AskTOP: Leader Development for Army Professionals - SOLDIER’S … · 2013. 2. 15. · Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG


    MOS 42R9J


    Skill Levels 1 and 2

    NOVEMBER 2005 DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for publicrelease; distribution is unlimited.


  • ii 3 November 2005

    This publication is available at Army Knowledge Online( and the General Dennis J. Reimer

    Training and Doctrine Digital Library at(

  • *STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG




    MOS 42R9J


    Skill Levels 1 and 2



    Table ofContents.........................................................................................................................................i


    Chapter 1.Introduction...........................................................................................................................1-1

    Chapter 2. Training Guide......................................................................................................................2-1

    Chapter 3. MOS/Skill Level Tasks.........................................................................................................3-1Skill Level 1

    Subject Area 1: Musical Tasks 514-449-1302 Tune Your Clarinet ToA Given Pitch.......................................................................3-1514-449-1732 Prepare A Clarinet Part For BandPerformance.......................................................3-3514-449-1733 Perform A Clarinet Part In ANon-Marching/Non-Ceremonial Setting At A 2.7

    PerformanceLevel..................................................................................................3-5514-449-1601 Perform A Clarinet Part In A Marching/CeremonialSetting .....................................3-7 514-449-1401Perform Player Maintenance On A Clarinet...........................................................3-13

    Subject Area 2: Administrative Tasks 121-004-1228 File Records...........................................................................................................3-16121-004-1515 Post Regulations And Directives............................................................................3-18121-030-1507 Safeguard "For Official Use Only" (FOUO) Material..............................................3-20

    DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release;distribution is unlimited. *This publication supersedes STP12-02J-12-SM-TG dated 28 June 2001.

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    Subject Area 3: Tactical Tasks 191-376-4108 Operate A DismountPoint......................................................................................3-21514-441-1201 Control Access to a Restricted Area......................................................................3-22514-441-1202 Perform Perimeter Security....................................................................................3-24031-507-1002 Decontaminate Equipment Using ABC-M11 DecontaminationApparatus ............3-26 071-710-0008 Operate Night VisionGoggles AN/PVS-7..............................................................3-28071-710-0009 Maintain Night Vision GogglesAN/PVS-7..............................................................3-33113-587-1064 Prepare SINCGARS (Manpack) For Operation.....................................................3-36113-588-1087 Install A Hot Loop...................................................................................................3-37113-600-1012 Install Telephone Set TA-312/PT...........................................................................3-39113-600-2007 Operate Telephone SetTA-312/PT........................................................................3-41113-600-3015 Perform Operator PMCS On Telephone Set TA-312/PT.......................................3-42

    Skill Level 2 Subject Area 2: Administrative Tasks

    514-464-2191 Perform Music LibrarianFunctions.........................................................................3-43101-521-1102 Prepare And Process Personal Clothing Request.................................................3-45 101-521-1103Prepare And Maintain Organization Clothing And IndividualEquipment

    Record...................................................................................................................3-46Subject Area 3: Tactical Tasks

    031-504-1008 Operate The M8A1 Alarm System.........................................................................3-47

    APPENDIX A - SWINGRHYTHMS..........................................................................................................A-1

    APPENDIX B - IMPROVISATION............................................................................................................B-1



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    This publication is for skill level 1 and 2 Soldiers holdingMilitary Occupational Specialty (MOS) 42R9J and for trainers andfirst-line supervisors. It contains standardized trainingobjectives, in the form of task summaries, to train and evaluateSoldiers on critical tasks that support unit missions duringwartime. Trainers and first-line supervisors should ensure Soldiersholding MOS 42R9J skill levels 1 and 2 have access to thispublication. It should be made available in the Soldier's workarea, unit learning center, and unit libraries. This manual appliesto the Active Army, the Army National Guard/Army National Guard ofthe United States, and the United States Army Reserve unlessotherwise stated. The proponent of this publication is U.S. ArmyTraining and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Users of this publicationare encouraged to recommend changes and submit comments for itsimprovement. Comments should be keyed to specific page, paragraph,and line of the text in which the change is recommended. Providereasons for each comment to ensure understanding and completeevaluation. Send comments and recommendations on DA Form 2028(Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly toCommandant, U.S. Army Element, School of Music, ATTN: ATSG-SM-TD,Norfolk, VA 23521-2617. Unless this publication states otherwise,masculine nouns and pronouns do not refer exclusively to men.

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    Introduction 1-1. General: This manual identifies the individualMilitary Occupational Specialty (MOS) training requirements forSoldiers in MOS 42R9J in skill levels 1 and 2. Commanders,trainers, and Soldiers should use it to plan, conduct, and evaluateindividual training in units. This manual is the primary MOSreference to support the self-development and training of Soldiers.The tasks related to musical performance in this manual are notmeant to teach a Soldier to be a musician. The tasks serve as aguide for leaders to evaluate performance and to ensure Soldiers inskill levels 1 and 2 understand their musical responsibilities.Other publications in the references will allow Soldiers andleaders to learn more about specific technical skills related tomusical performance. Units should make every attempt to stock thesereferences in their music library. Other skill level 1 and 2critical tasks that are not available for reference in theSoldier's Manual of Common Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT and STP 21-24-SMCT)have been added to this manual. Those tasks are categorized intotwo areas: administrative tasks and tactical tasks. Use this manualwith intent to establish effective training plans and programs thatintegrate Soldier, leader and collective tasks. Soldier's Manual ofCommon Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT and STP 21-24-SMCT), Army Training andEvaluation Programs (ARTEP) and FM 7-1, Battle Focused Trainingshould be referenced during training plan development. 1-2.Commander's Responsibilities: It is the responsibility of thecommander to integrate individual and collective training in theunit’s training plan. The training plan located in Chapter 2 ofthis STP should be utilized to support integration, train-up, andsustainment training of all band members in MOS 42R9J. 1-3.Trainer's Responsibilities: Training individual tasks to standardand relating this training to collective mission essential tasks isthe NCO trainer's responsibility. The first-line supervisors arethe principal trainers in the band because they directly supervisethe Soldiers. It is the trainer's responsibility to tell theSoldiers which tasks they must be able to perform. The trainer mustalso tell the Soldiers which tasks need further training. Trainersuse the steps below to plan and evaluate training: • Plan thetraining. The NCO determines which tasks need to be trained basedon the commander's

    training strategy. Training for specific tasks can usually beintegrated or conducted concurrently with other training. Thetrainer should identify individual tasks that can be trained andevaluated concurrently with collective task training andevaluation.

    • Gather the training references and materials. This informationis listed in each task summary.

    Additional references are provided in the References section. •Train each Soldier. Show the Soldier how to do the task to standardand explain step-by-step how

    to do the task. • Check each Soldier. Evaluate how well eachSoldier performs each task. These evaluations may

    be conducted during individual training sessions or whileevaluating individual proficiency of unit collective task training.An evaluation guide has been provided, for each task in thismanual, to help the trainer conduct year-round, hands-onevaluations of critical tasks. The training plan containsinformation to use as a guide in determining how often to evaluatea Soldier's task performance.

    • Record the results. The leader book referred to in FM 7-1,Appendix B, is used to record task

    performance, and gives the leader total flexibility with respectto methods of documentation.

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    • Retrain and evaluate. Work with each Soldier until he canperform the task to specific standards. Well-planned, integratedtraining increases the professional competence of each Soldier andcontributes to the development of an efficient unit. The NCO orfirst-line supervisor is a vital link in the conduct oftraining.

    1-4. Soldier's Responsibilities: Each Soldier is responsible forperforming individual tasks. The first-line supervisor identifiesindividual tasks based on the unit's mission essential task list(METL). The Soldier must perform the task to the standard listed inthe Soldier's Manual (SM). If a Soldier has a question about how todo the task or which tasks in this manual he must perform, it isthe Soldier's responsibility to ask the first-line supervisor forclarification. The first-line supervisor knows how to perform eachtask and can direct the Soldier to appropriate training materials.1-5. NCO Self-Development and the Soldier's Manual:Self-development is one of the key components of the leaderdevelopment program. It is a planned, progressive, and sequentialprogram followed by leaders to enhance and sustain their militarycompetencies. It consists of individual study, research,professional reading, practice, and self-assessment. Under theself-development concept, the NCO, as an Army professional, has theresponsibility to remain current in all phases of the MOS. The SMis the primary source for maintaining MOS proficiency. Anotherimportant resource for NCO self-development is the ArmyCorrespondence Course Program (ACCP). For information on enrollingin this program and a list of courses, refer to DA Pamphlet 350-59, or write to: Army Institute ofProfessional Development, U.S. Army Training Support Center, ATTN:ATIC-IPS, Newport News, VA 23628. 1-6. Task Summaries: Tasksummaries outline the wartime performance requirements of eachcritical task in the Soldier's Manual. They provide the Soldier andthe trainer with the information necessary to prepare, conduct, andevaluate critical task training. As a minimum, task summariesinclude information you must know, and the skills that you mustperform to standard for each task. The format for the tasksummaries included in this SM is as follows: • Task Title. The tasktitle identifies the action to be performed.

    • Task Number. The task number is a 10-digit number thatidentifies each task or skill. Include this

    task number, along with the task title, in any correspondencerelating to the task. • Conditions. The task conditions identifyall the equipment, tools, references, job aids, and

    supporting personnel which the Soldier needs to perform the taskin wartime. This section identifies any environmental conditionssuch as visibility, temperature, and wind that can alter taskperformance. This section also identifies any specific cues orevents that trigger task performance.

    • Standards. The task standards describe how well and to whatlevel you must perform a task under

    wartime conditions. Standards are typically described in termsof accuracy, completeness, and speed.

    • Training and Evaluation. This section may contain all or partof the following: training information

    outline, evaluation preparation subsection, and evaluationguide. The training information outline includes detailed traininginformation. The evaluation preparation subsection indicatesnecessary modifications to task performance in order to train andevaluate a task that cannot be trained to the wartime standardunder wartime conditions. It may also include special training andevaluation preparation instructions to accommodate thesemodifications and any instructions that should be given to theSoldier before evaluation. The evaluation guide identifies thespecific actions, known as performance measures, that the Soldiermust do to successfully complete the task. These actions are listedin a "GO/NO-GO" format for easy evaluation. Each evaluation guidecontains a feedback statement that indicates the requirements (forexample, number of performance measures "passed") for receiving a"GO" on the evaluation.

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    • References. This section identifies references that providemore detailed and thorough explanations

    of task performance requirements. Additionally, some tasksummaries include safety statements and notes. Safety statements(danger, warning, caution) alert users to the possibility ofimmediate death, personal injury, or damage to equipment. Notesprovide a small, extra supportive explanation or hint relative tothe performance measures. 1-7. MOS Training Plan: Informationnecessary for planning training for musicians in MOS 42R9J islisted in the training plan in Chapter 2 of this manual. Leadersshould use this plan in conjunction with the Soldier's Manual ofCommon Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT and STP 21-24-SMCT), Army Training andEvaluation Programs (ARTEP) and FM 7-1, Battle Focused Training todevelop an individual training plan for Soldiers in their unit. Thetraining plan: • Identifies subject areas that must be trained.

    • Identifies the critical tasks for each subject area.

    • Specifies where musicians are initially trained on eachtask.

    • Specifies the references needed to train the tasks.

    • Recommends how often each task should be trained to sustainproficiency. 1-8. Training Support: This manual includes thefollowing additional training support information: • Appendix A.Swing Rhythms

    • Appendix B. Improvisation • Glossary. The glossary, whichfollows the last appendix, is a single comprehensive list ofacronyms,

    abbreviations, definitions, and letter symbols. • References.Professional references (books and web sites) have been listed toaid in technical skill

    development. This listing is not intended to be all-inclusive,and some of the sites have extensive links pages. No endorsem*nt byany government agency is implied in the inclusion of any links onthis page.

    Reserve Components (Army National Guard and Army Reserve): Alltasks in this manual are applicable to both the Active and ReserveArmy Soldiers. However, some tasks may require modification due todifferences of equipment, facilities and available trainingtime.

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    Training Guide

    2-1. General. The training plan identifies the essentialcomponents of a unit training plan for individual training. Unitshave different training needs and requirements based on differencesin environment, location, equipment, dispersion, and similarfactors. Therefore, the training plan should be used as a guide forconducting unit training and not a rigid standard. The plan isdesigned to assist the commander in preparing a unit training planwhich satisfies integration, cross training, training up, andsustainment training requirements for Soldiers in this MOS. Thetraining plan shows the critical task grouped by task commonalityinto subject areas.

    Subject Area column. This column lists the subject area numberand title.

    Task Number column. This column lists the task numbers for alltasks included in the subject area.

    Title column. This column lists the task title for each task inthe subject area.

    Training Location column. This column identifies the traininglocation where the task is first trained to Soldier trainingpublication's standards. If the task is first trained to standardin the unit, the word "Unit" will be in this column. If the task isfirst trained to standard in the training base, it will identify,by brevity code (e.g. AIT), the resident course where the task wastaught. Figure 2-1 contains a list of training locations and theircorresponding brevity codes.

    UNIT Trained in the Unit AIT Advanced Individual Training

    Figure 2-1

    Training Locations Sustainment Training Frequency column. Thiscolumn indicates the recommended frequency at

    which the tasks should be trained to ensure Soldiers maintaintask proficiency. Figure 2-2 identifies the frequency codes used inthis column.

    AN - Annually MO - Monthly WK - Weekly DA - Daily

    Figure 2-2

    Sustainment Training Frequency Codes Sustainment Training SkillLevel column. This column lists the skill levels of the MOS forwhich

    Soldiers must receive sustainment training to ensure theymaintain proficiency to Soldier’s Manual standards.

    2-2. Subject Area Codes.

    Skill Level 1 & 2 Subject Area 1 - Musical Tasks SubjectArea 2 - Administrative (Admin) Tasks Subject Area 3 - TacticalTasks

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    2-3. Critical Tasks List.



    Subject Area Task Number Title Training Location

    Sust Tng Freq

    Sust Tng SL

    Skill Level 1

    1. Musical Tasks

    514-449-1302 Tune Your Clarinet To A Given Pitch AIT DA 1-4

    514-449-1401 Perform Player Maintenance On A Clarinet AIT AN1-2

    514-449-1601 Perform A Clarinet Part In A Marching/CeremonialSetting

    AIT WK 1-4

    514-449-1732 Prepare A Clarinet Part For Band Performance AIT DA1-4

    514-449-1733 Perform A Clarinet Part In ANon-Marching/Non-Ceremonial Setting At A 2.7 Performance Level

    AIT DA 1-4

    2. Admin Tasks

    121-004-1228 File Records UNIT AN 1-2

    121-004-1515 Post Regulations And Directives UNIT AN 1-2

    121-030-1507 Safeguard "For Official Use Only" (FOUO)Material

    UNIT AN 1-3

    3. Tactical Tasks

    031-507-1002 Decontaminate Equipment Using ABC-M11Decontamination Apparatus

    UNIT AN 1-3

    071-710-0008 Operate Night Vision Goggles AN/PVS-7 UNIT AN1-4

    071-710-0009 Maintain Night Vision Goggles AN/PVS-7 UNIT AN1-4

    113-587-1064 Prepare SINCGARS (Manpack) For Operation UNIT AN1-3

    113-588-1087 Install A Hot Loop UNIT AN 1-2

    113-600-1012 Install Telephone Set TA-312/PT UNIT AN 1-2

    113-600-2007 Operate Telephone Set TA-312/PT UNIT AN 1-2

    113-600-3015 Perform Operator PMCS On Telephone SetTA-312/PT

    UNIT AN 1-2

    191-376-4108 Operate A Dismount Point UNIT AN 1-3

    514-441-1201 Control Access to a Restricted Area UNIT AN 1-2

    514-441-1202 Perform Perimeter Security UNIT AN 1-2

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    Skill Level 2

    2. Admin Tasks

    101-521-1102 Prepare And Process Personal Clothing Request

    UNIT AN 1-2

    101-521-1103 Prepare And Maintain Organization Clothing AndIndividual Equipment Record

    UNIT AN 1-2

    514-464-2191 Perform Music Librarian Functions UNIT AN 1-2

    3. Tactical Tasks

    031-504-1008 Operate The M8A1 Alarm System UNIT AN 1-4

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    CMF NUMBER: 42




    SSG DUTY ASSIGNMENTS Instrumentalist (1) Sr. Instrumentalist (1)Section Ldr (1)

    GS Instrumentalist (2) GS Sr. Instrumentalist (2) GS Section Ldr(2) ADDITIONAL DUTY

    POSITIONS Asst Squad Ldr Squad Ldr Platoon SGT






    English Composition Comm skills Principles of Management BasicMathematics Pers Supervision Organizational Behavior ComputerLiteracy Behavioral Science Information Systems

    Management ACCP Gen Mil Subj ACCP #514M01 (RC Only- Required)Technical Writing ACCP #514M05 (AC Only) ACCP #514M03 (RC Only-

    Required ACCP #514M07 (AC Only)




    Applied Instrumental App Instr Lessons 1 App Instr Lessons 2Lessons Intermediate Theory Basic Comp/Arranging Basic Theory InterMusic History Basic Conducting Basic Music History Advanced SightSinging/ Basic Rehearsal Tech Basic Sight Singing/ Ear TrainingBasic Orchestration Ear Training Keyboard Tech (All MOS) SightSinging/Ear Tng Woodwind Techniques

    (MOS 42R9G, H, J, K, L) Sustainment Training

    Woodwind Techniques (MOS 42R9G, H, J, K, L)

    Brass Techniques (MOS 42R9B, C, D, E, F)

    Brass Techniques (MOS 42R9B, C, D, E, F)

    Percussion Techniques (MOS 42R9M, N, T, U)

    Percussion Techniques (MOS 42R9M, N, T, U)


    AA/AS in: Music By The 6th Year Of Service

    NOTE * See DA PAM 600-67. The Army Writing Standard is writingthat can be understood in a single, rapid reading; and is generallyfree of errors in grammar, mechanics and usage

    LEGEND ACCP - Army Correspondence Course Program Notes: . 1. Asmember of a Direct Support Band 2. As a member of a General SupportBand Career Development PVT-SGM MOS offers career progression inTOE/TDA (majority TOE) Drill Sergeants: 4 Females Asgn: 1Recruiters: 15 Instructors: 24 First Sergeants: 26 EqualOpportunity: 0 CMF 42 (Total) TDA 159 / TOE 1840 8% / 92%

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    CMF NUMBER: 42








    Recruiter/Drill SGT/USAESOM Staff



    Research Techniques (Statistics) Human Resource Management ACCP#514F11 (RC & AC) RECOMMENDED

    1SG Course ACCP Advanced Military Subjects




    App Instr Lessons 3 App Instr Lessons 4 Adv Conducting 1 AdvConducting 2 Adv Rehearsal Tech Jazz Composition/Arranging MusicHarmony Music Amplification Techniques Music Counterpoint AdvComp/Arranging Music Literature Sight Singing/Ear Tng SustainmentTraining Arranging Popular Music


    BA/BS in: Music by the 10th year of service.


    APPROVED BY: Chief, Army Bands

    DATE: 10 JULY 2000 UPDATED: 16 JANUARY 2000

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    MOS/Skill Level Tasks

    Skill Level 1

    Subject Area 1: Musical Tasks

    Tune Your Clarinet To A Given Pitch 514-449-1302

    Conditions: Given a clarinet, adequate warm up time and areference pitch, tune your instrument to the given pitch.Standards: Tuned instrument to within (±)5 cents of the referencepitch within thirty seconds. Performance Steps

    1. Listen to the reference pitch. a. Best pitch for tuning theclarinet is concert B flat. b. Tuning to one note does not ensuregood intonation throughout the full range of the instrument.

    2. Play the same pitch on your instrument at equivalent volumeto reference pitch.

    3. Listen for pulsations against reference pitch. Pulsationsindicate performed pitch is sharp or flat to reference pitch.

    4. Adjust instrument to match reference pitch. a. If theperformed pitch is sharp, lengthen the instrument by pulling outthe tuning barrel to lower

    the performed pitch. b. If the performed pitch is flat, shortenthe instrument by pushing in the tuning barrel to raise the

    performed pitch. c. The pulsations will be faster the furtheryou are from the reference pitch. The pulsations will

    stop when you have matched the performed pitch to the referencepitch.

    5. Complete steps one through four within thirty seconds.Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Ensure that all materials requiredin the Conditions statement are available to the Soldier. Evaluatethis task during individual or collective training. The evaluatorwill need a room free from outside noise, a stopwatch, a referencepitch and a tuner to measure the Soldier's pitch accuracy. Theevaluator will inform the Soldier of the reference that will besounded (e.g. "B" flat) and will then sound the reference pitch atfive-second intervals, allowing the pitch to sound for fiveseconds. The Soldier will listen to the pitch, play it, and makenecessary adjustments to match the reference pitch. Allow theSoldier to up to 30 seconds to complete this task. At the end of 30seconds, ask the Soldier to play the pitch. Check the tuner toverify the Soldier is within (±)5 cents of the reference pitch.Brief the Soldier: "You will have 30 seconds to tune yourinstrument within (±)5 cents of the reference pitch. The referencepitch will be sounded at five-second intervals. You may adjust yourinstrument as often as needed until you match pitch with thereference pitch or time has expired. At the end of 30 seconds, Iwill have you play the pitch and verify if you have met thestandard."

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    Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Played the pitch while reference pitch was sounding. ————

    2. Adjusted instrument length to match pitch within (±)5 centsof the reference pitch. —— ——

    3. Completed all steps within 30 seconds. —— —— EvaluationGuidance: Score the Soldier GO if all steps are performedcorrectly. Score the Soldier NO-GO if any step is performedincorrectly. If the Soldier fails any step, explain the error tocorrect performance. References

    Required Related TC 12-41 TC 12-42

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    Prepare A Clarinet Part For Band Performance 514-449-1732

    Conditions: Given an instrument, an individual rehearsal area,music to prepare for band performance, appropriate musicalreferences, necessary accessories, and the requirement to prepare aclarinet part for band performance. You have warmed up and tunedyour instrument. Standards: Played all musical performanceindicators or detected, isolated, analyzed, and correctedperformance errors. Performance Steps

    1. Study assigned part and identify the following musicalindicators: a. Time signatures, meter changes, tempo markings b.Key signatures, modulations, accidentals c. Musical style d.Articulations, entrances, cutoffs e. Rhythms, dynamics, phrasing f.Scale patterns, arpeggios, intervals g. Strain endings: DaCapo(D.C.), Dal Segno(D.S.), Repeats, Coda

    2. Perform assigned part observing all musical indicators. a.Task is completed if all indicators are observed and no performanceerrors occur. b. If errors are detected, continue with step 3.

    3. Isolate error.

    4. Analyze error: a. Incorrect pitch b. Incorrect rhythm c.Incorrect expression (articulation, style, phrasing) d. Incorrectperformance direction (repeat, dynamics)

    5. Correct error: a. Break difficult passages into smallerelements to practice. b. Reduce tempo for practice; increase tempoas passage is mastered. c. Use sight singing, count and clap, andconduct and intone methods to work problem areas. d. Use metronomeand tuner to facilitate practice. e. Reference and practicetechnical exercises to overcome performer deficiencies. EvaluationPreparation: Setup: Ensure that all materials required in theConditions statement are available to the Soldier. Evaluate thistask during individual training. Brief the Soldier: "You mustprepare your instrumental part to ensure that you can perform allmusical indicators correctly. Performance errors will be detected,isolated, and analyzed. Performance will be repeated until allerrors have been corrected."

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    Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Performed assigned part. —— —— a. The task is completed ifall performance indicators were played correctly. b. Continued tostep three if any performance indicators were played


    2. Isolated performance error. —— ——

    3. Analyzed performance error. —— ——

    4. Corrected performance error. —— —— Evaluation Guidance: Scorethe Soldier GO if all steps are performed correctly. Score theSoldier NO-GO if any step is performed incorrectly. If the Soldierfails any step, explain the error to correct performance.References

    Required Related TC 12-41 TC 12-42

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    Perform A Clarinet Part In A Non-Marching/Non-Ceremonial SettingAt A 2.7 Performance Level 514-449-1733

    Conditions: Given an instrument, assigned music, and all thenecessary accessories required to perform a clarinet part in anon-marching/non-ceremonial setting, perform individually or as amember of a musical ensemble. Tuning and musical preparation havebeen completed. Standards: Performed designated selections at a 2.7level while recognizing and responding to the conductor'sdirections. Performance Steps

    1. Perform a selection at the designated performance level. a.Perform a selection from each of the following styles (2.7 LEVEL):(1) Concert or Stage Band March (2) Concert or Stage Band PopularLiterature (3) Concert or Stage Band Show Tune (4) Swing/Bop (5)Concert Band Transcription of an Orchestral Piece (6)Funk/Soul/Blues (7) Latin: Afro-Cuban (Cha-Cha, Rumba, Mambo);Brazilian (Bossa, Samba) (8) Pop/Rock (9) Ballad (10) Hymn orChorale b. Perform individual part while maintaining sectionbalance, blend, intonation, style, articulation,

    rhythm and phrasing.

    2. Perform according to conductor's directions: a. Recognize andrespond to baton or body cues. b. Recognize and respond to phrasingdirection. c. Recognize and respond to dynamic indications. d.Recognize and respond to style interpretations. NOTE: Throughoutthe performance you must maintain proper military bearing and stagepresence. Display confidence while remaining alert and attentiveduring the performance. Do not react outwardly if unexpected errorsoccur. Remember to react professionally to any recognition from theaudience (e.g. soloist). Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Ensure thatall materials required in the Conditions statement are available tothe Soldier. Evaluate this task during individual or collectivetraining. To aid in evaluating this task, you may use a separatecopy of the performer's music to mark errors or comments.Additionally, the Soldier may be required to perform a separateaudition in accordance with the Auditions Standards Manual,MUSCOLINST 1300.1 to verify musical proficiency. Brief the Soldier:"You must perform your part as a member of a musical ensemble andcorrectly perform a selection from a designated musical style. Youmust follow all musical indicators on the assigned part, respond tothe conductor's musical or verbal directions without error thefirst time through."

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    Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Performed a selection without error at the designatedperformance level IAW Audition Standards Manual, MUSCOLINST1300.1.

    —— ——

    2. Performed according to conductor's directions. —— ——Evaluation Guidance: Score the Soldier GO if all steps areperformed correctly. Score the Soldier NO-GO if any step isperformed incorrectly. If the Soldier fails any step, explain theerror to correct performance. References

    Required Related MUSCOLINST 1300.1 TC 12-41 TC 12-42

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    Perform A Clarinet Part In A Marching/Ceremonial Setting514-449-1601

    Conditions: Given a clarinet, lyre, and music, you are requiredto perform a clarinet part in a marching/ceremonial setting. Youhave tuned your instrument and prepared your part for performance.Standards: Performed stationary and marching movements withouterror. Performed assigned instrumental part without error. NOTE:The asterisks (*) in this task refer to appropriate steps forstationary or seated ceremonial settings. Performance Steps

    1. Prepare for mission. a. Inspect uniform required for mission.b. Place music required for the mission in the correctsequence.

    2. Perform the following actions on command. a. Attention: * (1)Hold instrument vertically along right side of body. (2) Keepfingers of right hand hooked into bell. (3) Left arm hangs straightdown without stiffness. (4) Keep left thumb straight along seam oftrouser leg. (5) Left hand fingers are curled with tip of thumbtouching first joint of index finger, and with

    the first joint of the fingers touching the trousers.

    Figure 1 Clarinet Attention

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    b. Parade Rest/At Ease: * (1) From Attention - Instrument heldas in Attention. (2) Simultaneous movement occurs: ( a) Left footmoves 10 inches to left of right foot. ( b) Left hand moves tosmall of back, centered on the belt. ( c) Fingers and thumb extendand joined with palm facing outward.

    Figure 2 Clarinet Parade Rest

    (3) At Ease: ( a) From Parade Rest - Stand silently, right footremains in place. ( b) Other body movement is permitted. c. DressRight: See FM 3-21.5 for specific instructions on performing thismovement. *

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 9

    d. Instruments Up: * (1) Count 1 - Ready Instrument - Left handmoves across body to grasp instrument. Cover

    corresponding tone holes with left hand fingers. Right hand doesnot move.

    Figure 3 Clarinet Ready Instrument

    (2) Count 2 - No movement. (3) Count 3 - Prepare to Play - Moveinstrument to playing position with left hand.

    Simultaneously move right hand into playing position.

    Figure 4 Clarinet Prepare to Play

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 10 3 November 2005

    e. Instruments Down: * (1) Count 1 - Ready Instrument - Holdleft hand in place while moving instrument to vertical

    position along right side of body. Simultaneously slide righthand down instrument to hook fingers into bell.

    Figure 5 Clarinet Ready Instrument

    (2) Count 2 - No movement. (3) Count 3 - Carry Position - Lefthand moves to vertical position along left side of body, as in

    position of Attention.

    Figure 6 Clarinet Carry

    f. Initiate musical performance. * g. Stop musical performance.* h. Change music at the direction of the bandmaster or drum major.* i. Perform Sound Off chords. See FM 12-50 for specificinstructions.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 11

    3. Execute all marching movements listed below correctly (notplaying) on command. See FM 3-21.5 for specific instructions onperforming each of these movements:

    a. Forward March from Halt b. Mark Time c. Forward March fromMark Time d. Half Step e. Forward March from Half Step f. Left Turng. Right Turn h. Alternate Left Turn i. Alternate Right Turn j.Reversible Countermarch k. Non-reversible Countermarch l. GuideAround

    4. Execute all marching movements in step three of this task oncommand while playing.

    5. Execute steps 2d, 2e, 2f, and 2g, while executing any of themarching movements in step three.

    6. Execute Sound Off sequence per FM 12-50, paragraph B-88without error.

    7. Execute appropriate steps from this task (denoted by theasterisk) for stationary or seated ceremonial settings.

    NOTE: Throughout the performance you must maintain propermilitary bearing and stage presence. Display confidence whileremaining alert and attentive during the performance. Do not reactoutwardly if unexpected errors occur. Remember to reactprofessionally to any recognition from the audience (e.g. soloist).Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Ensure that all materials requiredin the Conditions statement are available to the Soldier. Evaluatethis task during collective training or actual mission performance.Brief the Soldier: "You must correctly execute all actions whileperforming your assigned part." Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Prepared for mission. —— ——

    2. Executed the following actions without error on command: ———— a. Attention * b. Parade Rest/At Ease * c. Dress Right * d.Instruments Up * (Vocal, mace, or baton command and roll-off) e.Instruments Down * (Vocal, mace, or baton command) f. Initiatedmusical performance * (Vocal, mace, or baton command) g. Stoppedmusical performance * (Mace or baton command) h. Changed music whendirected * i. Performed Sound Off chords

    3. Executed all marching movements listed below correctly (notplaying) on command:

    —— ——

    a. Forward March from Halt b. Mark Time c. Forward March fromMark Time

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 12 3 November 2005

    d. Half Step e. Forward March from Half Step f. Left Turn g.Right Turn h. Alternate Left Turn i. Alternate Right Turn j.Reversible Countermarch k. Non-reversible Countermarch l. GuideAround

    4. Executed all marching movements in step three of this task oncommand while playing.

    —— ——

    5. Executed steps 2d, 2e, 2f, and 2g, while executing any of themarching movements in step three.

    —— ——

    6. Executed Sound Off sequence correctly per FM 12-50, paragraphB-88. —— ——

    7. Executed appropriate steps from this task (denoted by theasterisk) for stationary or seated ceremonial settings.

    —— ——

    Evaluation Guidance: Score the Soldier GO if all steps areperformed correctly. Score the Soldier NO-GO if any step isperformed incorrectly. If the Soldier fails any step, explain theerror to correct performance. References

    Required Related FM 12-50 AR 600-25 FM 3-21.5 TC 12-41

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 13

    Perform Player Maintenance On A Clarinet 514-449-1401

    Conditions: Given a clarinet, all maintenance equipment andsupplies listed below, and a requirement to perform playermaintenance on a clarinet. 1. Clean surface large enough to placethe disassembled instrument 2. Mild dish soap in tub of lukewarmwater 3. Soft, clean cloth 4. Small piece of cheese cloth 5.Weighted cloth swab 6. Oil swab 7. Pipe cleaners or cotton tipswabs 8. Nongummed, absorbent cigarette rolling paper 9. Mouthpiecebrush

    10. Key brush 11. Needle oiler with woodwind key oil 12.Woodwind bore oil 13. Cork grease 14. Jeweler's screwdriver setStandards: Completed all the steps necessary to perform playermaintenance on a clarinet. Performance Steps

    1. Disassemble instrument. a. Use a twisting motion to separateparts. b. Avoid unnecessary pressure or twisting on the keyassemblies when separating upper and

    lower joints. c. Depress bridge key when separating upper jointfrom lower joint.

    2. Inspect the instrument and identify all deficiencies. a.Mouthpiece: (1) Check for warping, chips, and uneven wear. (2)Check cork for tears, unevenness, dryness, and solid fit with upperjoint. b. Body: (1) Check for cracks in wood instruments. Lookthrough bore and on outside of body. (2) Check joints for solidfit. c. Key assemblies: (1) Check for sticking, rubbing, andclicking. (2) Check for bent keys, rods, posts, and springs. (3)Ensure springs are properly placed. (4) Check bridge for properfunction and alignment. (5) Ensure screws are properly set. d.Pads/Corks: (1) Check for looseness, dryness, rips/tears/holes, andcleanliness. (2) Check for proper set against tone hole.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 14 3 November 2005

    (3) Check for seal of individual upper and lower joint. ( a)Close the bottom of the tenon with palm of hand and cover all toneholes. ( b) Blow through the top of the tenon to listen and feelfor leaks. ( c) Draw air through the top of the tenon to create avacuum and to listen and feel for


    3. Maintain the instrument. a. Mouthpiece: (1) Clean withlukewarm water and mild hand soap using a mouthpiece brush. (2)Rinse with lukewarm water. (3) Dry with a clean cloth. (4) Avoidhot water use as it may damage hard rubber mouthpieces. (5) Cleanas needed. b. Key Assemblies: (1) Use a key brush, cotton swab, orpipe cleaner around keys, posts, and tone holes. (2) Do not allowexposed pipe cleaner wire to damage pads or corks. (3) Do not usesilver polish on tarnished keys. (4) Apply small drop of key oil tokey mechanisms using needle oiler. ( a) Touch tip of oiler to eachpoint of mechanism where keys meet posts or where keys

    meet other keys. ( b) Remove excess oil with pipe cleaner orcotton swab. ( c) Keep key oil away from pads and corks. (5) Oiltwice monthly or more frequently as needed. c. Pads: (1) Usecheesecloth or absorbent paper between pad and tone hole. ( a)Gently close pad cup. ( b) Draw cloth or paper from under pad toremove residue. (2) Clean as needed. d. Bore: (1) Apply light coatof oil through wooden instruments using an oil-dampened swab. ( a)Apply thin, even coat of organic bore oil to the bore if it appearsdry, whitish, or

    chocolate brown. ( b) Pull the swab through the sections in thefollowing order to keep oil away from pads:

    bell, barrel, lower joint, and upper joint. ( c) Do not oiloutside of instrument. (2) Oil monthly or more frequently asneeded. e. Tenons: (1) Lubricate corks with cork grease. (2)Lubricate as needed. f. Swab moisture from bore with a clean, drycloth after each use. g. Wipe instrument keys with a clean, softcloth after each use.

    4. Assemble instrument and check playing condition. a. Ensureaccountability of all parts. b. Ensure proper workingcondition.

    5. Store instrument. a. Instrument must be dry before storing inits case. b. Store free from temperature and humidity extremes. (1)Best temperature range is 55-75 degrees Fahrenheit. (2) Besthumidity level is 50%. c. Inspect case for serviceability. d. Keepaccessories in proper compartments, or stored separately. e.Inspect for serviceability every three months.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 15

    6. Perform emergency repairs as required. a. Player repairsshould be limited to emergency measures. Allow professional repairtechnicians

    to perform all other repairs. b. Pads may be temporarilyrepaired using the following methods: (1) Heat the pad cup with alighter to moisten dry glue and replace pad. (2) Replace pads usinga low temperature glue stick. c. Key regulation cork may betemporarily replaced with contact cement. d. Instrument should beinspected annually by professional repair technician. EvaluationPreparation: Setup: Ensure that all materials required in theConditions statement are available to the Soldier. Evaluate thistask during individual training. Brief the Soldier: "You mustcomplete all the steps necessary to perform player maintenance on aclarinet." Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Disassembled the instrument. —— ——

    2. Inspected the instrument. —— ——

    3. Identified all deficiencies. —— ——

    4. Maintained the instrument as indicated. —— ——

    5. Assembled instrument. —— ——

    6. Checked playing condition. —— ——

    7. Stored the instrument properly. —— ——

    8. Performed emergency repairs as required. —— —— EvaluationGuidance: Score the Soldier GO if all steps are performedcorrectly. Score the Soldier NO-GO if any step is performedincorrectly. If the Soldier fails any step, explain the error tocorrect performance. References

    Required Related

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 16 3 November 2005

    Subject Area 2: Administrative Tasks

    File Records 121-004-1228

    Conditions: NOTE: For ease of reading, the term "document" inthis task summary refers not only to documents, but also to suchitems as correspondence, messages, military orders, completedforms, and records Given. Documents and correspondence whichrequire filing and access to: a. AR 25-400-2. b. AR 25-55. c. AR380-5. d. AR 25-50. e. Approved list of file numbers. f. Existingfiles. g. Standard office equipment. Standards: File the documentsand correspondence IAW AR 25-400-2. Evaluation Preparation:Supervisors may evaluate task performance by two methods. They canhave the Soldier perform the task on the job or take theperformance test. The supervisor may evaluate the Soldier by eitheror both of these methods. a. To evaluate a Soldier's performance onthe job, the Soldier should perform the task, using the materialswhich appear in the above CONDITIONS statement. When the Soldiercompletes the task, the supervisor uses the evaluation guide toscore the Soldier PASS (P) or FAIL (F) on each performance measure.b. If the Soldier does not perform the task on the job, thesupervisor may conduct an evaluation by having the Soldier take theperformance test. Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Review and use the approved list of file numbers to determinethe content of the files when filing or retrieving documents fromthe files.

    —— ——

    2. Check the document to determine that it is a complete action.—— ——

    3. Obtain any missing portions of the document from the officethat prepared the last action.

    —— ——

    4. Remove any unnecessary material from the document, such as--—— —— a. Extra copies. b. Notes/comments. c. Routing (transmittal)slips. d. Cover sheets. e. Paper clips.

    5. Assemble and correctly fasten the document in proper orderfor filing IAW AR 25-400-2 and AR 25-50.

    —— ——

    6. Determine the correct file number of the document being filedby: —— —— a. Subject. b. Action/content.

    7. Enter the file number in the correct position on the documentbeing filed if necessary.

    —— ——

    8. Place the document in the correct file folder according tothe filing category or sequence being used.

    —— ——

    a. Chronological by date (latest date in front). b. Numerical(social security number, serial number, etc.) (ascending - frontto


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    3 November 2005 3 - 17

    c. Alphabetical by subject title or by name (person, place, ororganization).

    9. File classified documents separately from unclassifieddocuments in security containers.

    —— ——

    10. Retrieve document properly from the files and substitute itwith a correctly prepared charge-out record.

    —— ——

    Evaluation Guidance: Score a GO if the Soldier passes (P) allapplicable performance measures. Score a NO GO if the Soldier fails(F) any performance measure. Show the Soldier what was done wrongon any failed performance measure and how to do it correctly.References

    Required Related AR 25-50 AR 25-400-2 AR 380-5

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 18 3 November 2005

    Post Regulations And Directives 121-004-1515

    Conditions: *NOTE: For ease of reading, the terms regulationsand directives will be referred to as publication(s) in this tasksummary Given. A basic publication*, a change to that publication,and access to: a. DA Pam 310-13. b. Standard office supplies andequipment Standards: Post the change to the basic publication IAWDA Pam 310-13. Evaluation Preparation: Supervisors may evaluatetask performance by two methods. They can have the Soldier performthe task on the job or take the performance test. The supervisormay evaluate the Soldier by either or both of these methods. a. Toevaluate a Soldier's performance on the job, the Soldier shouldperform the task, using the materials which appear in the aboveCONDITIONS statement. When the Soldier completes the task, thesupervisor uses the evaluation guide to score the Soldier PASS (P)or FAIL (F) on each performance measure. b. If the Soldier does notperform the task on the job, the supervisor may conduct anevaluation by having the Soldier take the performance test **NOTE:The posting instructions in DA Pam 310-13 apply to Department ofthe Army publications, and the principles can also be applied toagency, command, or local publications. Performance Measures GO NOGO

    1. Review the publication change instructions to determine thetype of change to be made.

    —— ——

    a. Penciled annotation to a bound publication. b. Rescission ofan existing publication. c. Supersession of an existingpublication. d. Loose-leaf change.

    2. Post changes to a bound publication correctly, using penciledannotations. —— —— a. Less than three lines deleted. b. Three ormore lines deleted. c. Material added. d. Minor change. e.Repetitive change. f. Rescission (portion of a publication, such asa chapter, section, paragraph,


    g. Supersession (portion of a publication, such as a chapter,section, paragraph, etc.).

    h. Change authority notation (adjacent to the change). i.Effective date notation (adjacent to the change). j. "Posting"information entered on the change instruction sheet. k. File changeinstruction sheet in the front of the publication.

    3. Post an existing publication (and changes) correctly with arescission. —— —— a. Identify the publication to be rescinded. b.Remove the publication from the file. c. Destroy the publicationunless it is required for further reference. d. Post the rescissioninformation as required.

    4. Post an existing publication (and changes) correctly with asupersession. —— —— a. Identify the publication to be superseded.b. Remove the publication from the file. c. Destroy the publicationunless it is required for further reference.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 19

    Performance Measures GO NO GO d. Post the supersessioninformation as required.

    5. Post an existing publication (and changes) correctly with aloose-leaf change. —— —— a. Remove the pages containingincorrect/outdated/rescinded information (IAW

    the change instruction sheet).

    b. Insert the new/replacement pages containing correct/updatedinformation IAW the change instruction sheet.

    c. Enter the required "posting" information to the changeinstruction sheet. d. File the change instruction sheet in thefront of the publication.

    6. Post an existing publication (and changes) correctly with achange received by message.

    —— ——

    a. Amend the publication as directed by the message. b. Enterthe change authority notation (adjacent to the change). c. File thecopy of message in the front of the publication. EvaluationGuidance: Score a GO if the Soldier passes (P) all applicableperformance measures. Score a NO GO if the Soldier fails (F) anyperformance measure. Show the Soldier what was done wrong on anyfailed performance measure and how to do it correctly.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 20 3 November 2005

    Safeguard "For Official Use Only" (FOUO) Material121-030-1507

    Conditions: Given. The requirement to safeguard FOUO materialand access to: a. AR 25-55. b. AR 25-11. c. AR 25-400-2. d. DALabel 87 (For Official Use Only Worksheet). e. FOUO material. f.Standard office supplies and equipment. Standards: Protect FOUOmaterial IAW AR 25-55. Evaluation Preparation: Supervisors mayevaluate task performance by two methods. They can have the Soldierperform the task on the job or take the performance test. Thesupervisor may evaluate the Soldier by either or both of thesemethods. a. To evaluate a Soldier's performance on the job, theSoldier should perform the task, using the materials which appearin the above CONDITIONS statement. When the Soldier completes thetask, the supervisor uses the evaluation guide to score the SoldierPASS (P) or FAIL (F) on each performance measure. b. If the Soldierdoes not perform the task on the job, the supervisor may conduct anevaluation by having the Soldier take the performance test.Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Ensure that the material requires FOUO protective marking forone or more of the reasons cited in the Freedom of Information Act(FOIA), exemptions 2 through 9, contained in AR 25-55.

    —— ——

    2. Verify that the FOUO material is properly marked. —— —— a.Permanently bound document. b. Document not permanently bound.

    3. Safeguard FOUO material properly during duty and non-dutyhours. —— ——

    4. Attach or remove a DA Label 87 as applicable. —— ——

    5. Release FOUO material only to authorized agencies andpersonnel. —— ——

    6. Verify that the FOUO material is marked with the requiredexemption statement for material being sent outside the Departmentof Defense (DoD), or as otherwise required by Army regulation.

    —— ——

    7. Transport FOUO material properly by distribution or mail, orproperly send FOUO material by electronically transmittedmessage.

    —— ——

    8. Annotate material properly to terminate the FOUO protectivemarking. —— ——

    9. Dispose of record/nonrecord copies of FOUO material properly.—— —— Evaluation Guidance: Score a GO if the Soldier passes (P) allapplicable performance measures. Score a NO GO if the Soldier fails(F) any performance measure. Show the Soldier what was done wrongon any failed performance measure and how to do it correctly.References

    Required Related AR 25-11

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 21

    Subject Area 3: Tactical Tasks

    Operate A Dismount Point 191-376-4108

    Conditions: Given a crew-served weapon, individual weapon,ammunition, flashlight with filtered lens, night-vision devices,signs, and instructions from your team leader. Standards: Do allnecessary steps to ensure only authorized personnel enter the CParea. Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Because you will need adismount point to evaluate this task, it is best to do it during atraining exercise. Use a three-member team so that you can evaluatethree Soldiers at a time. Give the Soldiers an opportunity to workat each position so you can evaluate them on all performancemeasures. You will also need extra personnel, fully equipped, toprovide traffic at the dismount point. Brief Soldier: Tell Soldiersthat they will be expected to install and remove equipment for eachposition and that they should take the necessary steps to controltraffic. Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Establishes the defensive position. —— —— a. Establish fieldsof fire. b. Emplace the crew-served weapon. c. Maintain routineduty assigned by the team leader.

    2. Sets up communications. —— ——

    3. Marks the light line IAW team leader's instructions. ————

    4. Operates the dismount point. —— —— a. Use hand, arm, andflashlight signals. b. Stop vehicles at the dismount point. c.Ensure that OPSEC procedures are enforced. d. Identify allpersonnel for authorized entry into CP area IAW unit SOP. If

    passengers are authorized, allows passengers to dismount andenter the CP area. Provides information on enemy activity andlocations of other facilities.

    NOTE: Inspect packages, briefcases, and vehicle loads enteringthe area if required by unit SOP.

    e. Prevent civilian traffic and refugees from entering the CParea. f. Control stragglers IAW unit SOP. Evaluation Guidance:Score the Soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the SoldierNO-GO if any step is failed (F). If the Soldier fails any step,show what was done wrong and how to do it correctly.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 22 3 November 2005

    Control Access to a Restricted Area 514-441-1201

    Conditions: Given an individual weapon, ammunition, a protectivemask, a flashlight with filtered lens, an access roster, accessbadges, an access control log, a communication device, a map of therestricted area, and instructions from your team leader. Standards:Completed all necessary steps to ensure that only authorizedpersonnel entered the restricted area. Performance Steps

    1. Allow one person at a time into the access tent or accesscontrol area.

    2. Ask to see the picture identification card of the personrequesting access.

    3. Check the name on the identification card against the accessroster and the picture against the requester's physicalappearance.

    a. Proceed to task step 4 if the name on the identification cardappears on the access roster, and the picture matches therequester's physical appearance.

    b. Refuse entry to any personnel whose name does not appear onthe access roster, or whose picture does not match their physicalappearance, and contact your team leader to request furtherinstructions.

    4. Assign the next available access badge to the personrequesting access.

    5. Issue the access badge to the requester. a. Copy the badgecontrol number onto the access control log. b. Copy the requester'ssocial security number from the identification card onto the accesscontrol

    log. c. Enter the requester's destination into the accesscontrol log. d. Enter the time the badge was issued into the accesscontrol log. e. Instruct the requester to print and sign his/hername on the appropriate blocks in the access

    control log. f. Retain the requester's identification card untilthe log is completely filled out.

    6. Grant the requester access to the restricted area.

    7. Direct personnel to their destination within the secure areaif such information is requested.

    8. Enforce noise, light, and litter discipline at all times.(STP 21-1-SMCT, 071-331-0815 Practice Noise, Light, and LitterDiscipline.)

    9. Collect all badges from personnel leaving the restrictedarea, and enter the time of return into the access control log.

    10. Request periodic updates and/or clarification on theestablished rules of engagement from your team leader.

    Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Ensure that all materialsrequired in the Conditions statement are available to the Soldier.This task is best evaluated during collective training. Evaluatethe individual Soldier rather than the team as a whole. Before theevaluation starts, tell the examinee what the rules of engagementwill be. Rules of engagement vary according to the tacticalsituation and must be obtained from the Band Commander prior totask evaluation.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 23

    Brief the Soldier: "You must correctly execute all performancemeasures in sequence while employed as part of a team providingaccess control to a restricted area." Performance Measures GO NOGO

    1. Allowed one person at a time into the access tent or accesscontrol area. —— ——

    2. Identified personnel requesting access to the restrictedarea. —— ——

    3. Processed personnel meeting access authorization criteria. ————

    4. Granted access to authorized personnel. —— ——

    5. Directed personnel granted access to their destination ifrequested. —— ——

    6. Collected badges when personnel left the restricted area. ————

    7. Enforced noise, light, and litter discipline. —— ——

    8. Requested updates and/or clarification on the establishedrules of engagement. —— —— Evaluation Guidance: Score the SoldierGO if all steps are performed correctly. Score the Soldier NO-GO ifany step is performed incorrectly. If the Soldier fails any step,explain the error to correct performance. References

    Required Related

    FM 3-19.30 STP 21-1-SMCT

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 24 3 November 2005

    Perform Perimeter Security 514-441-1202

    Conditions: Given an individual weapon, ammunition, a protectivemask, a flashlight with filtered lens, night vision goggles, acommunication device, instructions from your team leader and therequirement to perform perimeter security. Standards: Performed allnecessary steps to ensure that your assigned area of the perimeterremained secure. Performance Steps

    1. Use priorities of force IAW established rules of engagementand rules of interaction.

    2. Obtain periodic updates and/or clarification on theestablished rules of engagement and rules of interaction.

    3. Perform surveillance of the area using visual searchtechniques. (STP 21-1-SMCT, 071-331-0804 Perform SurveillanceWithout the Aid of Electronic Devices.)

    4. Report status to your team leader at predetermined timeintervals.

    5. Deliver a report using the mnemonic S-A-L-U-T-E (Size,Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment) to your team leader whenenemy activity is suspected. (STP 21-1-SMCT, 301-348-1050 ReportInformation of Potential Intelligence Value.)

    6. Prevent unauthorized personnel from entering the perimeter.a. Use challenge and password. (STP 21-1-SMCT, 071-331-0801Challenge Persons Entering

    Your Area.) b. Detain any personnel attempting to gainunauthorized access to the perimeter. c. Report unauthorizedattempted perimeter entry to your team leader. d. Follow theinstructions of your team leader with regard to any detainees. e.Continue the mission IAW the instructions you have been given.

    7. Prevent unauthorized personnel from exiting the perimeter. a.Detain EPW/CI attempting to escape from the facility. b. Report theattempted escape to your team leader. c. Follow the instructions ofyour team leader with regard to any detainees. d. Continue themission IAW the instructions you have been given.

    8. Detect breaks in the perimeter, signs of tunneling, or otherpossible breaches. a. Visually inspect fence or barrier. b. Reportany actual or suspected breach to your team leader. c. Remain atthe breach site until you receive further instructions from yourteam leader. d. Continue the mission IAW the instructions you havebeen given.

    9. Maintain noise, light, and litter discipline at all times.(STP 21-1-SMCT, 071-331-0815 Practice Noise, Light, and LitterDiscipline.)

    Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Ensure that all materialsrequired in the Conditions statement are available to the Soldier.This task is best evaluated during collective training. Evaluatethe individual Soldier rather than the team as a whole. Before theevaluation starts, tell the examinee what the rules of engagementand/or the rules of interaction will be. Rules of engagement and/orrules of interaction vary according to the tactical situation andmust be obtained from the Band Commander prior to task evaluation.Brief the Soldier: "You must correctly execute all performancemeasures while employed as part of a team providing perimetersecurity. Performance measures do not have to be performed insequence."

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 25

    Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Recited rules of engagement and rules of interaction. ————

    2. Performed surveillance using visual search techniques. ————

    3. Reported status to the evaluator. —— ——

    4. Delivered a report using the mnemonic S-A-L-U-T-E (Size,Activity, Location, Uniform, Time, Equipment) to the evaluator.

    —— ——

    5. Prevented unauthorized personnel from entering the perimeter.—— ——

    6. Prevented unauthorized personnel from exiting the perimeter.—— ——

    7. Detected breaks in the perimeter, signs of tunneling or otherpossible breaches. —— ——

    8. Maintained noise, light, and litter discipline at all times.—— —— Evaluation Guidance: Score the Soldier GO if all steps areperformed correctly. Score the Soldier NO-GO if any step isperformed incorrectly. If the Soldier fails any step, explain theerror to correct performance. References

    Required Related STP 21-1-SMCT FM 3-19.4

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 26 3 November 2005

    Decontaminate Equipment Using ABC-M11 Decontamination Apparatus031-507-1002

    Conditions: Given an area of chemical contamination on a vehicleor equipment. Your supervisor directs you to decontaminate with anempty ABC-M11 decontaminating apparatus, two spare nitrogencylinders, and a 1-1/3-quart can of DS2. You are in MOPP4.Standards: Cover specified contaminated areas by spraying liquidfrom the ABC-M11. Standards are not degraded due to performance inMOPP4. Performance Steps

    1. Fill the M11 apparatus. WARNING: Wear rubber gloves toprotect the hands when handling DS2. (For training purposes, use0.5 ounce of corrosion inhibitor and water.) a. Unscrew the sprayhead from the container. b. Pour the contents of a 1-1/3-quart canof DS2 into the container through the opening in the top

    of the apparatus. If filling from a large container, pour in DS2to the level of the yellow line marked "Fill Line." (The end of thecontainer neck inside the container body should be used as a fillguide since it is at the same level as the yellow fill line.)

    c. Ensure the container's preformed packing (rubber washer) isin place on the spray head and that it is in good condition. Screwthe spray head firmly into the opening in the container.

    2. Pressurize the M11 apparatus. a. Withdraw the captive safetypin (Figure 1); this will break the safety seal. b. Rest thecontainer on a solid surface and slowly raise the handle, whileholding the cylinder

    steady in place, until the locking pin springs out and locks thehandle in place (Figure 2). When the handle is raised, thenitrogen-filled container is punctured and the containerpressurized.

    WARNING: Do not use DS2 to decontaminate personnel. It irritatesthe skin and eyes. If DS2 does get on your skin, blot it off andrinse with water.

    3. Decontaminate equipment. a. Spray DS2 by depressing the thumblever (Figure 3). b. Spray parts of vehicles that are most likelyto be touched or used, such as door handles,

    steering wheels, controls, seats, dashboards, levers, gasolinecaps, and tools. Hold the apparatus upright so that as much liquidas possible is forced from the container. Remember, the contents ofone full container can be discharged in about 30 seconds ofcontinuous spraying time.

    c. After the first nitrogen-filled cylinder is expended, shakethe container to determine if it is empty. Use a secondnitrogen-filled cylinder to expel remaining contents.

    WARNING: Place handle in lowered position before installing thenitrogen-filled cylinder to prevent premature puncturing of thecylinder and expulsion of nitrogen out of the spray. d. To use thespare nitrogen-filled cylinder, depress the handle-locking pin andlower the handle.

    Raise the thumb lever and push the expended cylinder out of thespray head body. Discard the expended cylinder. Insert the sparenitrogen-filled cylinder into the spray head body, neck down.Release the thumb lever and repressurize the apparatus, repeatingstep 2b.

    e. When the charge is expended, depress the handle-locking pinand lower the handle. If you have completed spraying, reinstall thecaptive safety pin and replace the apparatus in the mountingbracket. If not, repeat steps 1 through 3 until you have completedoperator's spraydown of the vehicle or equipment.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 27

    Performance Steps f. Whenever possible, those items sprayed withDS2 should be rinsed with water. Rinsing should

    not be done until at least 30 minutes after spraying. EvaluationPreparation: Setup: DS2 is not used for training. Use 0.5 ounce ofcorrosion inhibitor (NSN 6850-00-865-2916) and water. Refer to TM3-4230-204-12&P, paragraph 2-7, before you set up for yourevaluation. For test purposes the Soldier must be in MOPP4 and havea vehicle or piece of equipment with a specified area to bedecontaminated with the ABC-M11. Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Fills M11 decontaminating apparatus. —— ——

    2. Pressurizes M11 decontaminating apparatus. —— ——

    3. Decontaminates equipment. —— ——

    4. Observes all safety precautions. —— —— Evaluation Guidance:Score the Soldier GO if all steps are passed (P). Score the SoldierNO-GO if any step is failed (F). If any step is failed, show theSoldier what was done wrong and how to do it correctly.References

    Required Related TM 3-4230-204-12&P

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 28 3 November 2005

    Operate Night Vision Goggles AN/PVS-7

    071-710-0008 Conditions: At night, given night vision gogglesAN/PVS-7 with components, accessories, and batteries. Standards:Inspect night vision goggles AN/PVS-7B for best operationalcapability. Correctly shut down goggles. Properly stow goggles andall accessories in carrying case. Comply with all warnings andcautions associated with the goggles. Performance Steps WARNING: Toavoid personal injury or damage to the AN/PVS-7B goggles, considerthe following limitations and safety precautions while using thegoggles: 1. The goggles require some moonlight, starlight, or bothto operate. 2. The amount of available light determines thegoggles' level of performance. 3. Operating in shadow formbuildings or trees reduces nightlight. 4. The goggles are lesseffective for viewing into shadowed and other darkened areas thanin lighter areas. 5. The goggles are less effective when viewingthrough rain, fog, sleet, snow, or smoke. 6. When using gogglesfrom a moving vehicle in the fog, rain, sleet, snow, or smoke,vehicle speed must be reduced to avoid over-driving the range ofview. 7. Between the last and first quarters of the moon, duringoperations requiring the use of a protective mask, or both, theassistance driver should use a night-vision device.

    1. Prepare the goggles for operation. a. Inventory the carryingcase and content to ensure the following accessories are present.(1) Headmount assembly. (2) Demist shields. (3) Brow pads (mediumand thick, thin pads is attached to headmount assembly). (4)Operator's manual. (5) Lens paper. (6) Carrying case strap. (7)Light interference filter (LIF). (8) Sacrificial window. (9)Batteries: (2 BA-3058/U or 1 BA-5567/U) (10) Goggles assembly. b.Inspect the goggles. (1) Ensure that the goggles assembly rotaryswitch is in the OFF position. Inspect goggles

    assembly and components for damage to optical surfaces, body,eyecups, OFF-ON-PULL/IR switch and battery cap.

    (2) Ensure all optical surfaces are clean. Clean with cleanwater and lens tissue if needed. c. Install batteries. (1) Checkand ensure that the OFF-ON-PULL/IR switch is in the OFF positionbefore installing

    batteries. (2) Comply with all warnings and danger statementsthat apply to handling batteries. WARNING: Batteries (alkaline,lithium and mercury) present a potential hazard. Do not heat,puncture, disassemble, short-circuit, try to recharge or otherwisetamper with the batteries. If the battery compartment becomesunusually hot, turn off the equipment. Allow the batteries to coolbefore you remove them. Batteries have safety vents to preventexplosion. When they vent, you will notice an irritating odor orhear the sound of gas escaping. After batteries vent, they arefairly safe, but you must still handle them with care. DANGER: IFYOU INHALE SULPHUR DIOXIDE, SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 29

    (3) Remove the battery cap. Insert two AA batteries (BA-3058/U)or one lithium battery (BA-5567/U) in the battery compartment,positive end (+) first.

    (4) Replace the battery cap.. Tighten it firmly to ensure awatertight seal. d. Perform an operational check. (1) Position theOFF-ON-PULL/IR switch to ON. Observe the a green glow graduallyappears

    in each eyepiece. (2) Pull the OFF-ON-PULL/IR switch knob androtate it clockwise to the IR position. Observe

    that red light appears in the left eyepiece. This indicates thatthe IR source is operating. The IR source is located on the leftfront of the goggles. Do not block it while operating thegoggles.

    (3) Turn off the OFF-ON-PULL/IR switch counterclockwise to theOFF position. Observe that the red light and green glowdisappear.

    2. Operate goggles. a. Focusing the goggles. If you normallywear eyeglasses, remove them to operate these

    goggles. You can focus the goggles, so you will not need youreyeglasses. (1) Focus on the image intensifier screen using thediopter adjustment rings. (2) Focus on objects at varying distancesusing the objective focus adjustment. b. Handheld operation. (1)Position the goggles so that the eyecups seal around your eyes toprevent the green glow

    from escaping. (2) Position the OFF-ON-PULL/IR switch to ON. (3)Adjust the interpupillary distance by sliding the eyepieces eithertogether or apart so both

    eyes can observe the entire field of view at the same time. (4)To set the diopter adjustment rings, close your left eye and adjustthe right diopter ring for

    the clearest focus on the image intensifier screen. Close yourright eye and adjust the left diopter ring for the clearest focuson the image intensifier screen.

    (5) Adjust objective lens focus while observing a distant object(at least 4 meters distance) until the sharpest view isobtained.

    c. Head mount operation. (1) Adjust the headmount assembly. ( a)Loosen the four chin straps on the headmount assembly until the endof each strap is

    about 2 inches from the sliding bar buckles. NOTE: Wheninstalling a headmount assembly over a protective mask, make sureyou do not break the seal of the protective mask around your face.( b) Grasp the neck pad assembly with both hands. Pull it over yourhead and down to

    the back of your neck. If the head mount is too loose, replacethe thin pad with the medium or thick pad. The pads are held inplace by hook-pile tape.

    ( c) Fasten the front and rear snaps in place with your lefthand. Hold the chin cup in position on your chin. Adjust both rearchin assembly straps until you feel light pressure against yourchin. Do not tighten the strap any farther.

    ( d) Continue to hold the chin cup in position. At the sametime, remove slack from the front and rear chin straps. Once youhave done so - stop. Do not tighten them any farther.

    ( e) Make sure the cross-strap assembly does not twist. Toremove slack from it, adjust the vertical adjustment strap at theneck pad.

    ( f) Adjust the chin straps and the vertical adjustment strapuntil both chin cup and the headband assembly are in a comfortablebut firm position.

    ( g) Depress the socket release button. Position the headmountsocket all the way forward.

    (2) Install the goggles on the headmount assembly. ( a) Alignthe goggles latch with the headmount socket. Press and hold thegoggles latch

    lever while you place the goggles into the headmount socket.Release the latch when the goggles fully engage the socket.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 30 3 November 2005

    ( b) Depress the socket release button. Move the goggles backtoward your eyes until the eyecups and eyepieces are comfortablyaligned. The eyecups must seal around your eyes and prevent thegreen glow from escaping.

    (3) Adjust goggles for operation. ( a) Position OFF-ON-PULL/IRswitch to ON. ( b) Adjust the interpupillary distance. Slide theeyepieces together or apart so you can

    observe the entire field of view with both eyes at the sametime. ( c) Set the diopter adjustment rings. Close your left eyeand adjusting the right diopter

    ring for the clearest focus on the image intensifier screen.Close your right eye and adjust the left diopter ring for theclearest focus on the image intensifier screen.

    ( d) Adjust the eye relief distance. Press the socket releasebutton. Move the goggles backward and forward to obtain a fullfield of view of the image intensifier. If necessary, readjust thediopter rings to obtain the best image.

    ( e) Adjust the objective lens focus while observing a distantobject (at least 4 meters away) until you obtain the sharpestpossible view.

    ( f) Readjust the vertical strap assembly until the gogglesalign with your eyes. ( g) If necessary, adjust the kevlar or M1headband inside the helmet for a proper fit over

    the headmount assembly.

    3. Operate goggles under unusual conditions. a. Extremedarkness. (1) Pull the OFF-ON-PULL/IR switch out and rotate itclockwise to the IR position. (2) Ensure the eyecups are positionedto prevent light escaping from the goggles. WARNING: The infraredsource is a light that is invisible to the unaided eye for useduring conditions of extreme darkness. The enemy can detect it withnight vision devices. The infrared source is used to see objectswithin a distance of 3 meters. b. Dust and sand. Attach thesacrificial window to protect the objective lens from scratchesand

    other damage. (1) Remove the sacrificial window from thecarrying case. (2) Carefully push the sacrificial window over theobjective lens until it pops. (3) Turn the sacrificial windowclockwise until it snaps in place. (4) Remove the sacrificialwindow by reversing the installation procedures. c. Rainy and humidconditions. Press each eyecup over the diopter ring. Rotate it intocorrect

    viewing position. (1) Remove the eyecups by carefully pullingthem off the diopter ring. (2) Carefully press a demist shield ontoeach eyepiece. Do not smudge the eyepiece or

    demist shields. (3) Replace eyecups. Press each eyecup over thediopter ring. Rotate it into correct viewing

    position. d. Laser threat environment. Install the lightinterference filter (LIF). Using this filter will slightly

    reduce system gain. (1) Remove the container/wrench from thecarrying case. (2) Remove the lens cap or sacrificial window fromthe objective lens of the goggles. (3) Open the container/wrenchand remove the LIF. (4) Hold the LIF by the notched end. Thread itclockwise into the end of the objective lens. (5) Use the ridgedside of the container/wrench as a wrench. Engage the ridges onthe

    container with the ridges on the LIF. Hand tighten the LIF. (6)Place the empty container/wrench back into the pouch in thecarrying case. NOTE: The lens cap and the sacrificial window willfit onto the end of the objective lens with the LIF in place.However, the lens cap and sacrificial window will not snap intoplace without the LIF attached. (7) Replace the lens cap or thesacrificial window onto the end of the objective lens and over

    the LIF. (8) Remove the LIF by reversing the installationprocedures.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 November 2005 3 - 31

    e. NBC environment. (1) Place the protective mask on your headper instructions provided with the protective mask. (2) Make sureyou do not break the seal of the protective mask around your facewhen you

    install the headmount assembly over the protective mask.

    4. Install and operate the snap-on compass. a. Remove theobjective lens cover from the goggles. Secure the snap-on compassto the lens

    with the round part of the activation button facing down. b.Turn the goggles on. Push up on the activation button to determineazimuth direction.

    5. Attach the 3X-magnifier telescope assembly. a. Objectivefocus cover attached. Push the objective focus cover sleeve ontothe goggles'

    objective focus ring. b. Objective focus cover not attached togoggles. Screw the 3X magnifier directly into the

    goggles' objective focus ring.

    6. Stow the night vision goggles. a. Shut down the goggles. Movethe OFF-ON-PULL/IR switch to OFF. b. Remove the goggles from thehead mount (if attached). Depress the latch lever and remove

    the goggles. c. Unscrew the battery cap, remove the battery, andreplace the battery cap. d. Remove the demist shields andsacrificial window, if installed. e. Install the lens cap. f.Ensure the goggles are free of dirt, dust, and moisture. g. Placethe demist shields and the battery into their proper carrying casepockets. CAUTION: To prevent damage to window, place thesacrificial window at bottom left or right corner of the carryingcase accessory pocket. h. Place the lens paper, sacrificial window,and operator's manual in the accessory pocket located

    under the shallow pocket that contains the goggles. i. Place thegoggles (objective lens down) into the shallow pocket of thecarrying case. j. Remove the headmount assembly. Unsnap the frontand rear straps. Lift the headmount

    assembly up and off your head. Stow the assembly in the deeppocket of the carrying case. Close the carrying case.

    Evaluation Preparation: Setup: Evaluate this task in a classroomwhere light can be controlled to simulate nighttime. Provide theSoldier with a set of night vision goggles AN/PVS-7B, components,and batteries, as described in the task conditions statement. Havethe Soldier prepare the goggles for operation, operate the gogglesusing the headmount assembly, shut down the goggles, and stow thegoggles. Evaluate the Soldier's ability to select and attach theappropriate components by telling him to prepare the goggles foroperation in the following conditions: dust and sand, rain or highhumidity, or laser threat environment. If snap-on compass and 3Xmagnifier are available, evaluate the Soldier's ability to attachthem to the goggles. Brief Soldier: Tell the Soldier that he is toprepare the goggles for operation, operate the goggles using theheadmount assembly, shut down and stow the goggles, and attachcomponents to operate the goggles in various conditions asinstructed. Tell him that he must notify you before turning thegoggles ON and after turning them OFF, so you can darken or lightenthe room. Tell the Soldier not to energize the goggles when theroom lights are on.

  • STP 12-42R12-ASI-9J-SM-TG

    3 - 32 3 November 2005

    Performance Measures GO NO GO

    1. Prepare goggles for operation. —— —— a. Inventory carryingcase content to ensure all accessories are present. b. Inspect thegoggles assembly and components for serviceability. c. Installbatteries correctly. d. Perform an operational check.

    2. Operate goggles in hand-held mode. —— ——

    3. Operate goggles with head mount. —— —— a. Adjust theheadmount assembly for proper fit. b. Install goggles correctly onthe headmount assembly. c. Adjust goggles for operation/

    4. Operate goggles during unusual conditions. —— —— a. Extremedarkness. Operate goggles using IR source. b. Dust and sand. Attachthe sacrificial window. c. Rainy and humid conditions. Installdemist shields to minimize diopter fog. d. Laser threatenvironment. Install the light interference filter (LIF). e. NB

AskTOP: Leader Development for Army Professionals - SOLDIER’S … · 2013. 2. 15. · Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks (STP 21-1-SMCT - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is a level 10 task army? ›

Skill Level 10 identifies entry-level positions requiring performance of tasks under direct supervision. Skill Level 20 identifies positions requiring performance of more difficult tasks under general supervision; and in some instances, involving supervision of soldiers in Skill Level 10.

What are warrior skills in the army? ›

The eight stations at warrior skills training includes: hand grenades, claymore mines, troop leading procedures, range cards, route planning, direct fire planning, rehearsal types and linear danger area.

What is the acronym Smct in the army? ›

The latest Soldiers's Manual of Common Tasks (SMCT) Visualization from TRADOC G-2: Send a Spot Report (SPOTREP) 071-COM-4080.

What is a warrior task? ›

A Warrior Task is an individual Soldier skill, and these particular skills are deemed critical to Soldier survival. The day of training included map reading, weapons maintenance, tactical movement, medical lanes, movement drills, Army Warrior skills and chemical, biological radiological and nuclear instruction.

What is level 7 in the military? ›

Sergeant First Class (SFC) is the seventh enlisted rank (E-7) in the U.S. Army, ranking above staff sergeant (E-6) and below master sergeant and first sergeant (E-8), and is the first non-commissioned officer rank designated as a senior non-commissioned officer (SNCO).

What is level 6 in military? ›

Officers in the next three pay grades (O-4 through O-6) are considered field grade officers. In the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force, these pay grades correspond to the ranks of major (O-4), lieutenant colonel (O-5), and colonel (O-6), and in the Navy, lieutenant commander, commander, and captain.

What does MSM mean in the military? ›

The Meritorious Service Medal may be awarded to any member of the armed forces of the United States who distinguishes themselves by either outstanding achievement or meritorious service to the United States.

What does sad stand for in military? ›

A service member called to state active duty (SAD) or to state training and other duty has the rights, privileges, duties, functions and authorities conferred or imposed by state law.

What is the military acronym for survival? ›

Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE) is a training program, best known by its military acronym, that prepares U.S. military personnel, U.S. Department of Defense civilians, and private military contractors to survive and "return with honor" in survival scenarios.

What is warrior rage? ›

Warrior Rage - Pre-workout Powder - 392g - Energy Drink Supplement with Vitamin C, Beta Alanine and Creatine Gluconate - 45 Servings (Krazy Cola)

What does a warrior fight for? ›

Warriors fight for various reasons, including personal glory, values dominance, and the pursuit of truth and courage. They engage in combat as a way of life, often as individuals seeking honor and recognition for their bravery 1.

What does Title 10 mean in the army? ›

Active service includes: Active duty (Title 10) - full-time duty, such as, but not limited to, a unit deployment during war, including travel to and from such duty, OR.

What is a Chapter 10 in the army? ›

For example, Army Regulation 635-200, Chapter 10, allows Soldiers to administratively separate in lieu of a court-martial by admitting to at least one charge. This is a quick and expedient way to leave one's Military Service while pending UCMJ charges.

What is 10th group in the army? ›

10th Special Forces Group (Airborne)

We maintain high standards in physical fitness, training, daily performance, and personal appearance. As such, you are expected to arrive highly-motivated and physically fit. We are a nation at war; this unit is an extremely active participant in that struggle.


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.