmin ȘONEA 1Ana Maria GOANȚĂ, 1Roxana ȚÎMPĂU, Lucian IONIȚĂ

1FMVB Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară București, 105 Splaiul Independenței, Bucharest 2National Institute for Chemical andPharmaceutical Research and Development (ICCF),

112 Calea Vitan, Bucharest, [emailprotected]; [emailprotected]; [emailprotected]

[emailprotected]; [emailprotected]; [emailprotected]


In the experiment, hematological and blood biochemical parameters were determined in a batch of

5 cows in the last week of gestation (Group 1) and 5 cows in the first week after calving (Group 2). Cows

are clinically healthy and come from a farm where the milk production per fed animal is about 30 liters/day,

cows being milked 3 times per day. Hematologic parameters were found within physiological limits, but in

both groups the monocytes were found to be low, and in group 1, mild lymphopenia was detected.

Investigated blood biochemical parameters allowed to assert that in cows in the last week of gestation,

bilirubin was found to be significantly increased when recently-bred cows were within normal limits. In both

lots, LDH was found to be significantly increased. Metabolic status also determined the protein fractions by

means of electrophoresis: 10 samples were analyzed (Group 3 consisting of 5 cows in the last week of

gestation and Group 4 consisting of 5 cows in the first week after calving). The values of the protein fractions

were within the physiological limits and the Albumin/Globulin Ratio was found within physiological limits

in group 3 and lower in group 4, which confirms gamma globulin reactivation immediately after calving.

Key words: metabolism, parturition, protein fractions, immunoglobulins.


It is known that a lot of changes occur in the dairy cow during the transition period (21

days before parturition and 21 days after parturition). In this study we tried to obtain a more detailed

table of the matabolic status of the periparturient cows closer to the moment of parturition (7 days

before parturion and 7 days after parturition) (5, 9). Dairy cattle, like many other species, often

consume less feed in the week prior to parturition (Grummer et al., 2004), and it can take up to a

week post-calving before dry matter intake (DMI) exceeds what the cow was consuming in late

gestation (6). The fatty liver present at one day after calving is negatively corelated whith feed

intake one day prepartum (3).

Metabolic disorders are a key problem in the transition period of dairy cows and often

appear before the onset of further health problems. Problems derive from the difficulty of the

animals to adapt to large variations and disturbances occurring outside and inside the organism. (4)

Oxidative stress is also known to be an important factor of the metabolic dysfunctions during this

period. (Miller et al., 1993; Sordillo and Aitken, 2009). A lack of success in solving these issues

may be due to predominant approaches in farm management and agricultural science. Instead, a

successful adaptation of animals to their living conditions should be seen as an important end in

itself. Both farm management and agricultural sciences should support animals in their ability to

cope with nutritional and metabolic challenges by employing a functional and result driven

approach (9). Techniques of modern hematology and biochemistry promise to further our

understanding of the mechanisms of metabolic adaptation during the peripartal period, and to

quantify the effects of nutrition and environment during pre-and postpartum periods on hepatic

glucose and lipid metabolism (1,2,7).

Another important aspect of the blood and its constituents is the fact that is very dependable

on the medium (temperature, way of collecting, stresss of collecting the blood) for evaluating






LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (78)


physiological changes in the physical and health status of an animal (Egbe-Nwiyi et al., 2000;

Žvorc et al., 2006; Njidda et al., 2014).

Materials and methods

In this paper we aim to achieve a metabolic monitoring of the main biomacromolecules

(proteins, lipids, carbohydrates) and enzyme and mineral status to prevent possible dismetabolites,

which once detected could be rectified so that even the worst period of gestation , the transition

period provides optimal comfort for completing gestation and obtaining healthy newborns.

To complete the research, we chose as location a cow farm near the capital, with a tradition

of raising dairy cows. At present, the farm hosts 574 cows, of which 309 cows, 65 heifers, 172

calves over 6 weeks, 18 calves above 6 weeks and 10 other categories. Cows are kept in free

standing on straw bedding. As experimental protocol, we made 4 groups, each one consisting of 5

cows, as follows:

Group 1: 5 cows in the last week of gestation and Group 2: 5 cows in the first week after calving,

from which we collected blood samples in order to compare the biochemical and haematological

blood parameters between the 2 groups;

Group 3 and group 4 with a similar consitency, but in this case, we collected blood samples for

determination of the protein fractions using a technique of electrophoresis; all paraclinical

examinations were performed in our discipline laboratory.

Results and discussion

As presenting in the table below, the hematological exam in cows during the gestation

week reveal a monocytopenia present in all cows from group A and also a lymphocitopenia present

at four of the cows from this group. The other parameters were found within physiological limits.

Table 1. The Results of the Hematological Exam at Cows in the Last Week of Gestation

(Group1) PARAMETER U/M Physiolog.












WBC 10-9/mm3 4-12 7,72 6,60 8,75 13,22 8,82

LYM 10-9/mm3 2,5-7,5 2,56 3,64 3,76 5,61 3,30

MON 10-9/mm3 0-1 0,08 0,06 0 0,12 0,13

NEU 10-9/mm3 0,6-7,6 4,88 2,01 4,75 7,18 5,19

EOS 10-9/mm3 0,1-1 0,19 0,10 0,16 0,30 0,20

BAS 10-9/mm3 0-0,5 0 0 0,01 0,01 0,01

LYM % 45-75 33,2 55,1 42,9 42,4 37,4

MON % 2-7 1,0 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,5

NEU % 15-65 63,3 42,5 54,3 54,3 58,8

EOS % 1-8 2,5 1,5 1,9 2,3 2,2

BAS % 0-3 0,1 0 0,1 0,1 0,1

RBC 10-12/mm3 5-10 6,65 6,96 7,34 8,18 7,29

HGB g/dl 8-15 10,8 9,6 11,3 11,9 11,5

HCT % 24-46 33,43 29,44 33,51 37,55 34,59

MCV fl 40-60 50 42 46 46 48

MCH pg 11-17 16,2 13,8 15,3 14,5 15,7

MCHC g/dl 30-36 32,2 32,6 33,6 31,7 33,1

PLT 10-9/mm3 100-800 250 362 392 340 425

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (79)


Monocytopenia is known to appear as a result of aplastic anemy, pancytopenia and also

after using medication like: prednisolon, alprazolam, triazolam, but in this case we will strictly

corelate it with the advanced stage of getation. Monocytes are the largest cells in the blood; are

released into the blood and after a short while in circulation, migrate into different tissues,

incidentally or specifically, in response to various chemotactic factors. In tissues, in response to

different soluble factors, they differentiate into tissue macrophages with characteristic

morphological and functional qualities, a process that has been called "activation" and which is

reversible ("deactivation"). The cells of the phagocytic mononuclear system are very primitive

phylogenetic, and no animal can live without them. They perform a wide variety of important

functions in the body, including removal of foreign particles and senescent cells, dead or altered,

regulation of other cell functions, processing and presentation of antigens in immune reactions,

participation in various inflammatory reactions, destruction of bacteria and tumor cells.

Table 2. The Results of the Hematological Exam at cows in the first week after calving

(Group 2)

PARAMETER U/M Physiolog.


78178 80501 23747 8096 8181

WBC 10-9/mm3 4-12 10,43 8,44 8,72 9,54 9,43

LYM 10-9/mm3 2,5-7,5 4,59 3,09 2,92 5,42 5,37

MON 10-9/mm3 0-1 0,11 0,04 0,85 0,09 0,16

NEU 10-9/mm3 0,6-7,6 5,41 4,02 4,64 3,70 3,69

EOS 10-9/mm3 0,1-1 0,32 0,47 0,30 0,32 0,21

BAS 10-9/mm3 0-0,5 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01

LYM % 45-75 44 46,1 33,5 56,8 57,0

MON % 2-7 1,0 0,5 9,7 0,9 1,7

NEU % 15-65 51,9 47,7 53,2 38,7 39,1

EOS % 1-8 3,1 5,6 3,5 3,4 2,2

BAS % 0-3 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1

RBC 10-12/mm3 5-10 7,3 5,51 6,39 6,65 8,00

HGB g/dl 8-15 11,2 9,0 10,7 9,7 11,3

HCT % 24-46 35,65 28,36 32,14 30,91 34,57

MCV fl 40-60 49 51 50 46 43

MCH pg 11-17 15,4 16,4 16,8 14,6 14,2

MCHC g/dl 30-36 31,5 31,9 33,3 31,4 32,7

PLT 10-9/mm3 100-800 242 257 294 379 297

Regarding Group 2, the results of hematological exam are very similar to those from group

1, the values are very little semnificative modified according to the physiological vallues.

At the biochemical examination of the blood, it was noticed an increasing of Lactat

Dehydrogenase (LDH) and Total Bilirubin (T-bil), which is directly corelated with the fiziological

status of the cows from Group 1. There are also variations of he other parameters: T-Cho,

Creatinine and Uric acid.

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (80)


Tabel 3. The Results of the Biochemical Exam at Cows in the Last Week of Gestation

(Group 1) Parameter U/M Physiolog.


71055 27829 53538 65317 8126

T- Pro g/dl 5,8-8,5 6,9 6,5 7,1 6,8 6,3

Albumin g/dl 2,5-3,7 2,9 2,7 2,7 3,3 3,5

Globulin g/dl 3,3-4,8 4,0 3,8 4,4 3,5 2,8

BUN mg/dl 10-25 10 11 9 11 13

UA mg/dl 1,0-2,1 0,9 0,8 1,0 1,1 0,9

Cre mg/dl 0,4-1,0 1,4 1,0 1,0 1,2 1,1

T-Cho mg/dl 70-280 59 50 75 85 71

GOT IU/l 78-132 88 89 68 91 92

LDH IU/l 692 1445 1348 1422 1654 1637

T-Bil mg/dl 0-0,3 1,0 0,6 0,4 0,7 0,5

GPT IU/l 0-82 8 7 9 12 7

ALP IU/l 0-80 118 113 110 135 69

Table 4. The Results of the Biochemical Exam at cows in the first week after calving

(Group 2) Parameter U/M Physiolog.


78178 80501 23747 8096 8181

T- Pro g/dl 5,8-8,5 6,4 6,6 6,2 7,1 5,4

Albumin g/dl 2,5-3,7 3,2 3,4 3,3 3,3 3,2

Globulin g/dl 3,3-4,8 3,2 3,2 2,9 3,8 2,2

BUN mg/dl 10-25 9 13 13 7 9

UA mg/dl 1,0-2,1 0,9 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,7

Crea mg/dl 0,4-1,0 1,1 1,2 1,5 1,0 1,2

T-Cho mg/dl 70-280 98 66 98 92 77

GOT IU/l 78-132 113 51 48 42 76

LDH IU/l 692-1445 2343 1973 1561 1588 2256

T-Bil mg/dl 0-0,3 0,5 0,3 0,4 0,3 0,3

GPT IU/l 0-82 10 7 7 7 10

At the biochemical examination of the blood collected from group B, it is noticed that the

values of LDH and T-Bil continue to be increased and also, Creatinine reveals an increasing. Uric

Acid seems to be decreased at all the cows from this group.

Table 5. Determination of protein fractions by electrophoresis in Group 3 Fraction U/M Physiolog.


8181 8096 23746 78178 80501

Total Protein g/dl 5,8-8,5 5,40 7,10 6,20 6,40 6,60

Albumin g/dl 1,3-2,47 1,81 1,47 1,51 1,87 1,84

α1 g/dl 0,19-0,78 0,27 0,30 0,37 0,31 0,33

α2 g/dl 0,19-0,78 0,50 0.63 0,63 0,67 0,62

β1 g/dl 0,32-0,84 0,80 0,95 0,79 0,93 0,77

β2 gd/l 0,32-0,84 0,49 0,61 0,61 0,53 0,47

γ g/dl 1,75-2,72 1,54 3,14 2,30 2,09 2,56

Alb/Glob / 0,45-1,31 0,50 0,26 0,32 0,41 0,39

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (81)


Determination of protein fractions reveals insignificant changes according to the

physiological limits for the cows in the last week of gestation. The decrease Albumin/Globulin

ratio is associated with the physiological status of the cows.

Fig. 1 Distribution of Albumin/Globulin Ratio in Group 3

Table 6. Determination of protein fractions by electrophoresis in Group 4 Fraction U/M Physiolog.


27189 53538 65317 71055 8126

Total Protein g/dl 5,8-8,5 6,50 7,10 6,80 6,90 6,30

Albumin g/dl 1,3-2,47 1,93 2,08 2,20 2,62 2,76

α1 g/dl 0,19-0,78 0,42 0,35 0,10 0,41 0,30

α2 g/dl 0,19-0,78 0,60 0,79 0,78 0,49 0,40

β1 g/dl 0,32-0,84 1,00 0,75 0,97 0,69 0,64

β2 gd/l 0,32-0,84 0,34 0,57 0,76 0,52 0.35

γ g/dl 1,75-2,72 2,21 2,57 1,99 2,17 1,86

Alb/Glob / 0,45-1,31 0,42 0,41 0,48 0,61 0,78

At one week after calving, the results of the elecrophoresis reveals very unsemnificative

changes according to the physiological limits, as follows: 2 of the cows from this group had a

decreased Albumin/Globulin Ratio and other two cows had an increased value of the albumin

vallue. This fact might be associated with the feed intake and also with some interferences.

Fig. 2 Distribution of Albumin/Globulin Ratio in Group 4



Albumin/Globulin Ratio in Group 3





Albumin/Globulin Ratio in Group 4



LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (82)



Clnically, all the cows taken in our study are clinically healthy, but at a routine blood exam

reveals a lot of changes in their metabolic status, as follows: monocytopenia, lymphocitopenia and

increased values of Total Bilirubin and Lactat Dehidrogenasys in the first two groups of cows.

There are no major diferences between the cows one week prior parturition and the cows

after parturition, due to the period taken into account for this study, but regarding albumin/ globulin

ratio it was noticed that in the cows before parturition is more significant modified than in the cows

after parturition, which confirms gamma globulin reactivation immediately after calving.

By correlating the results obtained, it can be argued that routine explorations are an

important tool in the diagnostic of some problems with the management of the farm and also, of

the animals like: alimentary disorders, deficiency of food intake, oxidative stress.


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LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (83)


New Zealand Crossbred male rabbitproduction performance fed with

fructooligosacharide prebiotic isolated from banana peel

Suraya KAFFI SYAHPURA1), Kusmajadi SURADI2), Husmy YURMIATI2), Diding LATIFUDIN2) 1) Department of Animal Husbandry, Polytechnic Lampung,

Jl. Soekarno – Hatta no. 10, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung 35144, Indonesia 2) Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Universitas Padjadjaran,

Jl. Raya Bandung – Sumedang Km. 21, Jatinangor - Sumedang 45363, Indonesia Email : [emailprotected]

Abstract The study was conducted to determine the production performance (growth performance and

carcass production) of New Zealand White Crossbred (NZWC) male rabbits given FOS

(fructooligosaccharide) from the isolation of Ambon banana peel (Musa paradisiaca var. Sapientum (L.)

Kunt. Rabbit age of eight weeks, body weight average 496.12 ± 10.61 g, placed in individual cage, divided

randomly into five treatments, and each treatment was repeated five times, each repetition consisted of two

rabbits The treatment used was P0 (without FOS), P1 (FOS fed for 7 days), P2 (FOS fed for 14 days), P3

(FOS fed for 21 days), and P4 (FOS fed for 28 days). FOS treatment is 3% concentration, 2 mg / kg of body

weight given orally, after 7 days adaptation. Drinking water is given ad libitum. The feed used is commercial

feed, given two times a day (in the morning and afternoon). The data were analyzed with analysis of

variance. The similarity of variance was tested using Barlett test and orthogonal polynomial test. Results

indicated that there were interaction between without FOS fed and FOS fed, and has effect on the growth

performance (feed intake, daily gain, slaughter weight, and feed conversion) are quadratic at 1% level, and

carcass production (carcass weight, carcass percentage, meat weight, bone weight, and fat weight) are

linear at 1% level.

Keywords: banana peel, fructooligosaccharide, performance, rabbit


The New Zealand White Crossbred (NZWC) rabbit has been selectively developed in the

meat production unit, primarily for its propagation properties, namely prolification, performance,

rapid growth and rapid sexual development, size and uniform litter size and mothering ability and

high milk production (Lukefahr, 1983, Lebas, 1996; Sarwono, 2002; Raharjo, 2005). The

demand for rabbit meat has been increase because of the various preparations that have been

circulating in the community. Efforts that can be made to meet the demand for rabbit meat is to

increase livestock populations with the consequent increase in land and feed requirements.

Moreover, it can be done by increasing the individual production capability. Efforts to increase

production capability can be achieved such as growth manipulation, by improving the quality of

rabbit rations. The given rations should meet the needs of the rabbit and contain balanced nutrition

that can support towards the achievement of optimal growth so achieves optimal production. One

of the efforts to achieve the above objectives is giving FOS (Fructooligosaccharide) from the

banana peel of industrial waste that still has nutritional value that serves as a prebiotic. Based on a

number of studies revealed contains vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, protein, carbohydrates and

fiber are good for the body; so the banana peel still have the benefit to be used as animal feed, and

the benefits will be better through the extraction and isolation that can produce FOS

(Fructooligosaccharide), according patented number P00201406459 of the method of making FOS

from banana peel (Musita, 2008, Kaffi, et al. 2014). FOS is an alternative solution for control of

colibasilosis as an antimicrobial substance that has the ability to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in

the digestive tract and as immunostimulant (to stimulate the immune system). The fructans

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (84)


contained in FOS produced by hydrolysis of chicory plant inulin have been widely reported, but

the production of FOS derived from banana peel waste has not been widely published.

Fruktooligosaccharide (FOS) in banana peel is potential to be developed as a prebiotic that

can reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria, and improve the morphology of the intestine (colon)

and also the thickness of the mucus layer. Fruktooligosaccharide (FOS) has an affinity to binding

the bacterial cells in intestinal epithelium. Bacteria that have binding to FOS can not stick and

colonize the intestinal wall, and finally carried out through the feces (Murniasih, 2010), besides

FOS banana peel also contains fructan sugar β (2-1) which is a prebiotic oligosaccharide. Prebiotics

are material /components that can be useful for the development of microflora in the intestines, to

be fermented by lactic acid bacteria especially Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus; will also produce

short-chain fatty acids which can be used in the body as a source of energy. The implementation

to meet the meat quantity and quality, if problems to achieve the current economic conditions, it

can be done by diversifying the supply of animal protein, as the target of sustainable development

goals (SDGs), namely the achievement of people's welfare. One alternative to meet the needs of

meat/animal protein is from rabbit meat, because of prolific livestock, rabbits also produce good

quality and quantity of meat. On the other side, needs special attention in the maintenance, because

of the high mortality, so the utilization of prebiotic FOS from banana peel is expected to increase

the intestinal microflora and rabbit immune system, which is expected to increase the growth and

better meat quantity and quality. Many advantages derived from eating rabbit meat, namely high

protein content and low cholesterol, so the rabbit meat can be promoted as healthy meat, and also

the skin and the manure still have economic value (Yurmiati, 2006). The development of rabbit

meat as a provider to date still encountered many obstacles because the rabbit meat has not been

popular by some people making difficulties in rabbit meat marketing.

Materials and methods

Fifty male NZWC rabbits age eight weeks with the average body weight 496.12 ± 10.61 g

divided randomly into five treatments. Each treatment consists of five replications and two rabbits

in each repetition. The treatment are (P0) as the control treatment without giving FOS

(Fructooligosaccharide), (P1) given FOS for 7 (seven) days, (P2) given FOS for 14 days, (P3) given

FOS for 21 days, and (P4) which is giving FOS for 28 days. The FOS is derived from the isolation

of Ambon banana peel (Musa paradisiaca var. Sapientum (L.) Kunt derived from banana chips

industry using FOS isolation method from banana skin, patented number P00201406459 from

Indonesian Law and Human Rights Department. 100 kg of banana peel which had been chipped in

2-3 cm sizes, soaked in 30 L ethanol 70% for 14 days. During the daily immersion, stirring for 10

minutes, and the filtrate was filtered using a filter cloth and evaporated with a vacuum evaporator

up to 1 L. The concentrated filtrate is then extracted with ethyl acetate (EtOAc) to obtain a water

fraction and EtOAc. The water fraction was evaporated to dryness and then incorporated in a LH-

20 diaion chromatographic column then eluted with 3 liter H2O and 3 liter MeOH-H2O (3:7), also

with 3 liter MeOH-H2O (7: 3), and 3 liter MeOH, respectively. Each fraction was qualitatively

tested with TLC to determine the presence of FOS compounds. The fraction containing FOS, then

further purified by using purification techniques such as chromatography column, Preparative Thin

Layer Chromatography (PTLC), or crystallization. The FOS compounds obtained were then

analyzed by spectroscopy. The presence of compounds present in the solution can be qualitatively

and quantitatively identified with HPLC instruments based on standard solutions, to use as FOS

standard solution. The peak emerging from the solutions is a specific retention time of each

compound. Each fraction obtained was tested by TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography) method by

dripping on plate. The plate was developed with a combination of methanol-water solvent to get

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (85)


the spot. Tests were also performed by comparing the retention time of standard FOS compounds

by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method using ODS (C-18) columns

and mobile phase used Methanol:water with ratio of 20:80. The detector used is UV-vis with a

range of 460-600 nm, with a 20 μm injection volume over 10-20 minutes (Kaffi, et al, 2014).

The data of FOS was performed after the rabbit was kept for 7 days for environmental

adaptation, giving orally according to each treatment; once daily in the morning between 07- 08

a.m with 3% concentration,doses of 2 mg / kg body weight (Prata and Mussato, 2010), , and

drinking water is given ad libitum. The rabbit is placed in an individual rabbit cage (50 x 40 x 35

cm) with eating and drinking apparatus of 50 enclosures, which are kept for eight weeks and also

was given the Indofeed commercial rabbit feed. The second stage (between the 8th day until 28th

day of maintenance) is collecting the rabbit production performance data. The data collected are

the measurement of the observed variables: the production/growth performance (feed consumption,

daily gain, feed conversion) and carcass quality (slaughter weight, carcass weight, meat weight,

bone weight, and fat weight). After the data retrieval phase, all rabbits are fausted for 12 hours,

then halally slaughtered by cutting the four channels, (the carotid artery, jugular vein, trachea, and

esophagus). After slaughter, the internal organs was remove off, to obtain the carcass. The data

were analyzed with analysis of variance. The similarity was tested using the Barlett test and the

effect of the treatment was using orthogonal polynomial test.

Results and discussion

Growth Performance

Parameters used in the observation of rabbit growth include feed intake, feed conversion,

and daily gain. Consumption is a basic factor for living and determining production. The results of

the FOS analysis of isolated banana peel (Musa paradisiaca var. Sapientum (L.) Kunt. on New

Zealand White Crossbreed male rabbits in the Table1.

Table 1. The Effect of Treatment on Feed Intake , Daily Gain, and Feed Conversions of New

Zealand White Crossbred Male Rabbit No Variable Treatments

P0 P1 P2 P3 P4

1. Feed Intake


84.61** 91.15** 104.76** 108.81** 109.41**

2. Daily gain


31.94** 46.30** 52.22** 59.23** 65.20**

3. Feed Conversion 2.67** 1.98** 2.01** 1.84** 1.68**

Note: ** significant difference on level 1%

In the Table 1 shows that the highest average feed intake was achieved by New Zealand White

Crossbred male rabbit receiving P4 treatment (FOS for 28 days), 109.41 g and the lowest was

shown by P0 treatment (without FOS) 84.61 g. The highest daily gain in treatment P4 (65.20

g/rabbit/day) and the lowest on treatment P0 (31.94 g/rabbit/day). While the highest feed

conversion at treatment P0 (2.67) and lowest at treatment of P4 (1.68). The means of ration

consumption 99.75 g was lower than that recommended by Lebas et al. (1996); 110-130 grams for

NZWC rabbits aged 4-11 weeks which were fed balanced diet. Factors affected the ration

consumption level of rabbits, were environmental temperature, health, the feed physical form, food

balance, body weight and growth rate (NRC 1977). The consumption increased, due to the rabbit

trying to meet the energy needs, because the coarse fiber will lowered the energy digestibility

coefficient, thus requiring high energy (Evans, 1981).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (86)


Lack of crude fiber in rabbit feed can decreased the digestive function, as enteritis (Cheeke

and Patton, 1981), even rabbits can be fed once, twice or three times in a day. Usually rabbit enough

to be fed once a day, and usually should give in the afternoon, because rabbits eat more at night

(Ensminger, 1991). Based on the analysis result, it is known that the treatment has an effect on the

feed intake. A further test using orthogonal polynomial is known that the treatment gives a

quadratic effect on the 1% level, as shown in Figure 1 with the quadratic equation of y = 0.0313x2

+ 1.8358x +83,233. The optimum point was obtained on the 36th day of observation with feed

intake of 110.15 g/rabbit/day. And the determinant correlation (R2) between the influence of the

former feed intake of FOS (98%).

The rate of livestock growth is influenced by the amount, quality of the ration and by the

environmental temperature. The growth pattern will depend on the management system, the

nutritional level of available feeding health and climate (Templeton, 1968). Growth is a change of

elements that includes changes in life weight, shape, linear dimension and body composition. Also

changes the body components such as muscles, fats, bones and organs; and carcasses chemical

components, especially water, fat, protein and ash. The normal growth pattern is a combination of

the growth patterns of all constituent components. Under ideal environmental conditions, the shape

of the post-natal growth curve for all livestock species is similar, following the sigmoid growth

curve pattern. In accordance with the carcass component growth pattern that begins with rapid bone

growth, then after reaching puberty, the rate of muscle growth decreases and the fat deposition


Fig. 1. Feed intake of rabbit rations of various treatments giving

FOS (Fructooligosaccharide) from banana peel

Sexual puberty is achieved when the reproductive organs have developed and well function

(Blakely and Bade, 1994). During the growth process, livestock is affected by several factors

including genetic, feeding, temperature, adaptability and environment. Sex does not affect carcass

or meat quality but the age (Parigi-Bini et al. (1992 ). Growth is the process of weight gain and

change of body shape and composition, because of the different growth rates of each component.

The growth speed of a young rabbit, are twice the weight of his body every week, so at the age of

three weeks can reach 0.45 kg body weight. After consume solid feed, the growth rate can reach

30 to 50 g/day from the age of three to eight weeks. When breast feeding is the only food consumed,

the growth rate in that period is only 10 to 20 g/day (Spreadbury, 1978), after 10 to 12 weeks of

horizontal growth curve (Lang, 1981); and the results of research obtained is in accordance with,

y = -0.0313x2 + 1.8358x + 83.233







0 7 14 21 28 35fee

d in








LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (87)


that the average weight gain 50.98 g/rabbit/day. Further test using orthogonal polynomials, the

treatment gives a quadratic effect at 1% level (Fig. 2).

Fig 2. Daily gain of various treatments giving FOS (Fructooligosaccharide)

from banana peel.

The Fig. 2, shown the quadratic is Y=0.0229x2+1.7754x+32.848, at the optimum point of

the 39th day of observation, the growth of daily gain is 67.26 g/rabbit/day. And the determinant

correlation (R2) between the influence of FOS to the daily gain is 99%. Feed conversion is the

ratio between the amount of feed consumtion to produce one kilogram of slaughter weight (Raharjo

, 2005). Rabbits have a unique behavior that is re-eating feces (coprophagy or caecotrophy), that

rich of vitamin, Niacin, Riboflavin, Pantothenic Acid, Cyanocobalamin (B12), and VFA.

According to Raharjo (2005) the composition of fat, cholesterol and salt are low in rabbit carcasses.

High-quality feeding with good management can result a rabbit feed conversion of 2.80-4.00

(Aritonang et al., 1990). In this study, there was a lower converting mass of 2.04 and a further test

using orthogonal polynomials is known that the treatment gives a quadratic effect at 1% level, as

shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. Feed convertion of rabbit rations of various treatment giving

FOS (Fructooligosaccharide) from banana peel

y = -0.0229x2 + 1.7754x + 32.848








0 7 14 21 28 35


ly g








y = 0.0013x2 - 0.0662x + 2.5858







0 7 14 21 28 35Fee

d C





LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (88)


In Figure 3, the quadratic equation that y = 0.0013x2+0.0662x+2.586, shows the optimum

point of the 26th day of observations 1.74 feed conversion, and determinant correlation (R2)

between the former use of FOS to feed conversion by 94%. In this study, rabbits were given FOS

can increase the feed intake, body weight gain, but has low feed conversion. FOS

(Fructooligosaccharide) is a type of short polysaccharide chain, is fiber food that is undigested that

helps maintain the health of the digestive tract but can be utilized by lactic acid bacteria in the

colon, especially Bifidobacterium sp and Bacteroides sp and will inhibit the growth of pathogenic

bacteria (Yun, 1996 ; Murniasih, 2010), are the source of energy for monogastric animals

herbivores other than carbohydrates, the VFA (Volatile Fatty Acids) such as butyric acid,

propionate and acetate has been absorbed in the digestive tract that will be a source of energy

(Lebas, 1996).

Carcass Production

Slaughter weight (g), carcass weight (g), meat weight (g), bone weight (g), and fat weight

(g) were significantly different at 1% (Table 2). Nevertheless, the values of the four treatments

were increasing in slaughter weight (g), carcass weight (g), carcass percentage (%), and meat

weight (g) but decrease in fat weight (g) treated with FOS and has not difference in bone weight

(g) as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. The Effect of Treatment on Slaughter Weight,

Carcass Weight, Carcass Percentage , Bone Weight, Meat Weight,

and Fat Weight in the New Zealand White Crossbred Male Rabbit.

No Variable Treatments

P0 P1 P2 P3 P4

1 Slaughter Weight (g) 1439.20** 1858.60** 2087.60** 2307.00** 2435.00**

2 Carcass weight (g) 713.2** 946.80** 1086** 1205.60** 1414.40**

3 Carcass percentage (%) 49.6 50.9 52.0 52.3 57.6

4 Bone weight (g) 251.37tn 250.41 tn 251.47 tn 253.33 tn 254.56 tn

5 Meat weight (g) 418.60** 528.00** 762.60** 798.00** 935.00**

6 Fat weight (g) 80.84** 75.48** 73.35** 63.38** 63.24**

Note: tn = non significant, ** = significancy level 1%

The treatment of FOS (Fructooligosaccharide) isolated from banana peel (Musa paradisiaca var.

Sapientum (L.) Kunt, increasing the slaughter weight, carcass weight, carcass percentage, bone

weight, the meat weight, and lower carcass fat weight. Slaughter weight affected by the age, type,

and ration. Young rabbits will produce low slaugher weight compared with the mature rabbit.

Growth can occur due to an increase of the cells number and also the body cell size. The process

occurs in line with the age and condition of the rabbit (Yurmiaty, 2006),. The means of slaughter

weight (2029.08 g), are consistent with Hernandez et al., (2001) which uses four types of rabbit

(California, Chinchilla, New Zealand age 80 days and NZW age 90 days) has the average slaughter

weight (1900-2000 g) and carcass weight (1100 - 1180 g). Based on the result of the analysis, it is

known that the treatment has effect on the slaughter weight. Further trials using orthogonal

polynomials, the treatment is a quadratic on the level 1%, (Figure 4).

LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (89)


Fig. 4. Slaughter weight of rabbit rations of various treatments giving

FOS (Fructooligosaccharide) from banana peel

In the Fig. 4, shows the quadratic is y = 0.8111x2+8.082x+1454.4 at the optimum point of

the 35th day, the slaughter weight (2494.20 g). And the determinant corelation of FOS to slaughter

weight is 99% . Carcass weight and carcass percentage is affected by slaughter weight (Metzger et

al., 2003). The carcass weigh, without the blood, head, skin, liver, tail, digestive tract and its

contents, and chest cavity contents, except the kidneys, (Rao, et al. 1978). The highest carcass

weight was obtained in the P4 treatment (1414.40 g), and the lowest in treatment P0 (713.2 g),

while the average carcass weight (1078.4 g). The results is higher than Agustin et al (2017), that

fed of corn oil in the feed (975.51 g). The slaughter weight, higher than the carcass weight. The

carcass production is influenced the slaughter weight. Brahmantiyo et al. (2010) states that the

carcass weight is higher than the slaughter carcass weight. Haryoko and Warsiti (2008), stated that

the carcass component consists of meat, bone and fat. Based on the result of the analysis, it is

known that the treatment has effect on the carcass weight. A further test using orthogonal

polynomial is known that the treatment is linearly at 1% level, as shown in Figure 5, with equation

of y = 20.26x + 797.6. The percentage was influenced by the length use of FOS on carcass weights;

has a determinat correlation (R2) of 95%. Rabbits with heavy body weight can produce a large

percentage of carcasses, the increasing of live weight will increase the feed consumption. Rabbit

consume more feed have a tendency to accumulate more protein as a growth response and increased

the carcass weight. Carcass weight and carcass percentage is highly dependent on breed,

environment, live weight, and nutrient in feed. The percentage of carcass has a positive relationship

to the energy content in the ration.

y = -0.8111x2 + 58.082x + 1454.4







0 7 14 21 28 35



r w


t (g



LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE· 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (90)


Figure 5. Carcass weight of rabbit rations of various treatment giving FOS

(Fructooligosaccharide) from banana peel

Body size increase proportionally with the body weight of a livestock (Rao et al., 1978).

The carcass percentage is in line with the carcass weight, as the carcass percentage, is the ratio

between carcass weight and weight live when slaughter, multiplied by 100% (Santoso, 2010). In

this study, the highest percentage of carcass was found in the treatment R4 (57.6%), and the lowest

in treatment R0 (49.6%). The carcass percentage, still higher than that of Ozimba and Lukefahr

(1991) which obtained a 55% carcass percentage on NZW, California and California NZW cross

rabbits. The carcass production of New Zealand White rabbit, local rabbit, NZW Crossbred and

Chinchilla crosses, are 45.8, 42.6, 48.9 and 46.7% respectively (Diwyanto et al., 1985).

Commercial carcass production, is strongly influenced by the slaughter weight (Rao et al., 1978),

and the commercial parts of carcass weight, foreleg, rack, loin and hindleg (Blasco et al., 1992).

Conclusion Feeding FOS (Fructooligosaccharide) from the isolation of Ambon banana peel (Musa

paradisiaca var. Sapientum (L.) Kunt., has effected the growth performance (feed intake, slaughter

weight, daily gain, and feed conversion) in quadratic and carcass production (carcass weight, meat

weight, bone weight, and fat weight) linearly in New Zealand White Crossbred male rabbits, and

further studies related to the use of FOS as prebiotics in rabbit feed.


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y = 20.263x + 797.6R² = 0.9527









0 7 14 21 28 35





t (g



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LUCRĂRI ȘTIINȚIFICE · 326 growth retardation, osteoporosis, thyroid abnormality, bone and joint abnormalities and weight loss. (Barceloux and Barceloux, 1999) Mo and sulfur also - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the one thing you should be eating for your thyroid every morning? ›

Eggs are a healthy breakfast for people with hypothyroidism. Eggs are a lean protein containing iodine and selenium—nutrients necessary for thyroid health. Pair with toast and sliced avocado for a nutrient-dense, satisfying breakfast.

Which fruit is not good for the thyroid? ›

Excessive consumption of these foods can result in thyroid gland inflammation and worsen the condition. These include: Some fruits, such as strawberry, peaches, Starchy food, such as sweet potato and cassava.

How to increase T3 and T4 levels naturally? ›

Selenium. Selenium is a trace element that is needed for the conversion of T4 to T3 so ensure that you eat selenium food sources daily to support this conversion and optimal levels. Sources include brazil nuts, walnuts, mushrooms avocados, fish and cereal grains.

How to reduce thyroid inflammation fast? ›

How Can We Decrease Inflammation?
  1. Consume adequate nutrients from foods and supplements that decrease inflammation in the thyroid. ...
  2. Strengthen gut health. ...
  3. Lower stress. ...
  4. Eat a nutrient dense, low-carb diet. ...
  5. Get proper thyroid medication. ...
  6. Eliminate or greatly reduce thyroid inflammation triggers.

What not to eat or drink with thyroid problems? ›

A person with hyperthyroidism should avoid eating excessive amounts of iodine-rich foods, such as:
  • iodized salt.
  • fish and shellfish.
  • seaweed or kelp.
  • dairy products.
  • iodine supplements.
  • food products containing red dye.
  • egg yolks.
  • blackstrap molasses.

How to detox your thyroid naturally? ›

Simple Detox for Thyroid Health: Eat an Organic, Anti-inflammatory Diet
  1. Fruits and veggies.
  2. Healthy fats.
  3. Gluten-free whole grains.
  4. Free-range, grass-fed, or wild-caught meat, fish, and poultry.
  5. Nuts and seeds.
Sep 11, 2020

Does vitamin D help convert T4 to T3? ›

Interestingly, vitamin D has been shown to be associated with an increase of Type 2 deiodinase (DIO2) levels and peripheral conversion of THs (specifically from thyroxine-T4 into triiodothyronine-T3) in tissue hom*ogenates (from liver, kidney, muscle, femur bone, heart and brain) of diabetic rats (Alrefaie and Awad, ...

What vitamins should you avoid with hypothyroidism? ›

Don't take your thyroid hormone at the same time as:
  • Walnuts.
  • Soybean flour.
  • Cottonseed meal.
  • Iron supplements or multivitamins containing iron.
  • Calcium supplements.
  • Antacids that contain aluminum, magnesium or calcium.
  • Some ulcer medicines, such as sucralfate (Carafate).
Aug 18, 2023

How do you treat high T3 T4 thyroid levels? ›

Hyperthyroidism is usually treated with one or more of the following:
  1. Antithyroid medicines (propylthiouracil or methimazole) which reduce or block the effects of the extra thyroid hormone.
  2. Radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid gland and stop the excess production of hormones.
  3. Surgery to remove the thyroid.

What part of your neck hurts with thyroid? ›

Thyroid nodules can cause neck pain. Rather, these growths may cause discomfort at the base of the throat. This is where the thyroid gland is located, just under the Adam's apple.

How do you know if your thyroid is making you sick? ›

You should see your GP and ask to be tested for an underactive thyroid if you have symptoms including:
  • tiredness.
  • weight gain.
  • depression.
  • being sensitive to the cold.
  • dry skin and hair.
  • muscle aches.
Feb 20, 2023

What is the best diet for thyroid patients to lose weight? ›

Some foods, such as the ones which contain goitrogens can interfere with thyroid functioning and disrupt weight loss. Instead, having more foods such as eggs, meat, fish, vegetables, gluten-free grains and seeds, some forms of dairy and non-caffeinated beverages will be better for you.

What is the best food for thyroid balance? ›

eat some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other protein. choose unsaturated oils and spreads, and eat them in small amounts. drink plenty of fluids (at least 6 to 8 glasses a day) avoid processed foods and reduce sugar intake.

What should I eat at night in thyroid? ›

Here are some bedtime snacks suggested by nutritionist Lovneet Batra which can help manage thyroid symptoms.
  • 4-5 soaked cashews. ...
  • Coconut pieces. ...
  • 1 tsp chia seeds (soaked) ...
  • 1 tbsp roasted pumpkin seeds.
Feb 11, 2023

Are eggs good for the thyroid? ›

Eggs are full of selenium, iodine, and vitamin D which helps regulate thyroid hormones. While the egg white contains lots of protein, make sure you're consuming the full egg because the egg yolk is where you'll get all those hormone regulating nutrients. A cool breakfast idea to help improve hypothyroidism symptoms!


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