2024 Summer Bucket List Ideas: 30 Fun Things to Do This Summer (2024)

What are your plans for this summer? If you are looking for fun things to do, continue reading this article to find out which are some of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

Summer is often considered the best season of the year, and for good reasons. The weather is great, and schools are closed, making it possible for you to do fun activities outdoors and indoors alone or with your family and friends. Summer is simply a time for fun!

So, are you ready for this summer?

If you don’t have any plans for this summer, this post has got you covered. We shall provide a number of fun summer bucket list ideas for 2024 so you can enjoy yourself, stay busy, and strengthen your relationships with your loved ones.

By doing the activities on this list of fun things to do this summer, you will have the best time ever, whether alone or with family and friends, at night or during the day. The best thing is that most of these summer bucket list ideas don’t have to cost you anything!

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30 Summer Bucket List Ideas for 2024

  1. Go on a road trip

You probably don’t have to go to school or, perhaps, you have sometime off from workover the summer. A road trip to a nearby town or a place you have wanted to visit is one of the fun things to do this summer.

Whether you are alone or with family and friends, you will have a lot of fun on the road trip as you see new places, meet new people, and do fun activities.

Remember to blast your favorite music and sing along during the journey while still paying attention to the road, of course. You most likely don’t want to getinvolved in an accident.

  1. Visit the beach

The sun is out, and so should you!

If you live close to a beach, going there to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature, sunbathe, swim, and do other fun activities is one of the best things to do in summer 2024.

As you spend the day at the beach during the summer, remember to stay safe. For example, don’t go into the water alone, drink enough water, wear sunglasses, apply sunscreen, and wear a summer hat.

  1. Have a picnic

Going out on a picnic is one of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024. Since the weather is warm in summer, it feels great to be outdoors.

A picnic will be a way for you to take a break away from your daily routine to go out and enjoy the sun, fresh air, and nature around you.

If your family and friends can join you for the picnic, the day will be even better. You will have a great time eating picnic snacks, people-watching, telling stories, and playing games — all of which will strengthen your bond.

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  1. Make some home improvements

Summer is the perfect time to make improvements to your home, whether you live alone or with your family or romantic partner.

Some good 2024 summer bucket list ideas you can try for home improvement include renovations, remodeling some rooms,repairingbroken furniture and appliances, redecorating, and installing newwallpaper.

Deep cleaning, decluttering and organizing things in your home are other fun activities to do this summer. As you sort your things out, you can throw out, sell, or give away the items you no longer use to create more space in your home.

  1. Stargaze/skywatch

The night sky is a sight to behold during the summer. If you love astronomy, stargazing and sky-watching are fun summer bucket list ideas for 2024 you can try. So, get out of the house and look fora good spot for sky-watching.

With your naked eye or using a telescope or binoculars, observe the summer night sky and have fun trying to identify the Milky Way, star clusters and constellations, a comet, nebulas, the moon, and noctilucent clouds, among other things.

  1. Capture the moments
2024 Summer Bucket List Ideas: 30 Fun Things to Do This Summer (1)

Everything looks beautiful in summer.

Learning or improving your photography skills by taking pictures of the trees, animals, flowers, birds, food, people, and events should be your top summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

The photographs will help you capture the special moments and tell the story of this summer that will make you smile and feel nostalgic whenever you look at them later.

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  1. Go camping

Camping should be a must-have on your list of fun things to do this summer because it is an opportunity tounplug from technologyandreconnect with your inner selfand with nature.

It will also help you gain some valuable skills you may need someday, such as fire building, first aid, planning, animal and plant identification, tracking, navigating, and more.

Remember that you don’t have to go to some faraway place to do it. You could camp out in the backyard of your home with your family and still have fun.

  1. Visit a theme park

If you want to get entertained and create unforgettable memories with your family and friends, a visit toa theme parkis one of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

Enjoy the shows, the thrill rides, and the food, and remember to capture the special moments.

  1. Try new recipes

Perhaps you have some downtime this summer. Since you probably never have time to get the ingredients and make the new recipes you discover, cooking or baking these dishes will be fun summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

The new recipes could be for summer foods or other dishes you want to try.

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  1. Read new books
2024 Summer Bucket List Ideas: 30 Fun Things to Do This Summer (2)

Reading? For fun? Some people cannot fathom how reading can be on a list offunsummer activities. But for those who love readingas a hobby, books are a must-have on their 2024 summer bucket list.

Look for books from your favorite authors and try new authors and genres too. You might just discover a new favorite one. If possible, look for books that are summer or vacation themed.

  1. Tour your own town

No matter how long you have lived in an area, there are always places and things you are yet to discover. As such, one of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024 is to become a tourist in your town.

Take a walk or ride a bike around the nearby areas and try to see the place with new eyes. You may discover hidden gems, meet new people, and learn about the history and culture of your area.

  1. Help others

Do you contribute to your community in any way? If you don’t, it is time to change this.

Helping others not onlymakes your life fulfillingbut also extraordinary. Volunteering and doing random acts of kindness are some of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

You can volunteer at animal shelters, hospitals, and in community projects. You could also help the poor, elderly, and homeless people around you.

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  1. Take a walk in nature

Most of us spend too much time indoors and never spare time to appreciate nature. This summer, do things differently and go outdoors more often.

Spending time in nature is one of the fun things to do this summer.Not only will you feel relaxed and love the fresh air butwalking is also a form of exercise.

Remember to be in the moment and enjoy the views, feels, and sounds of nature.

  1. Attend a concert

There are many concerts held in summer, both indoors and outdoors.

Attending a concert alone or with companions is one of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024. You will have a great time and meet people who share your taste in music.

  1. Watch the sunrise and sunset
2024 Summer Bucket List Ideas: 30 Fun Things to Do This Summer (3)

Summer has some spectacular sunsets and sunrises. Finding great spots and watching the sunset and sunrise are among the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

Watching sunrises and sunsets makes you feel at peace with nature as you observe its beauty in awe. You will also experience a feeling ofgratitudeand satisfaction.

  1. Go on an international vacation

Sure, the weather is great at home, but perhaps you want a change of scenery and to see the world too. One of the fun things to do in summer 2024 is to go on an international vacation.

You will enjoy the manybenefits of traveling,such as discovering new places, meeting new people, and learning about new cultures. Traveling will alsoboost your confidence, creativity, and empathy.

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  1. Host/attend a party

Whether it is a pool party, a barbecue, or a cookout, hosting or attending a party is among the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

You will have fun with your friends, neighbors, and family, dining together, networking, and sharing stories.

When nighttime comes, start a bonfire complete with s’mores, marshmallows, and drinks.

  1. Go hiking

Though the summer heat can make you want to avoid outdoor activities, it shouldn’t deter you from adding hiking to your summer bucket list for 2024.

However, you must remember to stay safe and avoid or be careful while using dangerous hiking trails. Stay hydrated, apply sunscreen, and have the right hiking gear or clothing.

You could go hiking alone or with your loved ones for more fun and bonding. If hiking alone, pick a well-marked trail, avoid being isolated, and inform someone of your whereabouts.

  1. Visit some relatives

Most extended families don’t live under the same roof, and many rarely spend time together even if they live close by. This year, visiting your relatives should be among your top summer bucket list ideas to try.

You will have a lot of fun and strengthen your bond when you spend quality time with your extended family.

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  1. Watch some movies and TV shows

Summer doesn’t have to be about outdoor activities only. Sometimes you just want to relax at home!

You are probablyalways busyat other times of the year and miss many of the latest movies and TV shows you love. If you have time off work or school this summer, binge-watching is one of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

You could also look for summer-themed movies and TV shows. And if you are with your family or friends, make it an outdoor movie night.

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  1. Go to a summer festival

Many festivals and celebrations happen in the summer, from Independence Day to the Pride parades. Attending various festivals is one of the fun summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

Go out and enjoy the fireworks, meet new people, sample delicious foods, play games, and participate in competitions.

  1. Go fishing
2024 Summer Bucket List Ideas: 30 Fun Things to Do This Summer (4)

Is there a lake or river near you? If there is, fishing is one of the fun things you can do this summer.

However, don’t just catch the fish for fun. Ensure you store them well so you can cook and eat them later.

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  1. Play a sport

There are so many sports you can play in the summer on the water and on the land. The games will be an excellent opportunity to have fun and bond with loved ones. You may also meet new people.

This summer, you could play team sports such as football, basketball, soccer and tennis on land.

Water sports such as surfing, waterskiing, paddle boarding, swimming, kayaking, canoeing, and scuba diving are other fun summer activities to try in 2024.

  1. Learn something new

Education is one of the main areas of life you should focus on because you can always learn new things and improve your skills. You finally have the time to do so during the summer.

Taking a class,using apps, becoming an apprentice, practicing by yourself, reading books and blogs, watching tutorials, and enrolling in online courses are fun things you can do this summer to improve your knowledge and skills.

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  1. Exercise outdoors

Just because it is summer and you are on vacation, it doesn’t mean that yourgood habits should go on a break too.

Imagine losing all the progress you had made toward becoming fit just because you want the temporary happiness you get fromoverindulgingor leading a sedentary lifestyle in summer!

Regular exercise is among the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024, and for good reason. Researchsuggests that workouts have numerous benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional health.

You could make your workout routine more fun by exercising outdoors in the summer. However, be careful with the amount of exercise you do in the summer heat asthere are some risks involved.

  1. Practice meditation outside

Practicing meditation may not seem like an activity that belongs on a list of fun things to do this summer, but it can be. This time, you could take it outdoors because the weather is great. You only need to find a quiet place.

Meditation has many benefits, including increasing patience, reducing stressandanxiety, being present, and improving creativity.

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  1. Water fights

Want a fun way for everyone to cool off after a day spent in the summer heat? Why not start a water fight?

Water balloon fights and water gun fights are among the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

You could also engage in water fights using buckets, cupped hands, and hose pipes connected to taps. The water fights will be such fun things to do this summer!

  1. Visit a zoo or aquarium

One of the fun things to do this summer is to visit a zoo or aquarium near you.

Unlike circuses, certified zoos and aquariumsare ethical. The fee you usually pay while visiting these places helps protect and care for the endangered species.

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  1. Give yourself a makeover

It is good to change your look and style with the season; that is why giving yourself a makeover is one of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024.

You could shop for new clothes and shoes, get a new hairstyle or haircut, change your skincare routine, get new nails, try new makeup products, work on your posture, and start a fitness program.

Giving yourself a makeover in the summer will make you feel like a new person. You will look and feel good about yourself.

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  1. Dance in the rain

It is not uncommon for there to be rain in the summer. But don’t hate the rainfall for ruining your plans or making you stay cooped indoors. Instead, seize this opportunity and go outside to dance in the rain and enjoy the sweet smell of soil.

Just ensure you don’t dance in the rain when there is lightning. Also, remember to take a shower, dry your hair, change your clothes, and have a hot beverage as soon as you get back inside the house.

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Wrapping Up

And there you have them! Above are some of the best summer bucket list ideas for 2024. Of course, there are many more fun things you can do this summer. But these are among the best summer activities to try.

Summer is the perfect time to have fun indoors and outdoors. So, whether you are alone or with your loved ones, ensure you have a great time this year by adding the above activities to your 2024 summer bucket list.

Have fun!

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2024 Summer Bucket List Ideas: 30 Fun Things to Do This Summer (2024)


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.