88 Unforgettable DnD Monk Names (2024)

“Brother Deathkrog, Sister Greenfeather, welcome welcome. My name is Farrowsee Blumblepot, the custodian of this monastery, and I bid you welcome”

What Should I Name My Monk in DnD?

What’s in a name? You’ve rolled your stats and built your monk. You may have even thought about which monk subclass you’ll be taking at level 3. You might have visualized it on platforms such as Heroforge. What’s left to do? Your fantasy monk name. What should I call my monk in DnD?

Sometimes, in Dungeons and Dragons, the name isn’t important. It’s just something for your fellow party members to shout when there is a Darkling sneaking up behind you. And other times, it can define your character’s story.

It can be part of an interesting backstory or character family tree. It might be a region of Faerun where they grew up. Naming your monk might be part of its monastic tradition. Benny the Wobbly would be great for a drunken master or Sister Lightstepper, perfect for a Shadow monk. You can also mix racial names with regions and their monastic tradition. Zurag Frostsmith the Ghost would be perfect for a Half-Orc Astral monk from Icewind Dale. Zurag (half-orc) with Frost (regional) and Smith (Human). Finally, ‘the ghost’ refers to the Astral subclass of your monk. Of course, these are just ideas. If you want to call your monk Flip Flipperflips, that’s ok as well. If you haven’t quite reached the part where you’ve built your monk. You can check out our exclusive monk guide here.

Female, Male, and gender-neutral Monk Names

All DnD monks have an air of mystery surrounding them. Sometimes, coming from exotic lands far across the Faerun. Monks are agile and quick. Using their bodies as weapons. And incorporating these traits into their names. Adding a backstory, even a short backstory, to your character can really help you imagine how they are in the Dnd world.

DnD Female Monk Names

  • Harriet Sylra
  • Dylan Mielsi Heartgazer
  • Hetdt Yai Qing
  • Lilnes
  • Sister Bonealad
  • Maathi Stonewanderer Inululane
  • Opal
  • Shelby Mossbinder

Dylan Mielsi Heartgazer

Quick-witted and quick with her fist. Dylan Mielsi Heartgazer was a chaotic teenager until the monastery tamed her. A little bit, at least. Learning the way of the Drunken Master she soon rose to the top of her class. Loose with her tongue, she often got into fights outside the school. Sometimes she’d win and, well she won all the time.

Sister Bonealad

The quiet half-orc. Sister Bonealad was always studying, even into her later years. Always in the library preferring books to brawling. Never wearing her mask often and only in the necessary circ*mstances. If you were lucky, or unlucky she could give or take life in an instance. Which was rare these days. The way of the Mercy monk is never an easy path.

DnD Male Monk Names

  • Thergrun Shadowfeet
  • Vitham Stonejumper Vuma-Thugate
  • Brother Shogob Toe Skinner
  • Ytheshana
  • Gaeleath Magstina
  • Brother Sharpeye
  • Vinfer Sunbones
  • Eggak Strongrunner Thunukavea

Thergrun Shadowfeet

Hated by most of the locals, Thergrun lived in a small wooden shack at the edge of Redwater Forest. Rarely seen, except when the market was on in the village. He would appear to buy basics for himself and then just disappear. When the village was raided by bandits in late Midwinter, Thergrun showed up. Moving in and out of the darkness, he dispatched the hapless bandits swiftly. From there on, he was known to the locals as Thergrun Shadowfeet.


Wise beyond his years. Ytheshana walked from North to South of the Swordcoast, visiting as many villages, towns, and cities along the way as he could. His Elven lifeline meant he had plenty of time to journal his travels. Making notes and detailed drawings from the largest mountains to the smallest bugs. He walked for decades recording history as it moved and twisted around him, becoming quite infamous as he passed through. Before disappearing quite suddenly one day, never to be seen again.

Gender-Neutral Monk Names

Sometimes, it doesn’t matter whether your monk is male, female, or whatever. You just want a cool-sounding name. These names will fit your monk character, whatever gender they are.

  • Adas Forbringer
  • Vox
  • Gorkunth
  • Shire Marrowfeet
  • Misery Novak
  • Hin
  • Zodde The Rotten
  • Boneadhufi

Do Monks in DnD Need Last Names?

What’s in a last name? As discussed earlier, sometimes a last name in DnD can define where you’re from, who you are, and even down to the weapon you use. Sometimes, a mix of a monk’s heritage and the weapon they use can define a last name. See the list below for ideas. These can work for any gender of monks.

  • Mitheralfist – Way of the Open Hand Elven monk
  • Icegrok – Half-Orc monk from the cold North of Faerun
  • Darkledorkle – Way of the Shadow Gnome monk
  • Chi-Kama – Way of the Kensai Human monk
  • Ghostvrim – Loxodon Astral monk
  • Schneiderlife – Way of Mercy monk from Damara (Has a German dialect)
  • Dustybright – Halfling, Way of the Sun Soul monk
  • Firststrike – Dwarven, Way of the Cobalt Soul monk

Badass Monk Names

Sometimes, you just want to bring fear into your enemy. Perhaps the original name for your Dwarven monk was Roderick Sackboots. But after the fight with the Wyvern, where he pulled its wings off, the name Roderick Sackboots just wasn’t cool. So he changes it to Roderick Wingripper, which is kinda badass. Plus, it gives an excellent backstory. Mixing your DnD monk’s history with an event in their life is an easy way to create a badass monk name and an interesting backstory.

  • Sister Zinna Heartburner – Female Elf Way, of the Sun Soul monk
  • Orubur Swordsaint – Male Half-Orc, Way of the Kensai monk
  • Vask Ghosthunter – Changeling Way, of the Astral monk
  • Brother Brumble Dragonbreaker – Male Gnome, Way of the Open Hand monk
  • Sister Sledgehammer – Female Human, Way of the Drunken Master monk
  • Alvea Shadowdancer – Female Aasimar, Way of the Shadow monk
  • Brother Sheep Bleat Bonebreaker – Male Kenku, Way of the Long Death monk
  • Crescent Moon – Male or Female Tabaxi, Way of the Open Hand monk (Can be used for any Gender)

Japanese Monk Names

Japanese monks, or Sōhei as they are known, originated from classical and feudal Japan. These Buddhist warrior monks lived in monasteries and studied martial arts every day. You can bring a little traditional Japanese monk to your DnD character with these Japanese monk name ideas. You can also mix it up with some traditional race names and badass monk names.

  • Puyegum Kagami, the Dark – Female Half-Orc, Way of the Shadow monk
  • Sister Kawabata Mizzrym Firewind – Female Drow, Way of the Four Elements monk
  • Hase Tomeo Spiritstepper – Male Gnome
  • Tashiro Brokenjaw – Half-Orc Male, Way of the Drunken Master monk
  • Wakamatsu Takeji the Sword – Male Human, Way of the Kensai monk
  • Tanikawa Natsuo Deathbringer – Human, Way of Mercy monk
  • Edano Lifetaker the Third – Human, Way of the Long Death monk
  • Sister Suzuki Silversong – Female Elf, Way monk of any monk subclass

Monk Names Based on Race

Monk names based on the race of your character are a great way to define your monk’s personality and style. We look at a few of the popular races and offer you some DnD monk name ideas.

Elf Monks

Elf names in DnD are quite long and tend to be quite melodic. Especially female elf names, which are even more melodic. Even Elven surnames are long. We’ve come up with some interesting Elven monk name ideas to spark some thought.

Elf Monk Name Examples

  • Sister Poplarblossom – Female Elf monk
  • Sister Ulazana Falldreamer – Female Elf monk
  • Wranmenor Beechsinger – Male Elf monk
  • Brother Duskshine – Male Elf monk
  • Keazumin Amberfond – Female Elf monk
  • Dalana Shadowspark – Female Elf monk
  • Sister Summerpetal – Female Elf monk
  • Brother Zumfaren Lightmind – Male Elf monk

Halfling Monks

Halflings in DnD tend to lean towards both long and short names. Halfling surnames are quite compound sounding like Hilltop, Burrowfawn, Treeroot, and Greenmeadow as examples. Like Elf names, they can also be melodic.

Halfing Monk Name Examples

  • Tardak Stronglade – Male Halfing monk
  • Brother Dustsong – Male Halfing monk
  • Jilcaryn Sunseeker – Female Halfing monk
  • Brefice Dustfingers – Female Halfing monk
  • Brother Applefinger – Male Halfing monk
  • Govon Lonebluff – Male Halfing monk
  • Sister Verfice Quickbelly – Female Halfing monk
  • Welris Brushstep – Female Halfing monk

Dwarf Monks

Dwarven first names are spoken as if they were deep from your belly. Matching with a clan-sounding surname. Female dwarfs have softer names than their male counterparts. And their clan surnames can be either dwarven sounding like Follukorr or Smugback, or compounding sounding like Thunderbrow or Hammerbreaker.

Dwarf Monk Name Examples

  • Brother Daerrak Thunderroar – Male Dwarf monk
  • Regmiir Halfeye – Male Dwarf monk
  • Vonmur Broodshaper – Male Dwarf monk
  • Jennnia Greatfeast – Female Dwarf monk
  • Einlin Frostfeast – Female Dwarf monk
  • Brother Boulderstorm – Male Dwarf monk
  • Sister Gwennora Everstone – Female Dwarf monk
  • Belrielle Steelbreath – Female Dwarf monk

Tabaxi Monks

Dungeons and Dragons has a plethora of wise and wonderful different races for you to play. Tabaxi’s sit right at the top of that list. A cat-like humanoid that makes a perfect monk in DnD due to their dexterity modifiers, claws, and skill proficiencies. They also have interesting names. Rather than your standard first and surname, Tabaxi’s names are quite tribal and are very similar to Indigenous American names like Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. Tabaxi names in DnD tend to be unisex and are also shortened to a nickname.

Tabaxi Monk Name Examples

  • Tale of Wonder (Tale) – Way of the Cobalt Soul monk
  • Friend or Foe (Friend) – Way of Mercy monk
  • Mountain Boulder (Boulder) – way of Open Hand monk
  • Dragon Scale (Scale) – Way of the Ascendant Dragon
  • Hushed Night (Night) – Way of the Shadow monk
  • Graveyard Flower (Flower) – Way of the Long Death
  • Curious Spirit (Spirit) – Way of the Astral monk
  • Gold Bird (Gold) – Way of the Sun Soul monk

Human Monks

Human monks in DnD come in all different shapes, sizes, races, and backgrounds. It’s probably a little easier to name a human monk in DnD because we can draw on names we know. It’s perfectly fine to use any modern human name. And, of course, because DnD is kind of similar to Medieval times drawing on names of old is a great way to come up with your human monk name.

Human Monk Name Examples

  • Kennedy Scalewing – Male or Female, Way of the Ascendant Dragon
  • Eleanor the Ghost – Female, Way of the Astral monk
  • Douglas the Dark – Male, Way of the Shadow monk
  • Wolfgang Schmidt – A monk from the Damara region of Faerun (Which has a German dialect)
  • Sister Wendy Brightsun – Female, Way of the Sun Soul monk
  • Brian of Icewind Dale – Simple male monk name with location attached
  • Clementine Smithtool – Female, Old style first name with a trade surname
  • Cameron Rodríguez – Male or Female monk from Amn (Which has a Spanish dialect)

How to Come Up With a Good Monk Name?

That is a good question. Choosing a name for your character is more complicated than you think. I’m in a campaign that is over two years long. So you’ve got to love it because your party will be shouting it at you. A lot.

“Zarder. Run! Stop looting the dead!” or “Zarder. You have been a fool. A fool.”

Firstly, don’t worry if you don’t know which monk subclass you want to follow. You can always change your name once you’ve decided. Farrel Goldwatch can become Farrel the Nightwalker, for example, if you choose the Way of the Shadow monk subclass.

Think about your race, where your monk is from, and what your monk’s beliefs might be. Think about your parents. Who were they? Did your DnD character have any? Did you have a job before you took up the way of the monk?

Answering these questions really will help you define your DnD monk’s name. And you can always change it as long as there is a backstory!

Do Monks Choose Their Names?

Yes. Although if you’re tied to a monastery, perhaps the backstory is that you get assigned a name when you join. It could even change as you level up. Perhaps you join, and you’re known as One, and everyone moves up a number? Or you’re known for your race or trade? Orcsmith or Guardelf? Or perhaps you only get a name when you do something worthwhile or noteworthy. Gerald the Demonbeater or Mitheros the Lifebringer. Thinking of a way to name your monk character outside the box is another fun part of character building.

Who Is the Greatest Monk of All Time?

Well. Do I know the greatest monk of all time? No, however, there have been a few famous ones in DnD.

Leosin Erlanthar

Leosin appears in the DnD Tyranny of Dragons campaign. A half-elf monk from Berdusk, Western Heartlands. A member of the Harpers, researching the Cult of the Dragon. He allowed himself to be captured so he could learn and study the cult more closely. I won’t tell you more. Just in case you fancy playing that campaign.

Beauregard Lionett

Played by Marisha Ray in Critical Role’s second campaign. Beauregard Lionett, or Bea, was a Way of the Cobalt Soul monk who was part of an adventuring party known as the Mighty Nein. A bit of an angry monk with a disregard for authority. Which always caused friction between her and the higher authorities of the Cobalt Soul. A little like a sledgehammer in social situations, she’s a pretty badass fighter who causes way too many problems.


Tan is the monk in our party. A Way of the Drunken Master monk that would put a rogue to shame with the number of spoons she acquires. A formidable puncher. Tan is slightly paranoid and, during our campaign, has been kidnapped by her old gang boss. We think. Helen, Tan’s creator, is currently DMing and giving us all anxiety as we make our way through Waterdeep’s interesting and murky underworld, searching for her. Tan not Helen. She is the greatest monk of all time. I may be biased.

Final Thoughts

Whatever you decide to call your monk in your DnD story, we hope this article inspires you to come up with a fantastic name idea. No name is bad as long as you’re happy with it. Are there other ways to decide on your monk’s name? Add your monk’s name ideas to our comments section below.

88 Unforgettable DnD Monk Names (2024)


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